also for viewing

check out my video haikus
and slideshow videos on youtube at "junahsowojayboda"

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

personal evolution 7/31/19

personal evolution is hidden 
in the wisdom of non-eventfulness.
any time the mind-grab of awareness is on,
the mind wants a front row seat
working from an audience perspective.
that technique takes one out 
of the authenticity occurring 
and makes a subjective version as a substitute.
that substitute then becomes a basic addition
to the story of one’s life 
as told by the mental account of being.
one is again sabotaged from personal growth
by a mental equivalency as truth
as then the mind’s drive is to prove one’s worth
by an external set of perspectives and standards.
self-consciousness is in overwhelm with circumstance.
evolution, as a deep truth, 
sources beyond and beneath the evident,
not that now is not a stimulant in unrealized ways.
but the ambience of being
functions from an energetic truth basis
while self-consciousness features belief-bias 
as the driver of that need to becoming evident.
personal evolution is a surrender
and not a well-driven conquerer.
there is no 'change' gained in evolution.
it is an expansion-to-include as awareness 
as presence provides.
one becomes more confluent with the energy of being
without a stark realization as its pronouncement
to be rendered or accounted for.
if technique was to be the medium
then non-eventfulness would be a given
and eventfulness would not be relevant 
and more obviously, 
a distraction from the source.
yet both, given the currency 
of our present circumstances,
would be presently applied.
but source-fully, we would not be attending
to our consciousness in the same way.
for the medium of our beingness 
would be the broadcast of spirit 
as radiance
and personality, 
as a projection,
would be secondary and resolute
in service to our spirit . . . 

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

the profound benefits of failure 7/30/19

our personal dependency on failure
is not with the particulars
but more so on the method itself.
failure is a perspective leading into conclusions.
it is the essential work with failure
to discover beyond the elements accounted for
and to perceive beyond the stated results
so as to come to a clarity
beyond the makings of the event described.
failure is then investigated; 
for its abject worth,
for its stated elements of pronouncement,
for its emotional displacement,
and for its context of arrival 
and eventual resolve.
failure is a version of success.
for failure and success suffer 
from the same syndrome of influence,
caught in a futurization that proves one’s worth
but that falsifies this moment 
for the sake of another,
that substitutes audience perspective
for a value terrain made personal as ascent.
worth then becomes a distraction
in search of its original premise.
no, not the account premise,
but the hidden within one’s self premise.
the one that include irrational truths,
that remain undisclosed in real world ways.
where the context for self appraisal
has been made dependent 
upon exterior measures in a contextual confinement
that no one else really can adequately grasp
as either true source or hidden motivation.
yet the success or failure as vexing 
comes to apply as your worth relative to others,
as negotiated from the market of expectations,
mine for yours and yours for me.
all a false-front of existence in a communal sense
but still exceedingly prominent and practiced.
there is valuable information from success or failure
but not as a stifling conclusion or reaction.
somewhere within is the fluid state of being
that sees through and works with
the framing style exhibited by success or failure,
both of which produced a false status of being.
if passion were the guide
then neither would weigh heavily.
for instead of chasing success and avoiding failure,
both would serve to cultivate
a deeper sense of passion of being
and a refinement of drawnness 
as if purpose needed to take a momentous stance 
from deep within one’s being . . .

Monday, July 29, 2019

as if time was ever the measure 7/29/19

I want to leave all memories behind 
for aliveness.
not that they are not historically relevant,
but I want the kiss of now 
embracing me.
no, not for the momentary impression made
but for being lost 
in a timeless immersion,
where I am becoming nameless 
and without any identity out to save me.
I want to be usurped 
by a dimension beyond belief,
that recognizes me from the inside out,
that gives me a sense of being before experience.
for who we really are 
when we have no more verbal account.
for memory veils upon us 
in unforgeting but muting ways.
it is as a distortion 
away from calling out for timeless time.
but how we are humanly impressionable 
stalls us, into slower versions of being aware. 
we are than laden 
by what current reality versions command.
each moment as is, 
is experientially an aftermath of what really is real.
for us to be on the comeback from this
to actually be transformational from within.
we are not the need to be making up ground. 
but more so we are to ascend 
to a different medium of being.
gone are these daze spent 
in our circular journeys
as if time was ever the measure 
for this calling . . .

Sunday, July 28, 2019

my express-way 7/28/19

I am with the tire-tracks upon me,
the tapping chorus 
of soothing rain in passing,
the cacophonous contact sounds of litter 
heading for the curb.
I am burdened with the last remarks of roadkill,
the passing shadows of cloud-like cars.
I am with the yawns of sunrise
and the deep sighs 
and the cool-downs of sun-settings.
there is a certain grind to my complexion.
all of these images very studied 
and yet still sensing.
I wanted to be the life of a mirror
but opacity has taken its toll.
few will look at me 
and reflect upon their life.
sky is my only constant friend. 
I live a fantasy life 
through the journey of clouds.
and every day I turn another page.
so, what say you, 
in passing? . . . 

Saturday, July 27, 2019

at hand 7/27/19

my hands, 
holding nothing evident, 
play the instrument of life.
this is not the grasp of drum sticks
or the use of fingers 
on a keyboard’s melodious parade.
this is not the finger-tapping of trumpets 
or clarinets
or the feathering of violins
or the deep swirling swings on a harp.
there is absolutely nothing in sinc with breath.
escorted by no apparel as uniform.
just my hands on this instrument of living.
the escort of symphony is all around.
maybe there are page-turns along the way.
but I am not hearing cacophonous, as my sound.
occasional I surely hum the melody, 
quite privately, just heard inside.
at times, it feels like 
there is a seating arrangement
and I have made friends 
with everybody all around.
and yet there are other times 
when it feels like a marching band,
some sort of precision of movement in demand.
apparently some part of me 
knows where to go
and how it all flows,
while I play on,
as the instrument at hand . . .

Friday, July 26, 2019

precious 7/26/19

as if there is a space between 
the space allowed for thought.
there use to be very little space
between one thought to the next.
it was a rapid conveyer belt, 
in all ways consuming 
and then moving on.
my life was evidentially that ride.
I had a set of eyes 
and developed a feel for it.
there was a sort of tunnel vision, 
to living it.
yes, the pace has seemed to slow
and that was my experiential measure 
for my aging.
but then one day, I inadvertently discovered
a minuscule small amount of space 
between these thoughts that unavoidable come
and an unclaimable kingdom of spacial reserve.
curiously these all fell out of context.
they were not 
in my ordinary sense of thought-range.
something sort of backstage to being was occurring.
an open prairie of existence, 
on its own.
not so much ground-figure
or even a world of intendedness.
but somehow confluently belonging,
its seems to have no language
or need for a worldly order.
yet, it is fluid-on in to me.
it seems to feel like I am buoyant  
on this lake of it.
no, not necessarily even the urge for rowing.
fish and sea-birds come by 
to say hi in their own way.
land as shorelines seem to be excuses
unnecessary to make.
surface and sky seem to be 
in an unusual embrace around me,
for its hard for me to feel 
like an observer in this scene.
for now, thoughts labor themselves past me
yet still possibly through me.
as if gift packages sent my way
for me to send on to others.
oddly during this time,
thoughts feel so packaged
as if I am in a fire-line, 
as a bucket brigade of thoughts
are on their way through me
to somewhere else.
seemingly buckets come and go.
yet too, that rhythm has slowed.
for now there is so much otherwise happening
between each pass.
I seem to be made more essentially
of wonderment 
and easily to have wherewithal
to make these words about it.
since so much more of this dimension has appeared.
I have to wonder 
if all of the rest of my life
had been fronting.
for this all now comes to me so easily.
and there is no search or chase about it.
this world, between thoughts,
is a ‘precious’,
being of myself . . .

Thursday, July 25, 2019

shortcuts of trust 7/25/19

I live beyond worth.
I take on a life as a traveling berth to being.
I am not in a posture of deserving. 
where all of life is confluent,
there is no need for appraisal. 
we are the subtle physics of oneness exemplified,
to travel bravely through the worlds 
of depiction and specified. 
unity has no declarational need to be justified.
experience is only a seduction to recover from.
all wisdom has an uncertainty to its shelf life.
the only prayer ongoing is the constancy of we.
all utterances are only from the songbook of now.
seeing of itself, 
is the experiential mirroring of being.
all of living is a confessional prayer
as the constant state of offering.
no thought is ever a keepsake or a redemption.
love is but the composition of the auric skin we wear.
all motion is a form of dedicated humility,
for everything is migratory except for nothingness.
the source of all true smiles is the expression of vast.
only nothing can appear to be withheld.
sensing, as experience, is only icing on the cake.
the only existence of valid, as meaningful, 
is manifest.
yes, life is filled with shortcuts of trust . . .

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

seeing 7/24/19

I have a relationship with seeing.
what I see are sensory friends to me.
most are stoic.
and few offer animation coming my way.
any motion is a form of conversion.
my animation is some form of dialogue in-play.
everything sighted is invitational to me.
its all a greeting line,
eyes open, 
moving through the day.
I love it, 
when we see eye to eye.
some much of shared wealth
is in this exchange.
cherishing the adventure of visuals.
what more in viewing
can I say? . . .

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

moment to moment 7/23/19

no moment is ever the same 
as a previous moment 
because there is only one moment
and that the method of retention 
cues on repeatability 
and therefore sacrifices the riches of the moment 
for the gloss-possibility of carriage of memory 
from the last moment into the next 
as if that concept actually works 
towards richness and depth of being.
that fallacy produces self as audience 
and clipped versions that contrast and compared 
to sustain a notion of next mount revisited 
as an ongoing to the last 
in a mindset way.
therefore almost all skill-sets for awareness 
that humans possess 
get culled down to service in this style
and feature what provides 
for this ongoing view 
of this moment to moment
as a slideshow set in motion 
by the insatiable ever-screen viewing used
as each frame 
is further recognition confirming.
all of which takes us out of this moment 
in anticipation of featuring the next 
as a form of superficial engagement 
in our notion of a reality format. 
therefore now never fully comes into existence. 
we are not able to engage and immerse 
in that depth of presence.
all mental faculties are cuing towards that gloss 
that has become 
recognition’s stance in a mindful way.
this is the difference between looking to see 
and gazing to be.
in a see-world, there are lots of things identified
and therefore things to look at 
for recognition purposes.
in a gaze-world, there is as we are. 
any recognition has no audience elements 
to distinctively intake.
our reality has extra unnecessary parts 
of self-participation 
that keep us from actually being present with, 
as part of.
our version of integration requires all else 
to matter to us, 
in meaningful ways 
without regard to how all else 
truly integratively works 
in the bigger picture 
that we have no frame 
of personal reference for.
we exist, in our minds,
as standalones, 
experiencing the world 
around us . . .

Monday, July 22, 2019

what can’t be helped 7/22/19

how does one come to know 
what can’t be helped?
does that become the wisdom of letting go?
is this the demystification 
of the concept of control?
is this where personal motives and meaning 
part ways?
is this where and how to draw the line 
when lines don’t work any more?
is this not the change 
but the transformation 
for the use of motive?
is this the discovery
of the victimhood of a strategists?
or how accomplishment is 
only a curator’s dream-life.
or why moments of emptiness 
may be more essentially meaningful?
or how bigger and better 
become false perspectives?
what can’t be helped
is such a monumental accomplishment
to the discovery 
and the usage 
of the human spirit’s enterprise . . .

Sunday, July 21, 2019

the work of understanding 7/21/19

what is the work that understanding does?
I pass through this moment 
with an abundance of brain-clutter?
I live in an informed countenance of passivity?
I am waiting for an opportunity 
to share this mind-field of wealth?
all that I have come to know
gives fear a basis of operation
as to how I prepared for what’s next. 
understanding has a potential affect 
on how and why next moments present.
but understanding also has a passivity to it.
a way of falsely calming one down
a ploy of ignorance to the moment at hand
a reliance on memory and expectation’s worth
understanding can be a story 
read to oneself to feel okay
understanding can be a workforce from within,
active and ever presently engaged.
it can be a style of self-permission,
a method of pursuit,
a singular means of competence,
a feel providing for readiness,
a personal method for being self-referential,
for some, understanding does not mean mindful.
understanding is only the work,
not the person 
or the grounds for claiming one’s worth.
understanding can fill the moment
and void the depth of being.
understanding is the standard safety net approach.
but it is one dimension shy of being the driver.
the work of understanding 
is in the hands of the spirit of the being.
and the artist of the mind
only creates from the inspiration of that soul . . .

Saturday, July 20, 2019

heroes or sheroes 7/20/19

heroes or sheroes only exist 
in an audience frame of reference.
it is a dysfunctional means of relatedness.
I don’t really need to only know what you did.
I need to experience where you hurl from within.
from where within do you see?
how do you spark?
and how your self love 
ignites your process . . . 

Friday, July 19, 2019

in luminary confinement 7/19/19

proclaimed individuality is a means 
of isolation for uniqueness to be a reward. 
that then becomes a refinement of its own.
but the extendedness of that refinement 
becomes appearances of loneliness. 
and as loneliness becomes drawn out,
the collapse becomes evident.
and the method of the initial frame-setting 
intended in the first place
from or for prominence or popularity
yields to one’s own form 
of self-imprisonment
still potentially popular 
but limited from the deep intimacies
of unspecified human contact 
and the interplay 
that comes out of shared mutualities. 
proclaimed is a karmic lesson of delusion,
a deception of the self,
to be discovered
as a means 
to a deeper sense of humanity . . .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

H to O 7/18/19

does an iceberg say good bye 
to the intimacy 
lost from the melt?
will we ever be together 
in some other vein?
as frozen neighbors again,
but for now
abundantly fluid 
yet highly viscous,
in sync in the sea,
we are mutually on the evaporative ascent,
huddled together
either in cloud-based travel,
or gravity spent 
in a shared symphony of falling rain.
under any means
I am with you
and of you.
It is always grand
to be
H to O you . . .

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

where’s Waldo of my spirit 7/17/19

I don’t like the experience of the moment.
I’m always looking for 
‘where’s’ the Waldo of my spirit’ in it.
this is all a big puzzle 
in a blizzard of distraction 
with ambient camouflaged to boot.
where is the touchstone of my being 
for each moment that is happening?
I want to have those eyes for seeing 
and my spirit 
for guiding from my heart.
I feel like I am guzzling 
on a lukewarm of reality.
experience like this produces tired eyes,
too much circumstantial flat-screen overwhelm.
my occupancy is highlighted by boundaries.
this is of itself, a false personal perspective,
as if everyone is a criminal of their mind.
what does that say 
about the inner jury of self contention?
and further, if we all live 
with the weight of these hidden conclusions 
logged as personal memory and jury,
where does the newborn 
of the moment within 
come from with innocence 
and assertion without restraint?
and what forms the character 
of that child of self going forward?
and how does cynical not intrude 
when emotions in the moment run high?
it’s all too strangely inward, 
being human self-consciousness, that is.
not that the life road doesn’t appear long enough
and the illusion keeps that distance real.
yes, alive in the mind’s eye
and light above laboring.
remembering that familiarity is 
an elucidating slideshow, 
used by habit 
to show ourselves
how to go about 
with these props we have 
utilized for living.
I live for the Waldo of my spirit,
rising above and through 
living this maze of puzzle-dumb . . .

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

snowflake (haiku) 7/16/19

snowflake’s manuscript
unique storyline to see
crystal in maze-works 

Monday, July 15, 2019

the bones about it 7/15/19

our bodies are anecdotals.
and our feelings unattended 
become passe.
I have no knowledge 
of the intense lovemaking of the ‘now’.
for I am beside myself 
with artifacts and memories.
where we are this light,
it casts no shadows.
the song of this goes on
but never becomes sounded as sung.
experience of this 
washes off real clean
yet the isness is undisturbed.
they call it out as love 
with initials 
carved into the wearings of lifetimes.
glimpses of these there-afters
become the continuance of religions.
knowing becomes the petals of memory
falling off the livingness of humans as trees.
yet I wear the down of uprisings
and accessorize with aftermaths. 
I am the abusiveness of intimacy
and the luster-dust of radiance.
I am every octave as open pores,
the cubicles of eternities,
the eddies in the rippling phase 
of flows that last forever.
I am the wink of eras
and the slander of shameless time.
I am humbled as mass
and nothingness as delight.
all surface is butt slander,
in that, oneness has no face.
I offer you the beyond
as a slap on the camouflage of being.
future is a smirk, 
always forthcoming.
the present grabs your throat.
we have lips that meet. 
now is coming into this where-upon.
I am you, 
as are our tongues.
we are this child of existence.
and we only are the bones
that we make about it . . .

Sunday, July 14, 2019

openly provide 7/14/19

I cannot freely give
as if there is no exchange happening 
at some esoteric level and beyond.
but I can openly provide
that you in your self-initiative 
can willingly respond.
interaction has many depths, levels 
and exchanges in these ongoings.
most may not be seen
as consciously exchanged
or intentional in any conscious manner.
but we all dance
either by symbolic cues,
apparent gestures,
feelings that flourish,
or callings that surface.
by this of ourselves,
for accidents are only untold stories
yet to be mutually revealed.
that we pass through each other
is, as destiny is the weave.
we are,
even by the faintest of impressions,
as simple sightings
far off in the distance of refrain,
or to the other extreme,
by madcap interactions
that eventually prove to be
beyond the witness of insane.
we are,
as the oneness of us stirs.
account is far in the dust of thereafter
any translation preys upon 
being euphemistically historical.
we only have the flint and steel of now.
I cannot freely give,
but I can openly provide . . .

Saturday, July 13, 2019

tree bark (haiku) 7/13/19

the bark of a tree
not loud by the sound of it
but roars standing tall

Friday, July 12, 2019

ode, to live on 7/12/19

I don’t want to live on,
as if for the quench of it.
I‘m willing to set all my desires 
as if they live 
as meaningful cause, aside.
to let my rational mind wander off, 
solely, on its own.
to not be 
in the human nature of feel
but rather in the essence 
of its isness.
to not be
by recognition’s account
nor the dust of knowing 
beckoned to return.
let the  ‘be’ of me 
make its own way 
before language can form,
where cohesion and coherence are 
in the eternal commingle,
where before ‘audience’ 
was ever invented,
be of that ‘there’ 
before identification ever occurred, 
be before ‘oneness’ 
ever had a term referring.
I am then, now, and thereafter.
commitment has no need to form.
I leave acknowledgment for its formatedness,
presence for its self aware,
dignity for its distinctiveness in contrast
and the understanding of love, 
for its immediate implications.
I go no further 
in the sense of time
or in the need for space.
if only,
to surrender the all of it.
where essence doesn’t know 
the rigors of its isness,
where no next is ever coming 
yet ever is the flow,
where light has no speed 
but is ever the constancy,
and where in-breath is
and out-breath was and will be . . .