also for viewing

check out my video haikus
and slideshow videos on youtube at "junahsowojayboda"

Saturday, February 29, 2020

care for some temperament? 2/29/20

every mood has elements of passive-aggressiveness to it.
it is the squirming birth of a feel,
the writhing and the bluntness,
initially microscopic until first evidence.
somewhere in the coarse-work of its impetus,
emotional impulse strikes a chord.
and that chord rises from within,
gaining register and definition
until in the range of felt, it registers.
its essential makeup has elements of distant past
and the currency of a now-awareness.
it surrounds itself with an internal of like kind.
the private media of self takes up the cause.
the pro-con environment is still very confidential,
but the buildup is on.
the swarm of mood is approaching.
the prejudice of perspective has orders.
feel takes on a bloom of mood.
mindfulness is still following along,
gathering an escort of justification to use.
there is the beginnings of a stockpile of language potential.
some straightforward, some with varied disguises
but neither have their talking papers.
yet presence has their uniforms on
and are standing at inward attention,
ready to serve.
the environment of person to person innocently waits.
well, maybe pretends to wait.
clues have been sent out into the mutual flow.
subtleties have been banning together without witness.
even in faintness, there is still a demand.
no, it's not a page turn
or a topic tare down,
but currents without surface have been moved along.
mood will show.
the relational environment will reflect.
the story to be read 
will be from an altogether different book
then when we were just here as such.
for it won't necessarily be the topic itself
but more importantly the grip on the words,
the tone of deliverance,
and the fallout that registers as mood.
as the feeling environment has been taken up
when nuance puts the top down
and drives around in the neighborhood of attitude.
now the journey has a driver and a passenger.
and eventually that question emerges.
where are we going (with this)?
(followed by, 
are we almost there?) . . .

Friday, February 28, 2020

self . . . love 2/28/20

self love is not appraisal 
but a generative in nature.
self love is not a noun stance.
it is the subtly of an action verb 
from within its own origin.
it is an unpronounceable evocative
which brings on a dimension of awareness.
it may present as a beehive of auric warmth,
an ability to view beyond 
what horizons present,
or as an intimacy, 
that seems to have had no beginning.
it wears life 
with an inner fervor,
occupies a palate 
that registers for many colors of feel,
and acquiesces to a deep well 
from which to draw the self of nurturance. 
it comes from a greater whole than existence,
and feeds on the lightness of being
that provides nurturance all around.
it is a conduit existence.
ever the flow
but never claiming as source.
it is a channeling of being
in the broadcast of a deeper light.
it starts out as if being on the river.
then comes to realize itself
as in the river
and eventually gains a residence as the river.
all three states then coincide.
where self then becomes the aperture
of a fluid presence ever present.
nurturance as that presence with others.
self as this love
is not isolative 
but is ever the emotion-course way of existence.
as the self anointed with the presence of love . . . 

Thursday, February 27, 2020

accomplish meant (haiku) 2/27/20

what accomplish meant
when 'be' is subservient 
'do' gets the credit

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

broadcast of being 2/26/20

for wherever you want to go,
relative to time and space,
you can only get there
as the experiential baggage of yourself.
and what you get
for where you have gone,
is the wearage as rewards
and recollection as decals from those journeys,
as the symbology of these wanderings
that travel on as their memories do.
the journaling of you is as a suitcase of evidence.
for experience makes us all travelers,
with these recollections made of straw
as reminiscence becoming the threadbare of narratives.
we make mountains out of landfills remembered.
but we do not escape the seasons 
as observation's experiential curses and rewards.
oh, to see beyond what sight offers
and to feel beyond how felt responds.
to not have journey as a here-to-there 
and then the reframe as back again.
where experience is 
but an animation of highlighted oncoming fog
over our heads
with pinholes in it for our sensory aware 
to flood over us.
I want the life of isness
where travel is no elaboration
and living beyond experience
is my deeper means.
where the dance has no bodies of mention
but all movement is in sacred glide.
where intake is without holographic regard,
as the broadcast of being
is the journey unto itself . . .

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

expectation is waiting (haiku) 2/25/20

what happens till then (?)
is expectation's surmise
checklist in waiting

Monday, February 24, 2020

stage presence 2/24/20

there is no speed to light.
by the time it gets to us,
light is mundane phantasmagoric symbolic 
and rendered by elements like speed and brightness.
sensory endowed, we cogitate over it.
for information is the cuckold of our knowing.
for there is a world of 'outside-the-box' 
always in play,
as we vagrantly wander around 
in a random-to-wonder mode of response.
sensory is the ever-last audience ticket of entry.
is a quasi-why, only as rhetorical?
and we call stage presence, 
as consciousness . . .

Sunday, February 23, 2020

my calling out 2/23/20

when force applied is 
personally felt as a gift,
when the inward draw is 
somewhat a forthcoming demand,
when personal interest is 
like the intimate pull of gravity,
is that when what is . . .
does itself, 
as my awareness?
so when I am a palate
looking up at the brush leaving me,
as voice,
as touch,
as thought formed,
where is the sea of us
relative to my circumstance?
I am violated
just to be a person,
when my calling out
speaks for everyone. . .

Saturday, February 22, 2020

see what is me (haiku) 2/22/20

looking through clear pains
for what I come to notice 
reflects what is me

Friday, February 21, 2020

wide-eyed 2/21/20

I feel wide-eyed 
but see nothing of particular import.
maybe just an embrace of light-intake is happening.
it is a warmth without any heat,
friendly without any parts or trappings.
there is a covering
as if I was taking in a view,
but it is all feel
with nothing visually identified.
everything feels close and intimate,
a kind of serenity without known parts.
it is all out-flow,
even though it feels like intake.
the witness of myself is out of the way.
I could channel existence
as if an instrument of livingness.
nothing personal intended,
just expression of the grandeur, 
an intimacy without experience mattering,
an overwhelm of vastness,
easily expressed within a mystifying composure.
if I had to define love,
I would start here.
realizing there are no words
and the feel of it
surrenders from each person,
to be . . .

Thursday, February 20, 2020

the bask of this wonder 2/20/20

the essence of experience is of a constancy
that goes past, well beyond, 
the immediacy of our mentality's ever-change.
I fall back into this mindful awareness, intermittently.  
only a sense of self 
gives its presence by this distinct clarity 
and by this means of notice 
as an edginess.
yet, when once away 
from that familiar means of attention, 
I hum with steel,
converse with water,
have intimacies with air.
as the fury of this vastness of calm 
is ever-inviting.
the mental aprons of identification's methods
tend to fall away
but still, I have come to observe
that trees are the last bastions of public honesty,
and land lives indifferently
beyond our human aberrations and indulgences.
and secretly, I have my wellness 
then recovering, 
from my indulgences beyond these observations,
from this now ever present distant viewing.
for me,
vibrational presence is its own active philosophy. 
I have to come all the way back to here,
with the trust in my heart
that I can fashion words
of these other dimensions 
that don't excuse themselves
but fluidly persist
in spite of the anomalies 
of my mental attempt at intervention.
my being there 
has no life for a 'me' at all.
for I am now only putting verbal wrapping paper
on a world that has no need for gifting,
no exchanges that search for what is already so,
beyond a confluence with us,
unto themselves,
no edginess that experience can gather in or take from.
where 'now' does not wear 
the keepsake jewelry of time
and the apparel of space.
all of the bask from this wonder, 
only anoints me,
while I have this receivership from my perception,
as sacred becomes my glimpses 
as well as my experiential excuse . . .

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

news (haiku) 2/19/20

news is all locust
feeding's psychological
emotions, to swarm

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

from gloss to gleam from glow 2/18/20

solutions of human behavior acts 
can never be because of the act itself,
that is the force feed for obvious attention,
the reprimand for appearances' sake.
the serious unmovable, inscrutable, 
is the mindset origin 
and impenetrable thoughts patterns
instilled in emotional stone.
origins from years earlier
as both the hard learning process
and the operative method of personal existence,
that is used to succeed in a self version account,
that is initially force-feed, as if it is news worthy.
it provides for all parties to become pseudo aware
but blatantly uninvolved in the healing process.
headlines pass like the use of napkins in restaurants. 
yes, there is apparent demonstrated usage
but ultimately, left on the table
when moving on from that conversational meal served.
news is meal served 
but about spices and palate intake,
not about nutrition or wellbeing going forward.
one can come to alter one's behavior, 
especially from an otherwise observable perspective
but the work of cleaning up the mindset,
personally and privately cleaning up that mindset
is not just developing the cover up
but actually emotionally working inwardly at a re-fabric.
not just a stalwart correction override
but a deep study, with self introspective, 
at a reclaim of being,
for finding a deeper truth to be directed from,
a re-weave of intention and operative means,
a self-witness inwardly in place
that now contributes to the self-directive
of conscious human behavior expressed.
that is what is necessary
but are we of a culture of that intrigue?
do we, as intimate support members,
provide for that process to be authenticated,
to be substantiated, going forward interaction-ally?
can we, from where we currently are,
become the active fabric of a culture evolving,
resourced and revitalized towards new growth and wellness?
we can only be the sounding boards 
for those with which an intimacy that already exists.
so much of first stage recovery has to start there.
it can look like innocent caring
but it requires a deeper use of awareness than just passage.
it is more than just tending, as appearances go.
there has to be a link-up of the feel.
people need the encouragement present
to go deeper within,
to go beyond the accusational moments of the past,
to look into the held and the withheld-ness,
to find the glitches and the binds of self in belief.
self-love of that depth needs support 
and a sense of human comfort.
we are all secretly in that predicament,
as the living predicament itself.
for whatever features as newsworthy-surface,
only provides an option of inward pursuit.
for whatever the behavior's offending action,
within lies, the privacy of mindset's self-damage.
we are all carriers,
some, with great discretion and heed, 
while others are out of frame from within.
their self-aware is easily suppressed
while in service to other inward demandings 
but adequately disguised needs.
recovery is always in the collective,
even though it is all self-work made evidential.
it is like a giant quilting process,
to make a quilt of consciousness,
in which everyone is a participant 
by their self-work,
contributing to the overall. 
this quilt will generate a surface, 
evident everywhere throughout the share.
maybe as the table spread
or the campsite sit down cover
but its utility is evident by participation
that brings out a culture kneaded-ness into existence
by all parties, as common practice demonstrates.
we, as a culture,
become less of the gloss 
and more-so,
the demonstration of the gleam
from this as the glow . . .

Monday, February 17, 2020

what I don't often hear 2/17/20

understanding is complete 
when actualization is beyond 
comprehension's offerings

how does think 
make up the leash laws 
for going on to talk?

whatever your future goals
your rearview mirror of experience
is the feedback departing

nothing is more complex 
than how knowing works
and what to do with it 
beyond retention

a smirk is unknowingly, 
a self-abusive smile

when facileness is featureless
ease goes on
without notice or heed

reaching for the say towards equality 
is comparative truth 
with bad breath

every new disease 
is a pharmaceutical hunt for gold
and the issue is not the disease 
but how to harvest it

common topic agreement 
can make us 
internal method friendly

having a crush 
is learning to play 
a musical instrument 
of the heart

Sunday, February 16, 2020

the makings of a brain sneeze 2/16/20

who'd of thought this to be true?
first an incredulous, 
then jaw-dropping, 
then laughing stock 
all in a process
which is much similar 
to the physical generation of a sneeze
only in this first case 
it is the physicality of a brain sneeze, 

Saturday, February 15, 2020

how rich is rich? 2/15/20

how rich has postures,
promotes itself,
positions to keep claiming,
becomes an honored icon gathering low grade lust,
lives on, in forgetful minds,
creates a landscape of viewing rigidity,
has beautiful as observed, but not being,
has a cognitive code driven conduct,
thrives on short-term cynical batteries,
revels in self-protective services,
knows the difference between can't and won't,
has act-outs as if speeches delivered,
expects to be thoroughly listened to, 
has positions that others need to respect as givens,
has a personal history, if necessary, reimagined,
see the vastness of life from adequately afloat,
assumes that life has stage presence as their view,
expects to be respectfully asked, 
faces the conundrum of worth by presence of others,
has a secret life of anomalies and tacky private discords,
couldn't be bothered unless self-directed,
weighs in as if having import,
and has roles of self assigned from self approval.
rich has load-bearing as a self gravity.
rich has an emotional tattoo on the inside.
rich has what could have been, 
as now otherwise assigned . . .

Friday, February 14, 2020

experience is consciousness 2/14/20

experience is consciousness 
with an expectational narrative,
on, all the time. 
how I locate right here, right now,
is by the high contrast of the looks and feel 
from everywhere else, 
as from the recent then 
to the immediacy of now.
it's not that I am not bored with expectation
as my personal directive.
but I now look for the edginess 
off of expectation's offerings.
I simply have to have the expectation
in order to frame the unexpected.
I live in the expected
but I live for the unexpected.
of course there is the obviousness.
but more so, buried in the ambiguous,
is the blatantly concealed,
the dark and dubious.
there is the seepage of the somewhat accidental,
the utterly amazing,
the unforeseen,
even the astonishment
that I can come to live with.
experience has to be made of that,
otherwise I am listless and thoroughly bored.
yes, experience is boring
much like a bus ride to where (?). 
I don't care.
I have all this pent up enthusiasm 
and nothing to spend it on.
all I have otherwise
is a closet full of self-intimacies
as my private form of healthy neurosis. 
at least that is what I think it is.
anyways, experience is like this collage
and the intake seems to always be on,
don't you have one of these? . . .

Thursday, February 13, 2020

bystander status 2/13/20

attention is losing its first person experience style.
attention is becoming 
more of a flat screen reality viewing style.
sort of like audience perception
with bystander status,
as if I was there 
but not involved.
yes, I saw what I saw,
but, I don't know what you are asking.
reality is passively aggressive 
in that it is there and intrusive.
and I have weathered its presence,
even though I am not genuinely interested.
there is nothing fascinating
about getting through the day.
I make up what is interesting from me.
I live from breadcrumb to breadcrumb
in that way.
otherwise, it's a zombie-land out there.
it's straight up like television
but not easy to change the channels.
I am happiest when I am in control.
reality is slippery that way.
so I attempt to fill my life
with experiences that I can create.
thus I'm on screens as much as possible.
it's emotional animation to me.
better than the bystander status of living otherwise . . .

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

expand to include 2/12/20

I have a crush on the unknown
a deep seated calling that lingers
am ambushed by this unexpectedly
turned inside out once again 
as if I really have no clue
as to who I am
and what I really chase after
but I keep falling up
curiosity is now a framing style
focus has no surety to it
it's not like rain from the sky
but clues do appear
relatedness seems to clarity coalesce
from a profound image of nothing
to a connectivity never seen before
wonderment seeps in to arise
there are hidden blooms appearing
the world is more embraceable 
there is more efficiency to sensing
there are handrails of knowing all around
the intake in mesmerizing 
expand to include
is the embrace to be . . .

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

experience is why we chase what follows 2/11/20

I go into thirst for the bleak circumstance to anoint me.
I go into anger for peace to be a deluge of overwhelm.
I ask for violence to dismembered me by serenity.
I want for dualities to be inseparable identical twins. 
I amble along for assurances to eventually engulf me.
I want for convulsions into laps of profound laugher,
to find this absentminded lingering 
to be the source of all knowledge,
to be utterly confounded by the stampedes of certitude.
there is a want for my bleed-outs to be in full bloom,
for my marathon of madness 
to be a run-on sentencing,
for the lightness of being to be a tai chi of kindness,
for investiture to be a disrobing of this self,
for guilt by association 
to be personified incestuous oneness,
for the end of any more pronouncements 
as if newness ever reigned,
for silence to be the language of immersion's overwhelm,
for deep-seated to be forever flowering,
essentially rooted in love,
for angst to be dissolved within inseparability's call,
for sighs to be the ever-herding of laughables,
for fright to be on holiday 
soaking in the warmth of the sun,
for the sight of scattered clouds 
to be the seasoning of every meal deliciously taken.
to be where decoding is the highest form of honesty,
where meaningfuls are just migratory routes 
along the milky-way,
where lip-service become doorman to breath-aware,
where all minds are in service to humming in silence
and where sound is first felt
before it is ever the heard . . .
(experience is why we chase what follows)

Monday, February 10, 2020

dealing from the heart 2/10/20

if capitalism is the psychology of leverage into profit
then what is the psychology of kindness into caring?
if profit is the driver of human psychology in earnest
then what will it take for kindness 
to also have that status of earnestness appeal?
there can't be an override of such.
if profit overwhelms caring,
then there are two philosophies at work.
and they are not interactional to anyone's benefit.
they create very different worlds of existence,
namely, one of separatist's insularity as success
and one of collective confluence forming,
one of prominent control operatives
and one of creative means interactive.
evolution is only served by one of these two
and a down-turn status assigned to the other.
psychology is a self-confessional possessed.
it should be a dialogue not a monologue existence.
when 'how' is pursuing 'why', psychology functions
but when 'why' is an isolation response,
survival perspective reigns.
'how' makes 'why' pursue a higher means.
'how' questions 'who' is speaking for 'why'.
capitalism has reversed the order of means,
in which case, 'how' is supposed to work for 'why'
and 'why' is an island of self, 
where profit is the embarrassment of a species 
unto itself 
but unrealized in its course of action.
the override of this insularity is a version of self.
the pretend is that that is a true course of action.
the psychology of kindness into caring 
can not be annihilated from human existence,
but the suppression is common existence amongst us all.
capitalism is poker played as real life.
and the game never ends
and the table is never left.
it is a game of expense, 
a false premise of play
that requires that in order for me to win,
others have to loose as a functional perspective.
the chips are assign a value
that the heart of being human can't abide by,
yet we play into oblivion
as if unconsciousness is the joy of the moment.
we would all want that poker table to be serving a meal
where nourishment wasn't so abstract as winning presents.
and the eventual discovery is 
that the psychology of kindness into caring
deals from the heart 
and not from the headiness that capitalism provides . . . 

Sunday, February 9, 2020

we haven't got the time-space down 2/9/20

to all of space,
its comprehension of time, 
is just a unified 'now'.
all of its past and future
is completely contained
in that now.
that 'now' is unrealized comprehension
by our means.
we don't understand that comprehension.
we invented understanding
as a means
but the leverage and insight from it,
does not essentially address this issue.
our method of addressing time-space
still contains a false undiscovered premise,
an abstraction of means
that does not exist in the time-space continuum 
in the way we presume it to be.
and that unexplored premise is our perceptual style.
we have it as an objective pursuit, 
when there is no objectivity by our means.
we are also an integral part of the time-space
but have invented a medium 
in which we have time and space 
as separate entities.
yet one is in disguise in the other
or vice versa.
and we can't realize the disguise embedded within.
we call out space
and do not a sense of the time of it.
and we call out time 
and do not feel for the space of it.
our comprehension is all sensory surface
and not real sense-immersion into it.
our language is the style
of all wrapping paper.
we do not know how to unwrap with language
when time-space does not function or cater that way.
we ourselves are the method of enigmas
as the consternational emptiness of answers
and the befuddlement of false immersions.
we entrain towards this preoccupancy 24/7.
how we have experience is substitutional.
where ever we are,
we only take cognitive photos,
to have a memory as a distant refrain.
we falsify the essentialness
into a self-contained version,
a construct of mental equivalency 
and an ever advancing construct as understanding.
reality is only iconic
in its mediumship with time-space.
time-space is not the addressable issue.
more directly, it's how comprehension has displaced us
in our participation in time-space.
we truly are there
but not by comprehensive means.
our entire lives are an aborted effort
of experiential comprehensive means
but the methods we use, strengthen our separateness
by observational pulls and sensory lockdowns
that limit our hows and whys of conscious existence.
time-space is a consciousness
that we cannot demand into experience-realm existence.
we selectively pursue experiential means
to the exclusion of a time-space consciousness,
with an unceasing dedication of an awareness from within
and yet no means of exposure evident.
we think we can abstract isness out of method.
invent all methods,
not realizing the abstraction that that becomes,
to the exclusion of our essential search.
we are all of the leap of intention and draw
but we survive by the meaning-full-ness of our fall.
leap and fall have our time-space version of account
which really don't exist outside our sense of that.
our use of time and space does not give us a unified now
we are in that now
but always, by our means,
experiencing at it as a past
to postulate a future
and neither truly exist in a unified now . . .