also for viewing

check out my video haikus
and slideshow videos on youtube at "junahsowojayboda"

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

the work on bad-faith by angels 3/31/20

the work on bad-faith by angels
the work done by angels working against bad-faith
is secretly practiced
when subjectivity rules one's perspective taken,
when the timing is so far off 
as if to cause unintentional harm,
when betrayal is not what it seems 
but ultimately revealing,
when duplicity has become a pattern 
of overwhelming lying to oneself,
when dishonesty will hurt oneself 
much more far later discovered,
when being cunning started with a bad concept 
to begin with,
when one-upmanship devastates 
a deeper chance at true love,
when one's hypocrisy will eventually 
only come home to roost ,
when deceit become more formally 
a self-injury later discovered,
when double-crossing does not help one
get from here to there,
when the art of one's deception 
becomes an image others know to well.
this is then the work on bad-faith by angels.
so, can you blame them?
( especially if they were yours?)

Monday, March 30, 2020

to a now without a self 3/30/20

understanding is a complete desecration of the now.
therefore, experience is a complete imposter 
of the present.
it makes us all shills unto ourselves.
we are not unlike spiders. 
for we are the fabric 
of the webs we weave.
only to catch ourselves 
as evocatives of self consumption.
we are vicissitudes and peccadillos 
in self in consumption.
now passes through us 
without any hindrance or mire,
as if in the air we breathe,
but not a breeze to ride high.
give me a now, 
dressed in the wardrobe of being
and I am the exiting of my self 
as finally, 
fully complete . . .

Sunday, March 29, 2020

sculpted (haiku) 3/29/20

we sculpt each other
I'm clay for your perception
as you are for me

Saturday, March 28, 2020

the wake-up call 3/28/20

the wake-up call
is not that sudden.
more like sun-up from behind clouds,
feeling for the warmth 
before the impress of the glare.
there is a knock on the door inside one's head
before there is room with a door to knock.
there is a flood of inner space 
where think occurs,
but yet not crowded with thoughts 
normally waiting in line.
drawnness overrides any sense of distraction.
the appeal has heart presence
before it has mind fill.
compelled is accomplish with soft encouragement.
a bigger picture registers with a soft gaze.
the intention has a fluidity 
before any real physical movement happens.
it is as if a flood of grace
over a landscape of previous mired resistance. 
perspective has lift off.
the camouflage has shoes, 
realized behind the curtain for looking.
time is not sluggish in its invitation.
so many props are in support and applause.
wings have hand skills to boot.
no more statues to honor
in the latency park of resistance. 
wake up has melody,
done only with inner sound.
it is like warm snow-melt has formally arrived.
inner self has animation into life . . .

Friday, March 27, 2020

the wake-up call 3/27/20

the wake-up call
is not that sudden.
more like sun-up from behind clouds,
feeling for the warmth 
before the impress of the glare.
there is a knock on the door inside one's head
before there is room with a door to knock.
there is a flood of inner space 
where think occurs,
but yet not crowded with thoughts 
normally waiting in line.
drawnness overrides any sense of distraction.
the appeal has heart presence
before it has mind fill.
compelled is accomplish with soft encouragement.
a bigger picture registers with a soft gaze.
the intention has a fluidity 
before any real physical movement happens.
it is as if a flood of grace
over a landscape of previous mired resistance. 
perspective has lift off.
the camouflage has shoes, 
realized behind the curtain for looking.
time is not sluggish in its invitation.
so many props are in support and applause.
wings have hand skills to boot.
no more statues to honor
in the latency park of resistance. 
wake up has melody,
done only with inner sound.
it is like warm snow-melt has formally arrived.
inner self has animation into life . . .

Thursday, March 26, 2020

oh that initial smile 3/26/20

the smile is a sword
planted in the grip of the face.
the fist muscles are mostly in the cheeks.
the eyes can be highly focused
as if a target is in mind.
but the secret to the intention
is in the corners of the mouth,
as if the face were a bow 
and not really a sword.
for those two corners will reveal
the sense of intention,
either for delivery or reception,
aggression or response.
at that point, 
a view into the eyes
will confirm,
one way or the other,
looking for embrace,
or for appropriate distance
to conceal inward remark 
held as conclusion unsaid.
this is easier to notice in a photo
yet more intriguing 
in the rush of a face to face.
the energetic exchange as such
can alter the original stance.
maybe verbiage is also exchanged,
but the first order of reveal,
mine for yours
turns swords into all kinds of magic,
from lunges of direct intention
into shared flutters,
from billboards with flat surmise
into surprising animation,
from icy snow-melts 
into the same river of cause,
or from surface ice
into deep wells to mutually drink from.
for all swords are well crafted,
consciously so,
or otherwise.
yet we all have weapons of wonderment
as engagement, 
also deeply and readily at hand . . .

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

nothing lasts forever 3/25/20

nothing does last forever,
in the dissolution of everything
as common place observant.
but everything is only a pretend of ours
by our methods of meaningful depiction.
once we come to be in oneness
then there is no need for observation.
there is no sense of separateness as means.
therefore no claim of anything
when all is one.
and nothing is the departure 
from the everything viewing style
that we are so now accustom.
at that point,
nothing has no language to speak it.
there is no source point of observation
to make that claim,
much less to speak it,
nothing does last forever . . . 

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

we are water 3/24/20

the illusion of time and space 
are the only elements that separate us from oneness
sure, we are sensory deprived of that confluence
and we spend 24/7 religiously promoted into separateness
but still from within and deeply all around
there is access to oneness
all of mass is deeply committed in the most subtle of ways
we have adopted perceptions and methods of denial
only to spend a lifetime in discovery
to dwell in the self as separate 
yet to be compelled to connect
as much as we flavor with the obviousness of experience
we have other subtler means of being coalescent
heartfelt and emotion delivered
it both radically and subtly occurs
eventually experience is the only thing left
promoting individuality as prominent
but even experience gives way
common mind and flourish-meant of heart
give deeper evidence and insight
oneness is not in need of evidence
the surrender from fitfulness happens
ever so slowly as if living the water metaphor
from ice to water to evaporative to sky to frozen
once again but with a viscosity of wisdom in carriage 
lifetimes of passage in the persuasion
maybe even personalized 
as tears of sadness and of joy
for we are water 
until we are all one . . .

Monday, March 23, 2020

permanence (haiku) 3/23/20

to want permanence
as if validation lasts
ever be the search

Sunday, March 22, 2020

when a house is not a home 3/22/20

when one is:
trapped in the lighthouse of unrewarded caring
or trapped in the penthouse of worldly valuing
or trapped in the treehouse of distant memories
living trapped in the watchtower of wishing for hopefuls
or trapped in the warehouse of overwhelming possessions
or trapped in the townhouse of upscale overkill
then again,
trapped in the roadhouse of unfulfillable travel plans
or conversely, 
trapped in the deckhouse floating on an abandonment sea
or trapped in the storehouse of fear driven impending needs
or else 
trapped in the log house of nostalgia's demands
or trapped in the doghouse of other's approval
or on the other hand,
trapped in the big house of criminal redemption
or trapped in the doll house of what other's say is pretty
and the worst case scenario,
of being virtually trapped in the outhouse 
of any of these, as petty disclosures, 
is when a house,
any house of one's own making, 
is not really a home . . .

Saturday, March 21, 2020

empathy is hardwired 3/21/20

how is empathy hard wired but yet denied?
what is this learned intercession that confounds?
is it the self principle that overrides?
on the internal motherboard of each person,
where is that empathy switch located
and what will it take to rewire it back on?
does feel, in some, have no forthrightness?
does caring get worn-out by self-neediness
or overwhelmed by the lack of intentional initiative?
how barricaded can a person become
where empathy has no basis of existence?
maybe for some, empathy is suspiciously selective.
in that they can care for what they don't prominently fear.
while still for others that blade of caring has no sharp edge.
mood has the grip 
and mental compartmentalization has control of the handle.
how did this character of override happen?
what made that line become a wall?
the essence board is still in place
but the access into consciousness is vagrant or lost.
it is shorted out or melted into oblivion.
heartfelt is completely muted but deeply carried along.
what tragic act out became the override?
how much was declared as self
and the more deeply denied?
one could say that trust became profoundly self operative.
a self into an isolated existence
in which no other being
can knock on the compassion or empathy door.
the doors are all still there 
but to hear the knocking as permission to care 
seems to be barren of response.
those knocks only register as self in its own isolation.
frozen in the quicksand of fear as self claimed.
feeling barren does not source the ability to give.
and the feel from there is concretized in tragic.
the motherboard is there 
but the juice has no direction to present or be present.
and the motherboard has no sense of being self nurturing.
in this case,
heartless is the motherboard in disfunction
while the wiring is in a pattern of chaos interrupted
and the love, caring, empathy dwell deep within
but have no or very limited carriage 
either to or through that self of being.
we all need a love from within
that allows for reverse engineering to occur
may we each become a schemata to another in need.
that in the privacy of their person,
they see, read, feel,
as the template hardwire of another provides
that which was otherwise lost to oneself.
but now to venture as on
as empathy is the gene to oneness . . .

Friday, March 20, 2020

natural state of being 3/20/20

I was somehow lead to believe
that standing on the diving board of language
and executing meaningful as my dive
was somehow to effectively be 
a displacement of the sea
yet meaning has all the impact 
of only a splash
maybe I am better 
as part of the contemplative sea
as part of the current of connectedness
as part of the compassion that viscosity reveals
and as part of the feeling action of togetherness.
maybe belief is all about surface 
as it evaporatives
that regathers in the mindful sky
and find the rain of language
as way back 
to a more natural state of being 
there to clarify, intermingle and coalesce . . .