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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

no script for that 12/31/19

God doesn’t wear a watch
or have a cell phone
or clamor for T.V. distractions
no car needed
language is not a must
wardrobes are for moralists
having space and time is merely a preoccupation
faint of mind keeps searching
the only sensing God does is oneness
and there is no script for that . . .

Monday, December 30, 2019

how time is speeding up 12/30/19

time passes more quickly with aging.
one is less eventfully impressed
within the mechanisms that account for experience.
recognition becomes more ho hum 
with its internal impact on oneself.
and the clarity of center mind-stage, 
using the strike-measurement of particulars, 
becomes more relaxed in recognition ways, 
as in, seen it, done it, and been there.
that which was unique with particulars for then, 
now is more cumulatively crowded
with like kind in its internal impact as affect. 
there by less distinguished on the recall.
therefore the breeze of time passing 
is less filled with the windfall of particulars 
as signposts or bench marks 
or turning points of reference.
there is less fill as the measurement means.
the mind is still churning 
but less features are outstandingly impressive. 
thereby ambiance becomes more of the measurement, 
with less outstanding indexes to fix upon 
as relevant in the recall process. 
so time seems to be speeding up 
based upon the fewer events to account for it
in a sequential way.
experience itself is then more a rendering
and less the process of immerse with astute account
stored in memory . . .  

Sunday, December 29, 2019

lifestyle 12/29/19

a ‘lifestyle’ is a narrative, 
lost on the lure of perspective, 
as eventually the seduction of effort.
it’s a form of timeline selfie,
a conjure of a storyline,
a perusal of the laws and regulations
pertaining to projections
and forthcoming appearances to be given,
as how to meet the future
with a higher audience approval rating.
sure, there are some
who do and don’t care,
maybe even not in their field of play.
but there are plenty
who have a lifestyle summational mirror
and gander look-sees 
with some sense of familiarity,
maybe as a confidence builder,
easily as an answer 
to the philosophic question.
am I enjoying life?
memories then can provide an account
is lifestyle in measure.
can then be a bottom line response?
it is then
that lifestyle becomes a narrative 
as a inner self-dialogue response . . .

Saturday, December 28, 2019

the last hermit 12/28/19

everyone is the last hermit of their kind.
they came from themselves, 
reincarnated once again.
they have renounced distractions 
from before and from now.
sure, there is karmic baggage
but there is also the undisclosed gift,
that is the drawnness of talent latent within.
everyone gives appearances to causes,
as if, somehow, the light shown through.
there is unsettling consternation 
at the apparel of circumstance.
sometimes the dream, and the draw
are faint from past-life memory.
generally it can appear as a guessing game.
the drawnness does not always have the mind's attention.
heart can't be heard over the harassment presenting.
but deeply within, the hermit recalls.
it is vaguely mentioned at odd times,
where the serendipitous lies unseen
but can arise 
against the contrast of normative life.
surely it can be dismissed a thousand times over.
no matter, it is instilled deeply within,
even if the punch-line is deathbed delivered.
everyone is the last hermit of their kind,
and they all, we all, honor, 
that which is the deeply within,
either by confluence, contrast or contradiction.
the dynamic is not dismissible,
even by denial, delusion, deception or denunciation.
the unique expression of oneness runs that deep.
diversity is the common prayer.
and everyone,
in their energetic truth,
is the last of their essential uniqueness in kind . . . 

Friday, December 27, 2019

the make-way of my day 12/27/19

oh with ease intended
to make floaty bubbles 
in a world of mundane air

to be of the inner speak 
translating the outer beauty seen
for casting magic’s presence 
out of the labor’s of shadows fall

to find the surprises of up-lift-meant 
in what exists as gravity’s putdown

for to be in a world of odor 
yet finding fragrances to dance
whereby manifesting zest 
out of the ponderous bales of the day

further finding facets of fascination 
while panning through the skirmishes with chores
yet boldly defying the gravity of conclusions
with the observations that inwardly exhilarate

to notice how composition 
is access to cause-worthiness 
how sensory input is open 
to personal interpretative flair
and the way that the day can become reflectively shiny 
from the broadcast of personal light
while giving every steadfast reactive urge 
the opportunity to wondrously evaporate into sky

and how the fabric of what-means, 
upon closer inspection,
has threads of intimate interior delight

how the body heat from another 
can be experienced 
as immeasurable, 
topped with silent glee

and where within that I have private prairies 
there are, for me, 
intimacies of explorable galore

for then to live in a world of meandering animation 
beyond the monuments of just cause
where personal freedom resides 
beyond perception’s retrieval 

and dignity itself,
is composed of essentially all moving parts
to where simplicity is the costume of innocence 
woven into the complexity of the all

and to eventually notice
that not all that is sensed 
comes simply from the embraces 
offered by awareness

and not all of dark 
is just composed of shady
but some of it is 
the formal omnipresence of the unknown

so for now 
there is the offering of all these endless gifts
and I will use my method of personal experience 
to essentially unwrap them 
in the make-way of my day . . . 

Thursday, December 26, 2019

the quarry of content 12/26/19

life is not about the profundity of content.
breath is so much closer to living the truth
than recognition of content can offer.
the occupancy of content actually exists 
as clutter to authentic consciousness.
deep-worth does not present itself
but offers immersion potential.
true recognition does not have a mind-screen
but exists more profoundly as the results 
of a oneness embrace.
there are forever eyes 
beyond the onset of content.
it is the visually profound shapelessness
that does not settle to be objectified,
that senses experience only as a bystanders' account.
it is a prominence without foreground and back,
a presence beyond even contradiction's grasp,
a feeling that inundates the mind-room
before it can quick-flood into words.
where feeling is all of light
before its effort at journey arises.
the myth of content provides the altar
for the prayer of reality to be offered.
sometimes authentic prayers are answered
but not in the form of replies,
not even in the presentation of miracles, 
but more so, in the sense of self love acknowledged,
in the advances of empathetic inclusions,
in the rise of emotional presence to be shared,
and possibly a dimensional grasp of being 
from soul perspective.
yet content is such a disguise, 
to be playing with
and not get 
what the absolute quest is about . . .

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

the savant of aging 12/25/19

the savant of aging
aging is a tug of war
in which an army of cells
work against opposing forces of living.
some internal, some not,
and you, as you are aware,
are the tensions of energetic rope existence 
and your consciousness is that online knot. 
supposedly starting at birth, 
right in the middle of the life-death struggle.
some parts seem endlessly easy
while others are both invisibly hard
and come seemingly out of nowhere.
expecting a long rope of relative constant success
but fatigue plays its part
both by moment to moment
and also by years stretched into decades.
a new you, at least every seven years.
the initial cheerleader of you is fearless,
casual and triumphant without claim,
then becomes the one of you
who begins to show actual interest.
the one who assesses, who takes account into action.
then eventually becomes the one who is charmed by success
and who is in alarm at the platitudes of failure.
there becomes a bigger picture in frame.
anecdotals become more than hearsay.
the self-narrative is now in measures amongst others.
decades begin to cast long shadows.
days have a sunset appeal.
what was once fluid in motion, 
now has chirps, beeps, honks, cranks, 
low rumbling sounds, 
chronics at street conners of the body,
and opinions and diagnosis as interplay on the mind.
there is a mirror facing
that has a timeline on it.
and what you see is an estimate of being.
aging is now a mountain at low tide in view.
some move with tired feet on the mind
while others pace their presence in the day.
the script does not fly off the page any more
but can be well read and pronounced with deliverance.
that which was a fountain in full aerial arrays
is now a somewhat tranquil pool, stable and reflective,
more with the containment rather than the display.
aging tends to alter the font of existence,
maybe event the cause for punctuation's emphasis.
tell me the narrative is still a self beyond concern,
a self as spirit beyond journey's toll.
that it was discovered not to be a war of effort
but a wisdom finding wherewithal,
and aging providing fruit from labor's past
and a quality of light from within 
that passes into others more easily now than then,
and that there is an economy to the carriage of being.
no more with the wild distractions of interest,
less of the self as enterprise
and the deep story of existence for finding light.
an amazing quality of light
coming through your presence and your eyes.
that is the conversation 
I want to be in your presence.
no words, all being, we carry on . . .

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

the secret agenda of you 12/24/19

who you really are, 
behind the reality pretext, 
will never surface for others to see. 
that transformative source of you will function 
manifest through the projection of you 
as its medium.
you are here for transformational purposes 
undisclosed to those around you. 
you have insight and means 
beyond the evident. 
do not be distracted by ego lessons that befall you.
find personal ways and means 
to serve the advance of the human condition 
even if but one person at a time 
as well as the core reality 
which people live under those influences 
and within those restraints. 
your ego is a great tool, 
it is your schtick to use, once mastered 
even your emotional presence can serve in that regard 
the deeper truth of you is incredulous, 
sometimes even to you. 
go figure from the inside out. 
it is like channeling your higher self 
into the version of you already present 
and being able to handle the vision, 
develop the penetrative focusing skills 
and then the means to make it so 
for all of those around you . . .

Monday, December 23, 2019

the surfaces we play 12/23/19

the surfaces we play off of:
chess boards,
bingo cards, 
poker tables,
kitchen counters,
mirrors reflecting, 
monitor screens on, 
the sky reflecting, 
the surfaces of mass,
the touch of others,
skin we are in, 
conclusions of the mind,
and feelings 
that have surface demands.
they all ask 
that we play. 
to be beyond: 
the drama,
the opera,
the comedy,
the musical, 
the performance, 
and the competition.
to play for real,
from the heart,
and to dance 
to dance all those expressions alive . . .

Sunday, December 22, 2019

this prayer thing 12/22/19

this prayer is a racket.
words with shoes on, 
lips rambling along
shuffling onward as if a stumble-dance.
yet there is a background of 'humble mind' playing.
there is broadcast of people sounds, 
as if they know the words.
little peeps of emotion, 
creeping between lines.
but then, deep sighs 
this is phantasmagoric,
as if water birds diving for diner are passing by.
just the body-heat generated by the group dynamic
is more the subtle substance of a bus-stop cover station.
but the racket itself,
is like a species that cackles. 
it's not fingernails against a blackboard bad
but it is in less unison than a hen house in chatter.
it's like a group free-fall's discovery
that there are not enough parachutes to go around.
oh it's all in earnestness, 
but weepy.
like if icebergs appear to be crying 
because it is an exceptionally hot day.
it's like panic, 
dressed up as secret service agents,
all gathered together 
but looking anonymous as a crowd.
this must be an off off-broadway show's first night
and rehearsals have not gone well, up to now.
I am sure there is an authentic cause for all of this,
a common theme 
beyond a fear reaction to what god knows.
but 'make it go away' 
is a rough translation as to what this is about,
is really not addressing the moment.
prayer like this is an audience response
as if god is putting on a show.
advanced sales always run deep in tradition.
everybody wishes they had better seats.
so when does worship like this
look in the mirror and realize
prayer is an inner dialogue 
with the god within.
that self of source,
in a language base of their own emotional making.
how can one be,
by their own divinity?
the theater of their heart 
has no audience,
without full and complete participation . . .

Saturday, December 21, 2019

thought about thinking 12/21/19

have you ever thought about thinking,
as if sitting on the edge of a lake-pier looking out
with the water surface withholding 
a further in-depth view
or mindfully came upon a convention of conclusions,
all resting on their recited laurels 
as if staid of circumstance made evident
yet somewhere lost 
between loitering and its linger
or imagining a beyond 
where thought has no entry?
yet think can blindly go
and not be thought-provoked.
yes, with no provocation, 
no reactiveness as impulse or urges,
a think that chisels its way
effortlessly back behind the shimmer of words
to a reveal that has an innocence of sheen to it,
that has a clear and distinctive 
but not a comparison to.
a think that is beyond any previous specified attachment,
even beyond the habit of knowing.
a think that has its birth and creation 
and its own origins of zeal.
a think that takes one as whole
up and into, as if away
from the prerogative of questioning, 
that, ‘was I ever a person’ (?)
and then this, appeared to be?

oh for that’s that, thoughts have longings
as if they want to travel 
to experience further
and then this, out of the blue, happens,
a think without a homeland 
to fallback upon, 
as if memories are mothers
yes way before origin had insistence,
before mind had drone awareness.
a think, that if given the chance,
that would undefined itself of me.
a think beyond meaningful's measure,
way beyond the limits of relevance.
but I’m just saying,
this is what idleness is for me,
a preparedness,
yes that think without thought's assistance
would actually provide . . .

Friday, December 20, 2019

we're the same rain 12/20/19

once, we were the same rain.
we danced across the sky,
seeing the sights as if of lifetimes together.
when we came to earth, this time round,
it was the winter for where we were.
the freeze became a reality fix.
frozen into human forms.
sight was a different intake
from a different locational lens.
we, as icebergs waiting on the blessedness
of life as the thaw.
you went one way, in the trickle-down, 
I, another.
these mediums of transition 
gave us differences of perspective and appearance.
the stream I traveled, more underground,
different from yours.
you had surface and exposure in the flow.
you, turbulence and sunlight basking.
I may have been inwardly 
only water table worthy
yet not very earthbound.
we approach primal 
under different interface guidance
yet originally from the same rain.
the subtly of viscosity reigns
yet for each of us, 
in somewhat separate ways.
I know how your breath works 
to listen to your feelings.
we still talk in silent ways.
it is the invisibles,
on a reality chess board, 
with emotional pieces 
buried inside each touch as grip.
we persist, 
on the same eventual winning side,
not to conquer 
but with emotional viscosity in play.
the moving force of mass as representation
has no imagination quite like ours.
the feel of liquids 
know genius of motion in many forms.
I know you in an unburdened way,
but not in denial of all that is.
language is slow on the uptake.
presence is multidimensionally faster,
even if only in thought-form 
yet multi-realm ways.
we can't escape from timelessness.
we know of each other beyond personage.
the ground I want for you is sky.
for we are still from the same rain
yet disguised now by appearances 
and these methods of passage . . .

Thursday, December 19, 2019

what's with mind-fill 12/19/19

the river of the unknowable surrounds me.
it's a flash flood if I am in panic.
my senses are on high alert
as if knowledge is shortly coming my way.
the take of two explanations with fluids
and then I can relax again
into my somber as if a version of my story told.
but then, the forest of unknowables appears.
my mind is a walk in the woods.
knowing is all directions at once. 
I am a linear rational, 
short of understanding this.
maybe this is what anxiety is all about.
a self-dialogue as a herd of run-on sentences, 
spoken as a stampede coming through me.
if my mind is just a wherewithal,
then what's the point of the constant broadcast of that?
I've been fed a constant diet of retentive-mind fuels.
I could be a racehorse of knowing,
a lab-rat of futures to be discovered,
a rational person in constituency potential,
a species of entitlement personified,
but what's with the mind-fill?
why do I have to be so separate by method
to be so hungry for closure to occur,
for oneness to be beyond self-evident?
am I just all-parachute, 
with no specific gravity calling me
or just a helium blob 
without any balloon containment.
and I seriously don't want answers
as a form of intelligent response . . .

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

yours truly, 12/18/19

the misnomer of higher education is,
as if it is supposed to be retentive mind learning. 
is this supposed to mean higher learning?
a working premise might be:
higher education may not be knowledge
but more diverse ways of thinking 
coming into thought.
well, is it information that gets better income?
would that be higher learning?
being in the socially constructed know,
would that be higher learning?
living with realized wealth,
would that be higher learning?
getting more advance of degrees,
would that be higher learning?
in the age of specialization 
is it the advance of higher learning or earning?
higher learning, is that knowhow
or is that know how?
yours truly,
embattled, embroiled, and askanced . . .

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

what gives experience 12/17/19

I have a topside that responds 
to the winds of what people say.
I have a feel-liquidity that responds
with the potential of tears held in check.
I have a physicality that responds
as if experience was luggage with decals.
I don’t know what it means
when “it’s a load off my mind”.
I can either go to a place 
like, where I can stare at icebergs
until something of recognition appears
or I can go directly there 
and carve like crazy
and see, for a short time,
what I created to represent 
what I sense or feel inwardly.
but the glacial melt is always on.
creation, in this way, meets its maker 
and it is gone.
and I am then left with what drives me
and what it means for that to be so.
armed with the think and these skills,
what is this next moment’s calling?
in the long view,
every moment is manifest-creation and then gone.
and what is my carry forward from that?
the haunt of memories?
the storied account?
the undisclosed drive propelling me?
all that is relevant, is coming out of me
yet all of experience is directed into me.
well, I thought all of this to be true,
but really, the blessedness of giving,
and channeling the feel of being
seems to be the profound gift of giving,
as the only experience 
that runs deeper then memory justifies.
it has an impenetrable now
but that now has this presence to it,
like a lit candle in the otherwise dark of life.
there is nothing else to living
but being the light that comes through.
therefore no photo-albums, no grand stories,
no family unit is then the greater human whole,
there is no history or archives of account 
to reflect upon that clearly.
just letting the life-force through,
with consciousness as the servant
and embrace from deeply within
what gives experience 
this essence sense of life . . .

Monday, December 16, 2019

we are our own pretend 12/16/19

as long as we are doing countries, 
we are insulting mother earth.
as long as we are species-superior
we are abusing mother earth.
as long as we proceed with inferior intelligence,
we are living the insult alive on mother earth.
as long as we proceed with the intelligence of science
we are lavishly and pompously ignoring mother earth,
except for its usage as a staging arena.
mother earth is in receivership of our unwanteds, 
savaged by our inhumane wars,
totally affected by our misuse of earth as resources.
and the earth itself is trivialized 
as a primary supporter 
of our vain attempts at controlling 
in human superficial matters and manners.
we have planetary worth as cursory 
to our myopic needs.
we are the species that will die
from its own pretend . . .

Sunday, December 15, 2019

tone-deaf (haiku) 12/15/19

is tone-deaf spot-on?
like humans in world crisis
center stage, but not?

Saturday, December 14, 2019

to know without think 12/14/19

oh for the weight of thought that labors as experience,
not in poundage but in energetic output.
the lake of experience is producing evaporatives
as the atmosphere is filled in psychic reception.
apparently unconsciously pooling thought
is a false premise of machiavellian principle.
emotional is the eternal translator 
yet muted under these circumstances.
we lived in a bystander language base spoken.
we are more so referential rather than authentic
yet that is the learning transition from childhood
where understanding rides heard on what is meant
and emotional authenticity is imprisoned 
away from meaning and selectively kept alive by tone.
topic and tone lie to each other throughout the day
and speech becomes the colluder for each of us.
we accept what is heard as what was meant
yet emotionally much lives in denial
and comprehension buries 
that possible irrational emotional intent
by the override of meaningful as expected.
the soul rises to hear these tones but is dismissed as topic.
thought suffers the consequences of this training
yet the emotions run wellspring deep.
feeling lives in these evaporitives expressed by others,
yet language by topic directed is under-dimensionalized. 
we cling to lyrics that float on the lake-surface of meaning
because below the surface of the lake feelings prospers.
therefore there is depth of being that goes unnoticed. 
the potential for this to not be realized is prominent.
but by these evaporative means, others intake to partake.
therefore there is an invisible lake in the sky
and we all travel there inwardly 
in the brain-scape of our common heartfelt heaven.
some just treetop observe while others soar in flights.
words can never represent the flight of this flock.
some day sky will speak through us all
as common emotional celestials.
and language, as used now, will be a ritual of the past,
as if bookmarks, when no more reading is necessary,
as if fences that everyone now thoroughly sees thru,
as if telepathic is accepted at birth to be cultivated,
as if the heart-brain relies on oneness
while the mind-brain succumbs to be in service to love.
diversity is then seen to express the oneness.
amelioration is the primary use of language for then.
all details expressed, further the sense of connection.
humans come to know without think.
thought is not readily maintained as useful.
thought is a fall back position to honor the past
as if time had a status without actual usage in mind.
we are all already there, 
yet peeling away the grime and the grind.
expectation has atrophied for the lack of usage.
the skills for entering the now have developed.
being is already in that nature of speak
and conversation only creates a richer now.
that which was evaporative is now soul-filled
and the minds of beings travel as if from within it.
in a mystical way, breath becomes metaphor
as spirit dwells profoundly present
in each human as the one enlightenment 
of the collective of us . . .