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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

oneness abides

oneness is not a mental concept in its construction.

oneness is a heart-brain construction.

oneness is from the fabric of emotional intelligence.

oneness is not based on the frequencies of think

but is foundationally sourced from emotional frequencies.

fear counts on mental frequencies 

for its impactful overage of control.

but there is an awareness intelligence 

that is not based on sensory input 

as the mandate for what it is attentive to.

the human act-out is the nature 

of the conundrum of experience.

and as long as experience is mentally ordained,

language is made to do the work of the mental dominion.

but the feel-state, by frequency access, 

outflanks the mind-state range of occupancy.

there is greater receptivity from the heart-brain 

in a vaster array of frequency accesses

than there is in the mind state.

the mind state works for discernment 

under the assumption of the definition of itself.

the heart-brain works from the connectivity of oneness

and not from the definition of self ever ascertaining. 

in the mind-state, the creation of the computer 

is the consensual definition 

as the representation of oneness.

and the design of the computer of the mind 

is its bicameral sense of self-definition,

in that it only, by the nature of conclusions, 

agrees to agreement.

the heart-brain is a resonate brain, 

which is in reception to greater frequencies 

that are outside the brain range of strictly cognitional.

but the heart-brain is part of the quantum reality 

that humans simultaneously exist in,

beyond, behind, and beneath what the brain registers 

as relevancy.

we are preoccupied with the conundrum 

of fear-driven reality in this, the world of selfdom.

the preoccupation of selfdom techniques and technology

terminates into the egoistic representation 

established by the concept and usage of money

in the mindset of value to humans,

until the human predicament is one superior mind-self

and everyone is in attribute recognition and honoring of it.

the difficulty is when and where that happens. 

when and where all minds are in service to one mind,

that also becomes the unacknowledged technique 

of the birth of oneness,

yet undisclosed to the self-mind in its govern-ship.

all practices of mind dominance are also 

the practices of oneness deep within, yet undiscovered.

mind dominance is always unconsciously in pursuit 

of the evolution of oneness forthcoming.

and the deeper truth is that 

that is the result of this, 

not value but love.

in that light, love becomes the one transitional word

that defies mental definition as its home base.

the word love is the one word that has definitional meaning 

outside of the mind constructed of time 

in the presence of space.

it is the admittance of the living truth, creatively enterprised

rather than a spoken truth, 

that lives in the finality of time and space occupancy.

bitcoin and blockchain are positive constructions 

towards that end as opposed to war and imprisonment, 

as negative approaches to the same endpoint 

of mind-occupancy and cognitive certitude.

mindfulness is committed to 

the audience-aspect of experience. 

therefore human act-out feeds upon themselves, 

as the selves of themselves.

there is nothing of generative radiance in that mindstate. 

that greater quality of broadcast only comes 

from the heart state 

and travels more in subtle frequencies 

that are emotionally generative 

and not mentally ordained.

this is a deeper truth of the origin 

of the manifest of physicality 

in that, as humans, we occupy bodies.

whereby sexuality, as a hormone-driven premise,

is one of the basic themes of experience entry

and subsequent participation.

one of the fundamental problems of mental certitude 

is definiteness, 

which is up against the concept of ongoing time.

in an attempt to resolve that issue 

there is the creation of computer intelligence 

or the constancy of the current moment 

in reference to the ongoingness of time.

the difficulty about that particular technique 

as a process, 

is that it needs to create material in referential ways 

that is of a method of certitude 

and also of dimensional limitations 

rather than expansiveness into ever expansiveness, 

as an ongoing theory of being in the now.

a metaphor for all of this is, 

imagine that there is a river flowing 

and a human's concept is to take hand-fulls, 

glasses full or buckets full in some effortful respects 

to direct and contain the river's volume and direction.

while in a heartfelt way, 

that version is to go into the river 

and become the water of the river 

and learn the wisdom, the energetic dynamics 

and the vibrational isness of the flow. 

and therefore control is discovered to mean surrender

to a greater sense of integrities 

than mindfulness can conceptually embrace.

all of reality is mentally metaphorical 

until emotional oneness is quantum realized . . .

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

letter versus spirit


the letter of the law 

is sticks, branches, and logs, 

rigidly placed in a beaver-dam existence. 

while the spirit of the law 

is the water, 

surviving and persisting 

through the circumstances 

of these moments, 

ever honorable in passing.

Monday, May 29, 2023

the framing of silence

when the framing of silence is gone,

the listening for abraded interruptions

loses its cutting-edge of sharp contrasts.

what then to do with one's attention.

it wasn't the silence

that listening was apprehensively approaching.

it was for the lack of sound being present,

the lack of clear recognition presenting.

so again,

what then?

only to discover one's limited range of audio perception,

done as the transmission of recognition?

what is the insanity of no sound?

what if the soundless chamber for a hearing person

is the next sound not heard?

imagine no sight,

no salvia,

no touch,

no sense of weight

as opposed to weightlessness,

the void of input abounding.

how silent would that all be?

what mind a drift,

paddling along on inner conversation's riffs

until that realization 

of soundless inner conversation approaches.

then, overwhelmed by mutedness presenting,

deep thought without all of the jabber

soon, self, traveling in incomplete sentences,

less and less articulation to sensible comprehension.

just loud silence 

as if blaring across dimensions untold.

how well for then,

to know oneself beyond the narrative.

is this then when emotions have wings?

is this when personality seems so facade?

does this feel more like a stream

that has never had a sense of banks or bottom?

could one have ever wished

to be able to speak the truth

of this place from within?

in the normal light of day,

with the blaring of sound, 

intimately woven through it?

so what would silence, from there,

when spoken,

have to speechlessly say ? . . .

Sunday, May 28, 2023

while meaning gets a life

how did meaning get a life of its own?

we were secret friends through childhood, 

sort of.

I mean, 

well mean, means to speak for me then.

mean had answers to questions,

appropriates for all mosts,

and always a means to an end.

it was like an invisible identical twin,

who knew way more than I

and handled all of the whereabouts,

the whatnots 

and the what-to-dos.

I sort of had a free ride going.

it handled social occasions,

eating outs,

conversations with elders,

even play time protocols.

and I had invisible free time 

to wander within.

I had feasibles without answers,

what ifs that never got shared,

plausibles that weighed on me in passing,

phantasmagoricals that filled my inner screen,

absurdities that seemed almost natural,

freak un-occurrences that made my day

and wonderfully, meaning kept to itself.

meaning was on the right path

and I just flew along.

at some point along this way,

I started to feel that meaning was naive, 

that meaning was a brown-noser,  

surely knew, the way and the ropes,

but seriously,

a prison life with all the benefits.

we haven't really ever parted ways,

but I spend much more time away.

meaning still covers my tracks,

appropriates when needed,

efficiently acts out the cover.

some but few are suspect.

rarely somebody leans in to my other world.

but they, when successful, cover with code.

it's like being from another planet,

here on assignment.

what purpose has not been made clear.

but there is ongoing intake

and sensory awareness, 

out of normal reach for sensible usage,

dimensions that can't be claimed, 

occurrences that language can't handle,

feelings that seem fluid to me

but are not commonly shared.

meaning is such a naturally cultured person.

if the situation was reversed,

I don't sense I would be as good at cover

as meaningful is.

meaningful is right sense, right purpose,

efforts at right action,

given its limited range of being operative.

meaning is absolute,

somewhat ever childlike, 

not naive in a real world sense

but sincere, wide-eyed, 

sort of forthright

and absolutely consumed with being that.

how I got to be a tang-along,

no real clarity, no evidence in proof.

yes, meaningful will die.

that will be shocking to me.

but then, I will ultimately 

be free to go . . .

Saturday, May 27, 2023

call it love

the discovery of love

is nanoseconds outside of time.

it takes experience 

as overtures and octaves to process.

convenings and convictions meet

in their passings that occur.

sexuality becomes slurred speech spoken.

touch becomes painting classes taken,

first sensual oils, then relational acrylics,

and finally, watercolor, done with tears.

the art is never saved

but lived alive in the ongoing.

as if for the view, 

is ever the constant,

or not.

to know of love

is the loss of words.

dimensions weep for their fragileness exposed.

even the self,

swimming out of the sea of the self,

is drowning in its own faux-tranquility.

thus to die, 

as if to gain, 

a beyond that has no boundaries,

but is,

a magnetics that seeks no attraction, 

but is,

a worth that has no comparative,

but is,

and a flow that is sourcelessly so,

but is . . .