also for viewing

check out my video haikus
and slideshow videos on youtube at "junahsowojayboda"

Saturday, November 30, 2019

the greenhouse of self 11/30/19

conclusionary existence is never to be happy 
in the constancy of seeking it
one white-cane-plant of the mind after another
happiness is not outside-in 
but clearly inside-out
conclusionary is the overwhelm
of outside-in taking up residence
where one becomes a curator of judgment
a vast collector of outdated opinion
as if worth, in that light, is not moth-eaten
how far-fetched is one conclusion from the last
eventually, it is not the particulars of mention
but clearly the use of the method
that makes the greenhouse of self, a hellion 

Friday, November 29, 2019

spontaneity (haiku) 11/29/19

works best in high contrast to
expectation’s needs

Thursday, November 28, 2019

the curse of seeking 11/28/19

how does what you seek avoids you 
by the way you go about seeking it?
do you seek it as solutions
and it dissolves upon approach?
you seek it for consolation
and it is unrealized in comfort afforded.
you seek it for wealth
and a distant island in dreams is provided.
you seek it for spiritual advancement
and your life is posterized with storied accounts.
you seek it for some purposeful existence
and it collapses in achievement’s short-life span.
you seek as a next thing to do
and the business and fussiness all collapse unto itself.
you seek as an orientation
only to discover that method alone is madness.
you question seeking
as if where from within
only to discover 
being drawn, as with passion,
makes seeking seem so simple-minded obsolete.
what draws you is a form of seeking.
receptivity to what approaches 
is the seeking for embodiment to reveal.
that you channel what chases after you
is as your evolutionary path,
as if it walks you onward 
as well as inward . . . 

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

the art of compartmentalization 11/27/19

when does mental compartmentalization fail?
when mindsets become their own debris
as if not a functionality but a depository?
when a mindset ceases to be not as a witness means 
but stands on a thrown handing out judgments by decree? 
when the mind-memory bead-string brakes while wearing it
and thoughts are all over the remembering-floor in rambles?
when the mindset itself 
becomes just the dress of stealth apparel?
when the mindset-belief is so cluttered 
as to amass as an agog of goo?
when spare-parts-reasoning 
becomes the main-shaft for a brainiac driver?
when the cumulative trash of the mind 
overruns the thinking-self forest 
with rubble-thoughts as jungle is now everywhere?
so, what does mentally sound express like
when the art of compartmentalization truly fails?

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

self-consciousness as the prisoner 11/26/19

what is the life inside the capture of self-consciousness?
comparative truth provides for the eyes of surveillance. 
belief routinizes the agonies of night and day.
conclusions become graffiti littering as afterthoughts. 
memory is the reasoning for the remembrance of capture.
understanding gives meaningful as the penance received.
shared agreement is based upon 
the common enemy of logic.
the operative sense of self perspective thrives as guilt.
past and future perspectives relate to each other 
from boredom as inner dialogue.
the God out there from unworthiness makes prayer real.
relative worth is an appraisal of circumstance’s appeal.
contextual perspective is freedom-denied made obvious.
the use of language provides for overhearing 
the tone of one’s guilt.
the syntax of morality 
makes deeds contextually reviewable. 
dualistic thinking is the idleness of ‘what are the odds’? 
thought’s method of production is single file, 
one foot in front of the other into the mind cell.
the nature of account is the use of story as self-defense.
motivation is to prove one’s worth 
is not a death sentence.
sensory’s operative tasks 
is to overcome the boredom of recognition.
the momentum of indoctrination’s influence 
is the eventual persuasion of guilty as charged.
the use of experience is to fill the holes made by time.
the nature of phenomenology’s effect 
is the nature of imprisonment as a benefit to one’s spirit.
the method of perception’s account 
is to stop the internal nagging 
and to hear an inner voice 
clearly speaking the truth . . .

Monday, November 25, 2019

tea as method 11/25/19

sipping the tea is only method
unless you are referring to 
discreet verbal disclosures
of rumors, gossip or first person accounts
while the world of taste is wildly rambunctious 
where all kinds of sensory information dances
as if boisterous upstairs in the brain
and buoyantly complex in the dance hall
and zestfully swallowed going the down stairs 
entering the galley 
in either case there is value to the listener
whether taste, aroma, talk or contemplative . . .

Sunday, November 24, 2019

self-consciousness as the hustle 11/24/19

two of the major shortcomings of human consciousness 
are the concepts of time and space.
as concepts like time 
require an indulgence in occupancy 
which does not actually exist. 
it is only a technique 
that we have humanly invented 
which plays to the convenience 
of our mind usage 
as a method of self identification. 
of course, the concept of self 
is also a fabrication  
by its exclusionary nature of the usage 
as perception to enhance 
that which we claim as such, 
the notion of self as separate and distinctive 
by our observational methods. 
and in our occupancy as such, 
we further claim a concept of space 
which is dependent on time 
to be duly noted 
and to exist as referential 
for how we use our sensory nature 
to further the necessity and the substantive 
to account for our existence. 
neither of which actually function 
with the rest of the universe 
as deep concepts in essence 
but only serve as our means 
for the notion of understanding. 
yet our version of understanding 
does not permit us access 
to the deeper truths of existence 
or aliveness 
which we seem to be driven to comprehend 
even though our technique for doing understanding 
abides by false concepts of time and space 
in order to allow for our method of understanding 
to function in small-minded inadequacy  
as how and what we understand. 
hence we either have to give up on mind usage 
for the way we have it 
or come to a level of comprehension 
that does not avail us 
of a need for separation, or objectivity, 
or in-time perusal of existence. 
we are but our method of claim 
that excludes us from a consciousness 
of the isness of our existence 
and instead promotes a separateness of us 
from our essential process in a conscious way. 
we still are wanting to be self-conscious 
in the midst of our consciousness 
which seems to be the breakdown 
of our integral participation in the universe 
and its elemental means 
for the way we falsely identify 
and subsequently claim about ourselves 
and then referentially expand that claim 
as if understanding has given us a deeper access 
to the dynamics the universe in its existence.
we contend as audience
and expect the stage to come our way.
thoughts are only tickets to watch and learn.
we are but trench coats lined with pictures
and we have the display of self-consciousness 
as the hustle . . .

Saturday, November 23, 2019

soft has no edges 11/23/19

when soft has no edges
there is no surface for entry
the sensory-mingle shows no differences
the innocence has only lumens of first thoughts, 
of delicate approaching
discernment is not awakened 
as if from its snooze
the blend is enhancement without discovery
titillation and tingle hum up from silence
but only as background ambience approaching
the quiet of presence is getting more full bodied
alert rechecks for a shift in the quality of soothe
touch has an army of low-key serene at hand
aura to aura is already commingled
the mind meld is on 
as delicately subtle, faintly occurs
drawnness has this impending fever
but does not know yet what is the cause
touch has come from so very far away
so thoroughly in essence
that connection is communion 
rather than contact
that does not produce a response
for soft identified is an audience response
therefore none will occur
oneness is expanse from within
there is not the need to be identified as inclusion
for this kind of soft is everywhere of existence
as quantum goes about life unnoticed . . .

Friday, November 22, 2019

self as justified 11/22/19

each of us is a sperm donor of thought.
we secrete with some degree of constancy.
I live inside your thoughts 
as source and carriage.
there is more to what is said
then just the heard of it.
I hurl of myself, breath assisted
and I whirl along pronounced as edified.
I use your voice as appearance and accompaniment.
I am an unavoidable vibrational whisper 
on the eardrums of those around.
they are within the spectrum of response
but first, there is impact as register,
from meaningful to meddlesome.
for their translator goes into action, deep within,
as if tuning fork to tuning fork are our possibilities.
pluck to hum as hum to pluck is the blue print,
yet noise, as registered, 
could be an eventual outcome.
the ambient clamor is as a reason for disregard.
but if tune and tone align, 
somewhat straight away,
then resonance could lead to a forthcoming response.
yes, say looks, like informational exchange.
but I only parade topic to get to the tonal.
I live for sumptuous tonal in response.
there is meaning hidden inside of language sounded.
a higher charge of intimacy occurs
than with the proper of spoken words.
it is realm worthy to persist although disguised.
the quench is unsurpassed and fully completing.
I live through you, for the heartfelt,
despite our intellectual and topical concerns.
we are our mothers from before life.
we are our wisdom before discernment presents.
we are one of soul before we got separated 
into a me and you.
maybe this lifetime we awaken
and I will continue to use your thoughts as mine.
and softly, thought by thought, breath by breath,
life beyond conclusions will begin to be dawn.
maybe then we will come to know love
as nothing that can be objectified.
but only lived alive by being
before the interjection of our separate thoughts 
still created by our cultures of distraction,
and by the means of our intelligence, 
spent on the concept of self as justified . . .

Thursday, November 21, 2019

self advised 11/21/19

self, is always, overdressed as interacting.
there is a self, 
before the murmur of memory,
before the starch of awareness returns with feedback,
before separateness is a correction to the optics of being.
there is the emanation that demonstrates as the self,
as the emergence of essence into that body of matter,
which the self preys upon as separate yet exuding.
self, not happy with the walls, 
always wanting more windows,
has its own invisible graffiti for self as amusement.
some selves are perk, some curse, 
some out of darkness,
some made of rise, others of mirror,
while others of languid, or long views, or listless.
find me a self 
that washes me away,
that takes my being beyond its composition.
a self that makes me admit to my vastness through others,
a self that dissolves into the hearts of others,
that demystifies the self as stance, separate, or deity.
I am only a pop-up self 
when self-consciousness appears,
like a handshake, a first kiss, or matching verbal tones.
to my senses, it’s like first meeting
but to my spirit, it’s like full circle round.
spiraling, we dance as one respective 
to flash flood past recognition’s rituals,
not entertaining each others’ brains,
watching a self be done.
where there is the presence, 
the projection and the priorities,
the self psychology is teeming in action.
I am living in the spaces between 
the cards you are dealing yourself.
I grow your growth to become me,
to know us beyond any self sense,
to be spirit without self containment.
but no one can say that to their own self . . .

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

satisfaction (haiku) 11/20/19

satisfaction’s nest
twigs used from conclusion’s tree
so the need to fly

Monday, November 18, 2019

religion is self in denial 11/18/19

religion is the essence of self in denial.
yet self is the god-with, withheld
and self-consciousness is a prison-life perspective.
while ego is a constant reminder of personal guilt
my expression is the intermittence of innocence.
while for me, living is the expression 
of a constant denial and the unsaidness of, 
‘it couldn’t be me’.
for living in a style of mental preoccupancy
keeps me from any awareness of spirit.
for I journey in a forest of my own creation,
following after a trail of breadcrumbs 
that represent my own self-worth.
this is where I pursue the human load-sharing 
by a constancy of interpersonal relevancies. 
where this forest does exist
is because I sense it to be so.
this is where the part of forest that I created, 
is mostly composed of all exposed bark,
and very rarely ever the experience of intimate bite.
this is where, the pretend becomes very real
and the real of itself, is beyond my recognition.
it seems that I am ill-equipped
to go beyond what reality-recognition offers,
while experience provides my preoccupation to exist.
this is where, thoughts without the capture of conclusions,
are personally and privately terrifying.
if there is a god-within,
then an absolute silence is maintained by me.
for if it is my cautious rigor to discover
and yet likewise simultaneously maintain
a constant innocence to that truth,
then nothing I say or do has any relevancy 
to that revelation in its private reveal.
for I can walk the talk that projects the denial
and live that truth in internal absentia settings.
for I can claim that I am the cuckold of my spirit
and not the reverse to be true for me
as the basis of our mutuality shared.
therefore exasperation is my prayer
of loneliness in its smoldering.
yet all my emotions are there, faithfully attending.
this is where destiny is despair, 
dealt one frame of mindful reference at a time
is in my hands, going forward.
while I call myself a believer
I still, privately wonder, why.
these tears that I have, from all this questioning, 
justify my false hopes
as the denial of god-within, justifies myself 
as my existence, that lingers.
like I’ve never said this to myself,
but physical densification for me,
is distraction from higher states.
and the truth of that 
would never embarrass itself
into manifest an existence 
through me, living it alive . . .

Sunday, November 17, 2019

quantum is 11/17/19

how to hear the voice print of oneness
when sound is not the medium
how to surrender from acknowledgement
to be tonally aligned 
how to release the awareness of alignment
to be fluid without a sense of comfort or restraint
how to not have a sensory-version of being
and yet be electrifying from source within resounding
how to be beyond what knowing presents
as if time honored is a method from the distant past
how to exist when time and space
are not the methods of current human usage
stay tuned, and the song will sing through 
as quantum is the only medium of means . . .

Saturday, November 16, 2019

profit-tears (haiku) 11/16/19

life’s not for profit
the whole scheme of things is off
profit is a con

Friday, November 15, 2019

oneness will have the last say 11/15/19

please know that witness is participation,
for there is no entertainment industry.
there is no real audience only act-outs in the surround.
skill-sets lacking to be on stage is no excuse.
experience is the common universal drug.
it’s been our secret human ploy
to claim separateness and boundaries
and the innocence of money exchanged
for positions of strict observation and distance.
but vicarious is only bad empathy as an excuse.
all of separateness is our metaphor
for oneness to occur without the need for account.
there is so much fluidity beyond the grasp of reason,
under the great collusion of culture and mindsets.
we are all seismically tectonics of impulses and urges 
launched from the unconscious into our act-outs, 
needing both deliverance and cover.
thus we are assigned a false safety
as witness and audience
ever searching for both the soothe and the appease.
money exchanged is our version of entitlement.
but truly, the collective is always the play,
however one is to be perceived.
every human has an accidental life,
floating in the sea of ourself as this collective.
yet we declare and define 
as if these articulations actually speak the truth.
certainly not by say or apparent account
but truly by the nuances 
of shared emotional states in passing.
one is everyone’s keeper,
even though our methods and denials 
appear to be confounding and indifferent.
‘oneness’ will have and be the last say.
yet no words will be used as its expression . . .

Thursday, November 14, 2019

profit is not prophet 11/14/19

profit is not prophet. 
profit has an under-belly of motives.
legitimacy went out with the potential of leveraging.
it is not my product cost plus.
it is consumer’s perception or determined need.
maybe that was called supply and demand
but now it is scheme and ploy. 
the psychology of the buyer has been assessed.
any leverage to the seller is implied and employed,
even the misuse of measurement, labeling,
word interpretation, according to legal account,
point of purchase location, false dating,
medication benefits, source point of production,
implied fashion sense and disaster leveraging.
profit now is to feed on the emotional environment,
be that the buyer, the circumstances, or the need.
if profit is prophet,
then the message is slow doom,
for the buyer, the market, and the planet.
in general, it is a bad version of tag.
if I tag you with my serious profit 
by deleterious means
then you, in your eventual frustration, 
can express your resentment by
passing on that strategy, 
as a seller to others,
who, in likewise fashion,
unto others also.
the grand scheme of this unsaid theme 
is gut for profit, revisited, over and overseen. 
once there, then becomes no higher elevation to that cause.
the financial metaphor becomes the new religion
ascending as if economic growth expresses us.
we all become worker bees or worker ants
to the colony without real kinship of purpose.
we are just captured by the predicament at hand,
as reductionism to task
and the logic of consume.
and so I would want to be a religious leader
so that I could eventually buy a jet out of need.
I want to become a CEO 
so that I can make twenty to fifty times
what some of my employees make.
my brain trumps your brain
by virtue of our shared economic measures.
but be these means,
profit is not ever prophet
by presence or consequences achieved . . .

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

out there walking 11/13/19

how far I have walked 
is not justification for 
how I have walked far 
generally those two remarks refer to 
a drivenness account 
as opposed to a drawnness account
that they are mutually exclusive from each other
is usually a given
except if the walk was another example 
of self-esteem’s attempt 
at proving one’s worth
and if that be the case
then drivenness 
will generally override 
so if I feel like I need a walk
I have to internally ask. 
who will be the person of me
out there walking (?),
location and account
or wander and wonder? . . .

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

oneness has no audience 11/12/19

will the universe tell its story that science authors?
‘being-awareness’ is very remote from knowing's account.
‘knowing’ expects a language and understanding 
to do the necessary work.
but understanding and language lack the ‘isness’ factor,
and are primarily static in nature 
and observational in style.
where as, oneness has no audience.
there is no extraction called ‘experience to oneness’.
the method of experience 
is an example of a disqualifier.
essentially, if you go into oneness, for now,
there is no return.
experience is the realization of being positional.
oneness has no positions.
we can’t get there from here
as long as we have a ‘there’ and a ‘here’.
for ‘there’ is already ‘here’.
it has always been here.
it is we, who live in our remoteness 
from the essence of ourselves.
for our ‘here’ is only representational.
and as much as we are 
imprisoned by our sense of it,
we are the here that thrives 
on our reality composed of denials and methods 
that continue to reinforce this position.
we are essentially connected 
but octaves restrained and removed.
we are that remote and preserve as such
by our methods and sensory awareness 
to keep that distance prominent 
and essential to our versionary account.
we offer thought as a handshake of indifference.
we pursue and embrace thought
as if it was estranged from being.
we pursue objectification
and therefore send postcards to ourselves
and thoughts to our minds
that reinforce how insulated, isolated and separate, 
we think ourselves to be.
we create religions out of time and space
and icons of belief 
that further create a sacredness mystique 
of how remote we are. 
where we are ‘one’ is perceived as a phenomenon. 
everything that we could possible perceive as oneness
is engendered in terminology 
that best serves those of first person spectator status.
if we weren’t in a 24/7 workout gymnasium 
that keeps us in high performance separatism,
we’d already be ‘there’ 
by the consciousness that resides deeply within us.
but your religions gives us waiting lines
and postcard perspectives.
we are served the grossest meals of time and space
as if to keep our hopes vitalized
and our visions as keepsakes, 
only in our minds as if our consciousness.
we lived to purchase tickets to take us 
where we already are 
but haven’t really the clarity or the clues about that.
we have death as a possible ticket to ride
and a life as a way of lonely walking the tracks.
trains of thought come and go
and we believe accordingly in their passage.
we maintain with linear thinking
and experiential receptivity,
both as profound methods of self in denial.
as long as we are all of the questing and yearnings 
and efforts towards a ‘there’,
we live in the essential denial 
of the secret life of here.
we are then profoundly the tourists 
of a homeland, we only visit.
and when there, 
we pride ourselves on experiences
we hope to remember.
moving on in ‘time’ to the next ‘here’ 
in much the same way.
we have a ‘where we come from’ 
that belittles as our here and now.
and worst of all , in a tragic human sense,
we have a ‘here’ and a ‘now’ 
as riddles that fundamentally possess us.
none of which have essential occupancy
in the universe we seek.
our register for confirmation 
falsifies our potential for arrival.
all our potential and prioritized methods of search
need to dry up as if becoming a dry lake bed.
since all of experience, as method, 
is a process of distillation 
without the realization enhancements 
from a method like vaporization, 
as an ongoing process.
where the subsequent result
is eventually condensation as spirit, 
realized as essence.
and we, as such, learn 
from that method of evaporative means.
for we need to metaphorically vaporize 
to realize the sky.
for then to transcend the sky 
to become the heavens. 
and then leave the discourse of heavens, 
or the heavenly discourse,
to be.
we live to be in sensory environment 
where, in the distance,
we hear trains of thoughts 
that we have taken as the now and then,
that historically have taken us 
from here to there
and back
and provide us with the cash of memories
that we spend as our versions 
for the appearances of living.
so, will the universe tell its story 
that science authors?
yet our ‘being-awareness’ is very remote 
from knowing's account.
for where we want to go,
oneness has no audience of listeners . . .

Monday, November 11, 2019

men-tality (haiku) 11/11/19

men wear government
dressed as institutionals
hide their true natures

Sunday, November 10, 2019

nonentity in action 11/10/19

help me to help you 
to help me to help you 
to help me to help you
….it’s complicated
overtures of awareness
residing in observations 
spent into conclusions
I thought I was helping
but apparently not
you were just letting me think so
that’s not helping me to help you
maybe it’s just the way of your levity 
that is now meeting up with 
my return face of gloom
I guess I don’t know
how helping works 
for I only know how to assist 
from a distance that never leaves my mind
I am only cooperative in heart
and basically a nonentity in action . . .

Saturday, November 9, 2019

my multi-realm glossary 11/9/19

physical is bodily intelligence 
emotional is feeling intelligence 
mental is cognitive intelligence 
psychic is vibrational visceral intelligence
intuitive is vibrational kinesthetic intelligence
inspirational is vibrational heartfelt intelligence
spiritual is vibrational ethereal intelligence

(and they are all happening at the same time!)

Friday, November 8, 2019

no such thing as darkness 11/8/19

there is no such thing as darkness
but there appears to be a lack of light
when the convention of viewing 
assumes its righteous constancy
and makes no sincere effort 
to see into the subtlety around
darkness is a state the viewer assumes
that is not the result of them or their skills
but darkness is actually reflective of the seer 
who lacks clarity 
for what is before them
darkness is a stage name
the real name is clueless
or uncertain or nebulous
in the beholder
therefore the accusation is their claim
but the revelation is 
that they lack the sensitivity to perceive
be it sight or sense or feel or touch
there is no darkness
but in actuality, 
a constant embrace
the dance of separatism
always wants the separatist to lead
when many times the music of subtly 
demands that separate must follow . . .