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Friday, August 31, 2018

error (haiku) 8/31/18

most critical minds 
only surface for error
else-wise swim the deeps 

Thursday, August 30, 2018

just the facts 8/30/18

the stillborn nature of facts
is that they have no natural life,
just the virtuality of context.
a still-point of reference 
in the hot hands of humans as a viewpoint,
which is caught up in the simulation of meaning.
fact is certainly an accomplice 
to the torture of human perspectives,
while living in the secret life of a backstory.
haunting the inquisitives with inferring reflectives.
presented with the sudden acne of inadvertent questions.
providing almost a bad high-school-photo of unrelentings.
living the dehumanization into a prop-world,
puppets of the brain-game,
retentive minds’ version of gold coins
made wildly available for a thinker’s tinkering.
raised as intentional flags for opinion’s fury
yet just odes of the moment to be cognizes.
imagine the crustiness of a bare fact,
with the boldface intrusion of meaning
as a form of self-defense.
humans’ usage, in their justification,
as truly distant from oneness,
is lined up by way of a fact-feast 
as a condition of living.
it’s a way of being postured into relatedness
since true connectedness is a rarity.
human passion is a medium 
to get beyond fact in its rutted-ness
but fact, as it stands, lives in integrative denial.
fact into the hibernation of an inferred treatment, 
subsists on, with no more labor needed, 
once humans move onto a less cerebral existence
as fact either becomes a falsehood
or ventures into time-frame-irrelevance 
or in general, becomes artifact-assigned 
or lip service defusing with its vocal impact
and fact then has a fallback shelf-life
eventually into oblivion . . .

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

meeting of the minds (haiku) 8/29/18

so when thoughts are served
at self-consciousness parties
understanding dines

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

grief has a hidden passion 8/28/18

what is the full nature of grief
as if the fog of grief has set in?
yes, the fog has an impactful story
but how it comes into existence is in question.
the process of grief features expectations
memories, the momentary returns 
from recent worldly experience,
the self measures from these interactions,
the recoil that the stimulus is gone,
the trigger for such account is absent,
and all the framing in the world 
will not bring that animation back to life.
sight becomes the stare becomes the vacancy.
the personal conditioning now lacks that triggering.
whatever was the full frontal of account,
has revealed a disappearance of that central figure,
but not the method used for that framing,
or the self-animation from the interactive experiences.
the apparent surface and context are vastly altered.
the stir of spirit is now so superficially handled.
the big picture behind daily life
that rarely surfaces as deep perception
is now in demand to play.
the call-up, to see beyond immediate circumstance,
beyond lifetimes of connections and then transitions,
to know of spirit in another as strength of being in oneself,
that the format of reality is a contingency,
always and ever a false front to the bigger picture,
that daily life does adequately represent this embodiment,
the streaming of spirit is through lifetimes forward.
grief is the loss of the full frontal of immediacy.
grief requires the release of a gloom perspective
and the re-enkindlement to the depth of being
necessary to see beyond 
the apparency of the self in this predicament,
that we all get taken in by the big screen,
the onslaught of imaging in daily life,
the interactional nature of appearing to the eye of the mind,
yet moved by the spirit of the being behind the all of that,
only to short fuse towards the daily representation
and not the spiritual essence directing it from within.
grief lives as the here and now version.
in the bigger picture,
we are all dancing on,
whatever the mediums are crossed in doing so.
grief is an emotion from a short story version of that view.
each person, within their person, experiences grief.
spirit within consciousness 
experiences connectivity as ongoing.
in that perspective, grief has a short lifespan
as a reminder to re-embrace the depth of being
that the actual dynamics represent.
death as a transition is a shift of mediums.
but in the bigger picture,
the richness continues
as all beings are served 
as the consciousness expands.
grief is but a welcome mat to the door 
of a richer spiritual conscious existence
in the realm-travel that we all participate in.
grief is not a stall point.
grief has a hidden passion 
to reawakening to what essence of being 
is about all in of us
as from each other, in this life journey.
grief is a veiled springboard back to the essence
away from the mundane.
every moment of grief is a pregnancy 
to the birth of a spiritual richness
that realigns us all 
towards destiny, through ongoingness, 
into oneness . . .

Monday, August 27, 2018

bodhisattva addiction (haiku) 8/27/18

very steely caring
from the deep well of loving
self, just medium

Sunday, August 26, 2018

objectification as meddlesome 8/26/18

objectification is a self-inflicted prison
yes, you get a cell with a view
the inadequate capacity to dream on
with profoundly limited access to act out
you have a trench coat of stills in your mind
you send post cards out as next thoughts
and you’ve asked of yourself 
to be in the next ‘where’s waldo’ poster
as a camouflage stand-in unknowingly
you’ve stacked the deck 
in a forgotten manner
and deal going forward as a card trick
worthy of self-watching
as if you are both the magician
and first row audience appreciation
this is how self-intrusive 
becomes a way of life . . .

Saturday, August 25, 2018

creativity (haiku) 8/25/18

in the dark of the night 
bleeds for light to come

Friday, August 24, 2018

being being 8/24/18

all of language is the kindling, 
for starting verbal topical fires
by the use of enablement, 
for what is not said
and preferentials for what is.
thus the distortion 
of the human living hologram occurs
by the use of these linear perspectives.
being, in the conscious mind,
is forever becoming the merge.
morality is murky syntactical.
strategic is a form of a clandestine embrace.
therefore the essence of love
can never be perusal. 
spirit is never nonfictional.
and being, the essence of being,
is never topically evident . . . 

Thursday, August 23, 2018

task at hand (haiku) 8/23/18

only real topic
experience junkies have
one’s self interest

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

the makings of an up-roar 8/22/18

one horse running towards me
from a great distance away
its mane bobbing and aflame
turns into a wide-spread of many
in a collaborative rush of light
circling me from all sides, 
fast approaching 
as if to breathlessly engulf 
but this vision-field expands 
completely beyond a 360-frame
more from this rush of envelopment 
yet evocative becomes my overwhelm
whatever was grounding me, 
soon vanished 
for this gravity is boundless, 
no hints any more of up or down
small eddies of laugher 
are bubbling up from within me
blending the before, the during and the hereafter  
all of the sky, the far reaching sky
was my last in-breath taken
ready to greet the emphatic of everything 
yet now has no pronouncement
thick and warm and far-seeing 
meet in a blending liquid elixir state
all the intimate appendages of mine 
are just next thoughts reaching
yet experience features no particulars to grasp
bathing and basking are currently 
the same emotional affix to living 
for what is, sensorially sizzles 
as a vibratory stillness, 
a sound-loop so satisfying
as the tingling becomes levity sip-able 
my streaming-senses climb the walls 
towards nonexistence’s call
for there are buzzards of blessedness circling 
the banquet of becoming is forthright evident
roundabouts of supposed mentionables 
are all about to collide as if tongue-tied
dizzy, with what intrigue this offers
tizzy and sensate copulate within me 
their magnetics produce an offspring
its dimensions within me breath in life
while I am mopping the floors of existence 
with tears coming down from laughter 
I give up on naming any of it
for the giant redwoods of my mind 
whisper to me 
as my forever forest from within
for now I can feel 
how every two drops of water recompose 
for when they first meet,
for their sense of ocean-intimacy as embrace 
and the weather all around me
has become a one hair brush 
to the canvass 
that is the everywhere on me
for now, wholeness has no apparent boundaries
beginnings and endings are just 
mutually reactive mirror views
language is but chewed gum 
left-behinds, stuck under counters 
from several lifetimes ago
these are the well beyonds,
all of this, just the rumble of overwhelms, 
for I have found 
the sweet tone of an unending note,
as the makings of an uproar,
in a continuum beyond place and time
where all those governing rules of order
have become the justice of incense in the burning, 
steeped into exquisite singulars of fragrance
forgone are the daze 
from my self-accounts
this riddle of identity has been vanquished 
all thoughts for now?
are plains of welcome mats
that obliquely 
but secretly with wide-eyes say,
heart is hearth as whole.
knowledge had no moving parts 
and knowing, of the human-kind,
only has redemption 
for the ones 
who are the consciousness 
of their soul . . .

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

the big secret (haiku) 8/21/18

the softest tissues
your body will ever grow
govern your living

Monday, August 20, 2018

oneness overwhelms 8/20/18

I can’t leave 
where I never have been.
and I am everywhere else
intent on closing in.
space, what a concept.
get small,
to chase after large,
to be only, some where.
then know it 
by what surrounds.
have travel 
as time consumption.
get focused on particulars
as evidence 
for being there.
trust vision
as if in need.
feel gravity
as if earthbound.
have a sense of ‘I’
like that is relevant
as in, I’m talking to myself,
as if language authors
speech pronounces
and hearing verifies.
self-consciousness is the menu.
chew properly.
swallow whole.
self is buffet 
as a long line,
ever serving.
thought is soup of the day.
slurp if you can.
spill if you must.
cause tides.
ride earth rises.
laugh the death out. 
mid-brain gets it.
spine tingles
until oneness overwhelms . . .

Sunday, August 19, 2018

residence of soul 8/19/18

self-consciousness communicates,
consciousness conveys.
communication is the embodiment of meaning 
as thoughtfully significant. 
conveyance broadcasts a radiance 
as an imminence of presence.
we are the endless practice towards communication
but we are the unceasing birthright of conveyance.
as much as speech fills the mind with activity,
presence of being calms the soul.
self-consciousness seeks to project of itself
while consciousness invisibly attends with silent dignity.
for communication purposes, we have the mind’s ‘I’,
for conveyance, we are the mind’s eye
for self-consciousness awareness,
it is not aware of itself.
in consciousness, 
one is selflessly sentient-aware.
self-consciousness has access to the behave-mind 
while consciousness participates in the hive-mind.
self-consciousness is where your projection leads you.
consciousness is where your presence exudes of you.
they both have strong ties to the spirit of being
but one has the deeper residence of soul . . .

Saturday, August 18, 2018

personal wealth 8/18/18

coming in to where you are, 
is personal wealth.
being the conscious flood of spirit,
filling in behind your life experience,
as if channeling the flow of your higher self
is an abundancy of wealth.
there are no rewards for being, 
only the presumption of rewards for doing.
wealth is not acquisitional.
wealth is conscious embrace of essence realized,
where actualizing becomes the consciousness of flow.
wealth is the conscious singularity of the hive-mind,
where oneness of being 
is the essence of all actions taken.

Friday, August 17, 2018

consciousness versus self-consciousness 8/17/18

first off, not a competition but an internal contention.
experience is the medium of self-consciousness
but plays a subjective role in consciousness.
self-consciousness is all about intake,
sensory ordained consumption.
consciousness is all about output, 
radiant presence forthcoming.
self-consciousness is shaped and molded
by conditioning, habits and circumstance.
consciousness is deeply present,
possibly resigned to a secondary role
until the self-realization occurs.
but in children, it is very sight-able
beyond their developing personality,
which can become a cross current to its broadcast.
self-consciousness negotiates as a self directive.
it has a narrative and a normative to live by.
consciousness, in a keepsake sense for our reality,
represents the soul clarity of the being.
for self-consciousness to become clear with that
is for many a life calling 
and a destiny yearn.
it is not that they have to fight each other.
but more so, that reality demands by circumstances
and method and means available to respond,
makes that evolution daunting for most people.
the calling truly exists for everyone
but the trek has illusion and confusion along the way
as if it is self-consciousness’s calling 
to determine how and when and what that might be
as of methods and means to get there,
and to realize the internal priority shifts necessary
to become self-consciously conscious is transcendent.
it is a surrender up,
the bleed through of higher purpose and means.
it is a wisdom of depth perception, on constantly.
at some point, it will appear almost as a channeling,
where one speaks through oneself from within.
at that point, it is not contentiously entertained.
there is mediumship and a soul presence,
as consciousness becomes self-consciously present . . .

Thursday, August 16, 2018

injustice is the breeze 8/16/18

injustice lives in seething silence within.
not that justice occurs
but the cleaver of a mind’s conclusion
begs for it to truly exist.
yet justice is not a crowning
but more of a sense of tranquility’s besiege
in the self-sense of one’s surround.
injustice has created an unspoken occupancy,
an affect that has become noteworthy
to the point and the need of recognition 
or at least the minutiae of inner responses acknowledged.
repugnancy and affront are dancing inwardly,
front stage, as consciously as they can
to the audience of that mind.
pursed lips but unsaid happens.
self-space is felt as diminished.
the mind-grip of subtle compression 
is self applied
but the claim, outwardly intended,
is that injustice has occurred.
rules, taken for granted, have been abraded. 
the confluency of respect is denied.
the contract of right assumptions is broken,
broken into and broken down.
dignity has a stone in the shoe
for walking forward into the earnestness of the day.
the limp will have a tongue.
silence will have a callous.
venting will be in need of a target.
disarray has potential carriage into the next moment
and then some.
peeved is only made of froth.
gastric juice simmer undisclosed but burning.
a flare for the irrational broods. 
passivity may become a placative way of life.
a necessity for compartmentalization of the mind 
constantly beckons,
so that hidden agendas now have a residency 
yet undisclosed.
innocence has temporary substitute teachers.
the education of relevance is privately debated.
the heart of the matter is not in that room.
getting current is running an obstacle course.
when do issues become just dander?
where within oneself is buoyancy, out of balance, 
inwardly learned,
since innocence is not the teacher any more?
self-love invents a mirror to, in reflection, ponder.
persons of destiny, move on.
people of the oneness are aware 
but self-implore.
injustice comes from the mindsets of isolation.
people are calling out from their blind-spot of power.
their suffering is displaced by measures of control.
their gauge is self rising, in isolation above all else.
their journey, is a longer way around the mountain
with many more ups and downs.
but be the broadcast of self as wealth
and not the brooding inner billboard
of self-image absorbing a loss.
grow feathers of inner wisdom.
find injustice as a breeze to take flight upon.
sight, as from higher up and farther out in scope
sees injustice as just landfill. 
once you are in the flight-stream,
in full-flow, of this as an elevated view . . .  

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

in full experiential reprieve 8/15/18

self-consciousness is 
just the imminently inclusive recent past,
posing as our awareness of the now.
the most profound journey for humans
is to come into this fresh baked of the moment
of the now.
to leave the self-conscious version 
for the living state of consciousness,
to leave the pretend of the imminent yet previous 
posing as the now,
to give up on the report and the account,
the anecdotals and the journey of breadcrumbs
posed by conclusions,
to forgive and forget the survey,
even the notion of surprise 
against the backdrop of expectation’s view,
to be alive where language has no formal usage,
where everything speaks and listens 
simultaneously, as interactional,
where sensory input is not particularizing 
but is universalizing 
in every medium beyond presentation’s scene 
as vibratory interaction’s obtainables.
there are no more flashlight in a darken room 
pinhole views.
there is no involvement in the method of interest. 
observation and audience have dissolved.
thought has no need for confirmation or residence.
the void of think is full-blown and ever endowed
without hesitancy or any sense of vanity disclosed.
the now from energetics is timeless.
this, as a bottomless sound,
knows of itself by being.
void has become the fullness of everything.
know is non-operational, even antiquated as a means.
‘be' has no text.
‘being’ is boundary-less.
‘I’ is non-declarative.
verb has no source and noun has no time.
utterance has no audience.
enlightenment has no dimensions to comply.
in transition, that which was apparently closing in,
is ever-expanding, more rapidly.
spacial has octaves 
yet dimensions as distinctions have diminished.
glee sequences faster and faster 
until it is sightless beyond the capacity to sigh.
‘self’ has surrendered into expansion.
mind gave up, now is immersed into the cause.
all words became octaves absorbing.
I knocked on the door one last time
the ‘I’, the ‘knock’, the ‘door’, 
the ‘one’, and the ‘time’,
have all resolved, absolved then dissolved,
as the last laugh, 
completely exhaling 
as if exhilarating 
in full experiential reprieve . . .

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

not this content-bound 8/14/18

speech is already broken from before it is hurled
the mind over-grips crushing emotional fragrances
our sight is limited by the immediacy of recognition 
my selves are dualistic shoes walking an unfamiliar road
I am on a shopping spree for more unimportant details
I think that freedom is anywhere that I have not been 
I project from a very private place within me
reality is this religion without a personal confessional
but the penance persists as if guilt is ordained
I cannot see far enough forward to see myself clearly
we are all in symbolic phone booths calling out for help
I am on a shopping spree to hide from the purchase of spirit
the quicksand is that no thought penetrates this predicament
we are where a meaningful life is the pleasure of loiter
I always knew that enough was too much of neediness
what I envision, every metaphor endlessly denies
even the shelf-life of repetition is ongoing diminishment
every new thought is suffocated by thoughts from before
but know this
every lament is driven by something that is not limiting
I have a calling that is prominently unidentified
as an faceless drawnness, that is overwhelming me
it dismisses language as a downer position, personified
it has a feel that does not seek representation
I am buoyant in the heart beyond understanding’s premises
I would bleed out if truth was a conclusionary state 
even as bleak is pointed out, I rise behind those accounts
every paradox gives me reason to revive from within
every predicament is a crest to take off from, to the heavens
every statement is a vehicle of release, no matter its cause
the deep dark systemic is about everything
and self-consciousness is an enigma perspective
where solipsism exists as divination
in this reality hologram 
generated from the mechanics 
and dynamics of human isolation,
there are those who yearn to live for 
when consciousness is not this content-bound . . . 

Monday, August 13, 2018

money is CTE of the mind 8/13/18

money is a brain disease confessional,
an interrogator of the deepest reactives as self-truths,
the stimulator of inner dialogues 
with the grunt of curse words but privately voiced,
where separatism goes to be rejuvenated,
lives as a catharsis without emotional purification.
money gives trust a bad name, eventually,
a kind of selfish hypnosis realized as false purpose,
a way to get down like form junkies would,
a kind of alcohol given to a splurge-queen 
without any gender identification needed.
money is a form of suicide-notes, 
needing a final placement to be cost-effective.
if money were a video with sound,
the study of human psychology 
would advance way more rapidly.
reality T.V. is the money in your wallet, on your mind.
credit cards are just the pharmaceuticals of the same.
money is a statue to itself, we all honor in passing.
while the body is mostly composed of water
the mindset is mostly composed of money as metaphor.
if reality had its own tongue, 
money would be the waggling and the chatter.
if desire is in a flood zone
then money is the hundred year flash-flood.
if tens and twenties were truth tellers
then hundreds would be lawyers in a court of law.
in physics, money is the friction between opposing forces.
money is a false-crop of cause-worthiness.
it is a medium for act-outs 
when worth is disappointing.
money puts all details to bed
and creates our garden of conclusions to view . . .

Sunday, August 12, 2018

in visioning 8/12/18

soul swallowed sight 
gave back a view from the other side
reflecting a heart rendering
where by everything is blessed
of itself and vibrationally affirming
why did I have to go to view 
to feel this connected?
soothed escaped to shower me
as if I now live for this appeasement
it seems 
I circumvent my mountain of being
just to get these blissful views
taken from the outside in
as if soul had dialog to say
and heart, my heart was then
all ears . . .

Saturday, August 11, 2018

the lock, stock and barrel of you 8/11/18

you would rather ride shotgun
in an ego car.
kindly mouthing off 
from a ventilative hidden agenda.
driven by self-loathing disguised 
behind conversational intrigue.
and presented as a caring for others demeanor 
so as to distract yourself 
from real self-issue demands
that somehow you believe 
others should directly assist you with.
yet they have no source for where in you 
this essentially occurs.
or where this originally comes from
except for your need of false approval.
and by this attention, that is topically gained,
even though it does not essentially self-apply.
that others feel for you
is then falsely interpreted 
as a connect, a contract gained.
where others appear to authentically care
this is justifying your ever untold struggle.
only for you to eventually discover 
that if they buy in,
they really can’t fundamentally help.
then ego, accompanied once again with inner rage
and mental surround, continues on
as unresolved, stifled, confoundedly bitter
and spiritually suppressed . . .

Friday, August 10, 2018

kickbacks from time 8/10/18

time is a state of poverty awareness,
a confinement of conceptualization,
an animation of conclusions marching forward,
the tick and the tock 
but not the pre-cognitives in between.
time is permission for popup contexts to surface.
time features memories as billboards 
vividly brought on, but blurred in passing.
in time, hope and hopelessness, are in drive-by status.
time features thought–gravity, yet unrealizable.
time is a framing style with functional regularity.
time is a mentor to self-consciousness,
as a white-board to self for appraisal.
time prompts the reading of a book, 
with eyes falling down the pages, line by line,
exaggerating the written words towards topic worth.
time is a stairway, up or down, 
for using temporality as a handrail.
time is the hourglass of storytelling, vocalized.
it is the wallpaper of details indulgently observed,
the wardrobe of mind-occupancy for perusal’s display.
time is in the shadow of every thought cast.
pain steals time as if by incessant insistence. 
breathing rows across the surface tension of time,
pleading unconsciously for this viscosity to end,
for an evaporative means to free-up into consciousness.
time is hell-bent on avoidance of the ‘now’,
for we all are time-based pole-dancers 
but rarely free of the pole itself . . .