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check out my video haikus
and slideshow videos on youtube at "junahsowojayboda"

Thursday, April 30, 2020

the when of evolution 4/30/20

when personal evolutionary is a concessionary gain
is when, all else has broad-spectrum failed.
it's when anomalies gain adequate-self in recognition,
when falling up, as it were, becomes acceptable,
is when, to the ends-of-the-earth 
is a personal horizon line worth approaching,
when all else has profoundly flat-line failed,
then evolution comes one's back door.
doesn't ask for approval,
gains recognition from deep interior places in reach,
does not readily meet any cultural or social standards
but feels right as an operative initiated from within.
it's hard for it to make its claims 
but adds interior wealth to the being.
each person's lifetime is a whittling in that direction.
for some it is as if a branch to their being
while for others it's only recognition initials 
carved into the bark on their tree-like stand . . .

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

the absence, there of 4/29/20

we are fundamentally
the substance of 'the absence there of',
where quantifiers are breathless in appraisals,
where language is but orphan glitter
in nose-dives and up-risings of absentia,
where embodiment is the closest one could come 
to the nearness displayed 
by the expression of isness,
where presence is impressively non-definitional, 
where consummate is the all 
that awareness boundlessly offers,
where the task of memory 
trails off into seamless oblivion,
where all sense of audience 
has been serenely vacated
in the free-fall of particulars,
where all of meaning 
has lost all definitional means,
and where we surrender 
our capacity for knowing, 
for all of the oneness, 
we are . . .

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

the medium of understanding 4/28/20

in our reality, 
understanding is not the top priority.
it is the media of impotently passing time.
it is a quality of mind stir,
much like filling helium balloons.
at some point, 
they either deflate or fly away.
those that fly away 
are colorful as memories.
those that deflate 
are on the ground for eventual venting.
understanding creates a sense of occupancy,
is armament against next moment's intrusion.
there is a sense of momentum to its murmur.
it provides for fallback awareness by recognition.
for some, it goes on easy 
and functions as widespread.
while for others, 
it's the wrong seasoning 
for the meal at hand.
some people stockpile for future events.
others are a blaze of attention 
and then ashes as the past.
a medium of self-conscious attention, 
not a top priority,
but comes with directions, 
designed to be meaningful . . .

Monday, April 27, 2020

the curse of being cast 4/27/20

the curse of being cast
as expectation does all that dirty-work.
might as well hand me 
a set of rules and regulations.
I have to work my projection
as my handshake of agreement
for as long as I meet 
your expectation checklist,
we are good to go.
I can be loose around the edges
and we can be acquaintances 
if I am at all inspiring
then my apparent strangeness 
could be included 
in the packaged friendship deal.
if I am on your menu to order
then close friends might provide the setting.
if we are to be in a formal close relationship
say, partners of some sort,
then all bets are off.
you are waisting your curse on me.
equals of any sort don't abide by being cast.
you get what you get
from what is being first person offered.
the rest is for you to ponder,
grow from, inquire, contemplate,
blab about to others or be inspired.
anything above and beyond that is karma!
expectation has many different residences 
of receivership.
the privacy of your curse
should be a life-path of discovery for you.
expectation is only the parody of
having someone reread you the same story
over and over
as if your sense of audience 
is precious to all others . . .

Sunday, April 26, 2020

secrets (haiku) 4/26/20

secrets are always 
so selflessly simplistic 
yet clothed in silence

Saturday, April 25, 2020

sacred as the flow 4/25/20

I am only passing as human
that is my fallback position
lots of times I awake
and I am not in human form
I am not in any form
I am a feel beyond any claim
I don't let my mind in to claim it
it is not a categorical
it is not legendary to reflect on
it is as its abundance
a portal flooding with presence
yet undefined 
I can't put a self to it
I feel sacred in service to its flow
a nectar from out of nothingness
becoming evident in its receivership
coming from a home 
that claims no residence
but bountiful beyond reason's reach
what wisdom 
that does not reach for words
I am an expanding lostness
in full view
my completeness has no occupancy
but I am passing a human
we are that dance
laden with the recent as evidential
but always sacred as the flow . . .

Friday, April 24, 2020

the beyond of quantum entanglement 4/24/20

for expansive focus to be poised
it has to exist in an immersive state.
it is not so much getting results
as having profound interactions.
it is lucid beyond comparative truth.
it is beyond the bounds of paradox,
being the backstage for all belief claims.
it is more far-reaching than 
existential angst as feeling's over-ride.
it is more comprehensively complex than
prefrontal cortex as our experiential occupancy.
it cannot be categorized as a non-ordinary state
because there is no deliverance 
to an otherwise experiential witness environment.
witnessing the witnesser is ever complete from within.
there is a possibility of quantum lucid connectedness
beyond the use of what animated language could provide,
a kind of conscious coherence 
beyond self conscious luminous reductionism,
as a journey that does not dignify a sense of return
and transforms sensory out of an audience perspective
into intrinsic elemental energetic dynamism,
demystifying the time-space continuum as strategy
yet bathing in the sweet-spot of quantum awareness,
becoming inspiration that has no audience 
but only vibrational high frequency membership
to live consciously beyond boundary-ness 
as collective conscious human mass-mentality . . .

Thursday, April 23, 2020

the cross-examination of questioning 4/23/20

(ever so contemplatively slow)

what does what mean?
why does what mean?
when does what mean?
how does what mean?
so where is truth? 
and who is who knows?

what does why matter?
why does why matter?
when does why matter?
how does why matter?
so where is truth?
and who is who knows?

what is when is relevant?
why is when relevant?
when is when relevant?
how is when relevant?
so where is truth?
and who is who knows?

what is how's work?
why does how work?
when does how work?
how does how work?
so where is truth?
and who is who knows?

(what work they do
and for whom?) . . .

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

the end of ordinary states 4/22/20

the end of ordinary states
every observation has that potential
yet we all abide by
sanguine in the grasp of familiarity's paws
we preach recognition as a religious pretense
yet longingly hunger for 
the bleed from the cutting edge
who within us has the handle on that blade
where from within does the crayon cross the line
when does the unthinkable 
step out from behind the bedroom curtains
where is the internal peddle for exhilaration's call
we search the planet for peak experience
assuming it is an outward stimulation
when the real work is internal
how to perceive, to grandly perceive
how to rewire the seen-it-done-it-been-there
so as to be in receivership from within
to view the mundane into ecstasy
to take the humdrum out of experience
to make the heavy feet of conclusions 
learn how to dance into delight
ordinary is only a mind-state habit
self-scrutiny has the power of leverage
titillation only needs an experience cover
as it means
to the end of ordinary states
while the real medium is 
within one's keen . . .

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

the death of meaning 4/21/20

there are those nanoseconds between thoughts
when no sense exists
easy to spend a life 
looking past any of these
as if the crease between page turns
but they are there
and in there are free falls
elaborate vacuous voids
no identity, 
no proof of worth
no sense input reaching the brain
but not empty either
yet undeclared 
by meaning's gushing assistance
what if 
it is the death of meaning
as life saving terms
where existence is not proof there of
where physicality is all cane work
as the walking stick of the material plane
to provide answers 
if there are here to for questions asked
hard to spend extended periods of time there
more difficult than general body balance
a world without meaning's pushy assistance
there is no time for courage to explore
can't take those tools of cognition
and their recognition escort equipment
just full-bodied vacancy
not relational as a greeting style implemented
maybe the come-on is high contrast
but then that is already a fall-back response
it's time off from everything as known
time-out from being in the know
even if meaning is discovered 
to only be a pretend
it is familiar and convenient 
and otherwise apparently constant
this is altogether preparedly unapproachable
it is happening all of the time
but exists without notice 
as a means of intervention
so what is that?
is it just the mass of you in occupancy?
is it just like rocks or dirt or organic matter?
for whatever, it has its own composition.
it has continuance as your physical accomplice 
so does meaning save any of us
or is meaning just along for the experiential ride?
we ride the physical
but is meaning ever in charge?
with the discovery of these integrative voids,
it seems like meaning is a glorified pretend
not that meaning isn't full of directives
but seriously,
meaning may all be corrective in nature
meaning is sort of a surrogate state of existence
in which you can't question the questioner!
so, is the mind the headwaters of the river of being
or the podium with an active microphone?
maybe that nanosecond void is not empty
but seriously exhilarating 
but experientially not available
by our style of awareness or account
so we must remember
as a working premise,
void is void until it is not
anything more or less
must be something else . . . 

Monday, April 20, 2020

myself as my job 4/20/20

retentive mind is pillaging the present
life is on assignment
I am a photojournalist for the self
read and edit all the time
the staff of me is an avid audience
went on line with the mouth
having a following is encouraging
hardly ever in the studio 
mostly in the field
use to free-range 
for what was of interest
now, mostly have agenda directives
a timetable to pursue
feature others of like kind
rarely anything front page
or initially make headlines
for whatever now is
I make it into copy of interest
this is myself
as my job . . .