also for viewing

check out my video haikus
and slideshow videos on youtube at "junahsowojayboda"

Sunday, June 30, 2019

rings (haiku) 6/30/19

trees living year after year
hold their secrets dear

Saturday, June 29, 2019

say what? 6/29/19

an inner voice got whisper-loud.
this was almost distracting
as crossing the lines of hush-hush
of sacred secrets and self as intimacy
into the shared experience 
with an invisible other.
no, not quite the compulsion 
of talking to oneself
in the unassumed presence of others.
because overheard then
is cause for a neurosis-observance
unless there is cell-phone-usage reprieve.
but then, still murmur-loud
as if into my ear
from right next to me,
soft muttered vocals 
right beside myself.
but within me,
maybe this is a hostage situation,
as the start of a multiple personality 
take over.
I can’t even deal with what was said.
so startled,
much less now remember. 
so, I’m asking.
how was your day? . . .

Friday, June 28, 2019

the hum of it 6/28/19

hum is a complete language 
unto itself.
it speaks emotional volumes 
while minimizing particulars as distractives.
it is a layering of immersives
on a canvass of emotives
as volumes rather than layers.
the pluralities of non-specifics 
are flooding the space as occupancy.
hearing is absorption 
rather then listening.
feel is all ears.
what the heart comes to know,
it will then tell the mind 
to supportively attend.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

now (haiku) 6/27/19

push you into now
then yell at you to grow wings
time is made of sky

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

isness is readable 6/26/19

we are all the writing instrument 
as well as the paper
as we live the life 
of the flow of ink.
the script seems to generate itself, 
as the trickle down
is made of the now.
history is a mired reflection
yet the longhand is made 
in readable isness.
one has to be it 
to see it, first hand.
and at that moment, 
they are only the consciousness 
of reading themselves.
chasing after their aliveness,
lifeline by lifeline . . .

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

the four horsemen 6/25/19

everyone is their own book,
box of crayons
pen in hand
as well as their own set of paints
the difficulty is that
the written page, the coloring book,
the blank sheet and the waiting canvass
are the four horsemen of manifest:
the page-horse of aware,
the box-horse of animation
the pen-horse of intimacy
and the canvass-horse of passion.
they are the foursome 
of the fierce human foibles.
if one rides,
the spirit of the others will follow . . .

Monday, June 24, 2019

and so it is 6/24/19

deep, from high within,
down the stares from human eyes,
light calls out 
as if silence has lips
and everything of mass and form 
is made of listening.
trembling within 
begins a celestial dance.
stillness is the majestic 
and the profound in motion.
that which is shimmering 
is check to check.
shoes made of breathless
glimmer, dazzle and pause.
the appendages of timing,
grasp, sway and embrace.
all of nothing that matters
is ever the dance floor,
never getting in the way.
the skies beyond sight 
and the real beyond feel
are taken up in the devotional 
as devour is the subtlety of motion.
the melody is molecular in all of nature
and the dancehall itself
is a continuum outside of time.
each dance-card has lifetimes,
line by line.
each of us, as an instrument, 
both simultaneously dances and plays.
as the dancehall entrance 
comes down the stares,
the light of revelation
is reflected in the mind’s eye.
that the music itself is composed
of was, is and will-be.
and as if, for then, 
there are soft smiles all around,
reveling in eternity . . . 

Sunday, June 23, 2019

beside myself 6/23/19

all of reality 
is the experience 
of special effects.
as long as 
one perceives oneself 
as audience.
in that same vain,
reaching for the stars is bad technique.
expanding to the stars within 
is to the surrender of technique 
as usage.
technique often disguises itself as myself
and then goes around making discoveries.
there are times I ask technique to leave
as I would rather first-person
come through from revelations . . .

Saturday, June 22, 2019

cheerful emptiness 6/22/19

cheerful emptiness, 
is the beauty 
of the void smile.
no teeth, 
as for the show of time.
just shiny vast reveling.
eyes that beckon 
beyond perspective.
presence without fill.
as if recognition would be 
small-minded rescue.
free-fall as invitational. 
pressureless embrace 
as envelopment.
as if contagious. 
a nose dive of ascension.
all as colossal 
has vanished,
as the widespread of emptiness 
is brought forth 
out of being . . .

Friday, June 21, 2019

routine is the godsend 6/21/19

routine is the godsend of insight.
it eventually strips away all of distraction.
it features an introspection invitation to viewing.
nothing seen is essentially relevant
as only the viewer comes pronounced in frame.
the assessment of self is by inner-directedness.
this is not a self dialogue for judgment,
but more so an edginess for discovery.
a placidness for facing deeper truths 
out of the camouflage of being,
for discovering the broad strokes of subtly,
the emphasis of the unrealized, 
the source points for emotions 
and positions for the megaphones of drivenness
as well as the cryptics of drawnness, unrealized.
routine is the bear-downs on inadmissible discoveries,
that which illogically hides from value or reason
yet is eventually unavoidable in its stance and worth.
ventures into the how, 
a greater depth of being comes into the light
by the constituency of consciousness 
brought into living,
and how inadmissibly 
but made of necessities unclaimed,
we all have backroads of undiscovered virtue.
we are always the path of acting out
to get there by paradoxical means.
honesty has more depth of field than press produces,
and as a self-sense may loose its boundaries of this,
a larger sense of self 
may come to include others.
routine lays down a path 
as if monotony is a god of wisdom.
angels inadvertently appear along the way.
purpose of a lost soul becomes a fragrance appeal.
light from within may magically be spread.
routine is senselessly sacred 
as an intoxicant can be.
it is the death of smallness 
becoming the dance of life
from the music played 
on the instrument of a wandering soul . . .

Thursday, June 20, 2019

blather as cryptic 6/20/19

the breath from blather, 
as if clouds spoke a wisdom in passage,
a paintbrush held as cryptically 
the acumen of tension applied,
well-worn sandals as story-tellers
of weight-bearing’s description of self,
the height of a soapbox
that makes spoken-ness almost inaudible,
the weight of arm apparel, 
rings, bracelets, bands, cuffs, 
watches, chains, or shackles,
signifying the presence of the untold,
the content array of a refrigerator door
disclosing family unity and disarray,
the stampede of fingerprints smothering fingerprints
on a glass doorknob overwhelmed with public usage.
blather becomes the sign language of breath,
paintings from unnamable artists,
uneasily traceable beach-walk, 
ankle deep at high tide,
mental places of insight 
where meaning has worn out its welcome,
where adventure is robust with closing remarks,
where sleep is the preferred option to sensibility,
where is this, in god’s earth 
where inanity become cause-worthy
as if cryptically yet passively spoken
as the breath passing as blather . . .

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

self-empathy 6/19/19

I am having a blizzard, 
rain-soaked emotional state 
in my brain.
a fury of tears, with no place to go.
gravity to the left and right 
but nothing grounding.
how can this be uplifting sorrow?
the door to open is in the sky.
but which ever way is up 
is trouble-tumbling to me.
yet a torment of roses, 
heavy with fragrance,
as if wings of angels are near by.
each moment is as an eyesore to face.
I have no continuum to align this all,
straight away.
some place within me has carriage.
but where I have mouth and voice
is beleaguered and in dismay.
how is this small of the universe 
so myopically large?
and I have a loose fit
for believing any of this.
not that reality ever offered me a firm grip.
I like that emotions are buoyant within me.
but some episodes seem lost 
as if to purpose or meaning.
since what has rational ever done
to clear the slate or end this drama?
I am my own child-like comforting. 
and it will come 
and I will reflect on all of this
as grand and masterful 
but beyond my scope to grasp 
when I was in it.
I appreciate the pallet 
even when I’m messed up with these colors.
I can’t name what this is
but maybe it is a cleanse 
or an endpoint to frustration.
but I would bestow this on everyone
as much as the joy of towering sneeze.
this all maybe square-one with a cleaning cloth.
it is certainly more than just a crying rag.
there is sacred in consternation 
and wealth in the undefined.
but back to simple steps after cloudbursts
and self-empathy to become refined . . .

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

call it caring 6/18/19

caring, in the medium of the receiver,
ignites the common source between the two more readily.
the more that deep essence is offered 
as the environment of the apparent exchange,
the more profound the potential
for the receiver to source from themselves
the transformative elements of their own evolution
that are the kindling for the spirit of embrace to occur.
that occurrence of caring provides a continuum 
where by the two become one of constancy 
is in deeper vibrational truth 
beyond the affect and effect of experience
as this apparent account took its origin from.
dilemma presented as circumstance
was only an invitation offered from the unresolved.
but the deeper harmonics surfaced 
with an integrity to bare as the opportunity
for oneness to transcend
and for oneness to be made more evident
as a deeper residence within the two unfolding.
caring is the origin of the tuning fork sound
but sounding the pitch that both attune to,
reveals the one source to the all of it
as each are further dismissed 
from being isolated selves.
and the communion expands 
as consciousness is their medium 
living the profoundness alive . . .
(and, for now, we call it caring.)

Monday, June 17, 2019

how to prepare a sumptuous

with the sharpened blade-edge of a hand as a feather
delicately comb 
the landscape contours of skin on her back
searching for tingles, shivers and shudders
that lead to soothes which come in the form 
of deep welling open mouth sighs

then fondle sensuous feminine breasts 
by putting delicious finger-foods 
delicately on the curvy surfaces of the two koi ponds 
where invisible nerve-fish sumptuously surface to feast
then taking the immediacies of teases and faint touches
deep diving back to further arouse delight in her brain

and finally, with the quick twitch finger skills
of a small band of curious and fidgety digits 
apply piano playing hand placements 
any where from lower calf to upper ankle
and then deftly migrate down on to the soles of her feet 
leaving titillating tracks with tantalizing edginess 
that may provoke leg twitching 
but will eventually lead 
to inbreathe seizures of sizzles and sighs
and a distant deep audible pining for it to stop
and yet not so, actually to be interpreted as,
just much softer but more of the same

are we sumptuous yet?

Sunday, June 16, 2019

the origin of interest 6/16/19

how do I know what constitutes interest?
I get the heat of attention
but where from within me
does the minuscule of kindling come from?
who of me inhales that fire of interest
yet unbeknownst to a conscious me?
I only then get the faintest of smoke 
cuing into interest as enthusiasm for blaze,
eventually lit up with attention span.
broad strokes of streaming cognition 
attempt to intervene.
curiosity sits in, as alert is all ears.
the first inklings of speech 
are making waves in the brain.
language is constructed and consuming
by a brain-full of words
as if fuel for the engine of attention to continue.
I get the gist of all the moving parts,
but what constitutes interest of itself?
no, I am not saying the topic at hand
or the item being attended,
but where does this cuing of attention starts?
is it anything in contrast to boredom?
is it sensory frames in search from thirst there of,  
for image or topic or a matter to be in hand?
is interest always positional in seeking?
is curiosity always an innocence to start with?
so much escapes into the flow 
from the cross hairs of readied concern.
it seems that my mind, of itself, 
is only there at post-arrival, immediately thereafter.
so, out of what interior unknown does interest arise?
are there cues within me that work on their own?
is interest an attention summary for defense purposes,
or story-ability as a way of interest seeking props? 
interest seems to have account-for 
working almost the unconscious, behind the scenes.
is interest only a self state of awareness then
a made-for-reality context takes over?
is interest eventually my white cain for reality purposes?
is interest a lifetime skilling to piece together
the reality puzzle day by day ongoing?
a bicycle has gears and a chain to translate into motion,
so what does interest have for its occupancy in life?
are words that pop up, just as flash cards 
to coerce interest into some conscious sense of act?
if I go to the bare knuckles of pre-birth awareness
does that get me to the source of interest?
is interest an unstoppable plague that generates of itself?
a glue that has no known countering agent,
the tongue of conscious-speak,
the swizzle-stick of reality 
that doubles as a mind-suck straw?
it seems like attempting to get off of fly-paper
by using other fly-paper does not get me free to the source.
this maybe deeper than hormonal 
and certainly beyond the use of words
as if props ever truly identify 
beyond their usage to identify their true source . . .


Saturday, June 15, 2019

the essence source of happiness 6/15/19

everything I am, as mind-fill, 
is a distraction from happiness.
my happiness is not a receivership state 
of my otherwise awareness,
but a broadcast state of my being.
happiness is not a conclusory state within me either.
sure, it can be noticed as claimed happiness
while being happy
but they are not the same for me.
my self-consciousness version of happy
is viewed from my witness state
which is ever so subtly distinct 
from happiness itself.
to me, happiness is 
an embodied exuding state of permission 
without interruption from outside stimulus as cause.
my short term happiness is a response 
to ignition from outside culturally conditioned cues.
but the generativeness of my happiness 
is ever internal and always there 
if not placated by overwhelming external circumstances.
or without the experiential overrides 
developed through living with 
some unsaid contentiousness
that is derailing happiness by my preoccupation 
with a mood or a judgment.
happiness has no evidence to prove itself
and I see no need for its approval.
essential seeds of happiness 
emanate an ongoing presence in all of us.
but the flood of apparent happiness 
is not really at the cause.
being without an external context 
is closer to the real source
and more resourceful in our human nature.
that the mind then becomes aware of happiness
is only a wardrobe of self-consciousness worn.
happiness has no answers
and is not, in a dialogue sense, 
and is not the byproduct of entertainment.
to me, happiness has no rational cause 
and no proof of worth.
that laughter occurs
is a rebalance of the my mind 
without rational means.
for me, happiness is before evidential
as the mind is already preoccupied 
when happy spontaneously occurs.
quite subtilely, happiness precedes search 
and self-conscious seizure.
happiness is more at source and resourceful
then any seeking can engender.
to me, only the periphery of happiness 
generates memories,
for happiness is empty of memory as a need 
but a wholeness of hearty soul . . .

Friday, June 14, 2019

the mind is the last to know 6/14/19

I am wandering in an atmosphere 
that has no surface, still, no boundaries.
it has a distant voiceless calling. 
it is a consummate fragrance addressing me.
it possesses a far-flung badgering past
and a distinct vaguely nagging future.
this inherent worth lives inside of me
as an unrealized wealth.
having a mind for the all of it 
is not the imminent calling.
yet it has a deep carriage 
somehow weighing upon me.
but I naively want to experience it 
as embrace.
for I have only come to sharply know of myself 
better as a deep well hidden away but surging
yet that is not the true source of this streaming
that eerily fills me.
I daily drink my destiny
but only to appease 
the immediacy of a dust-dawn thirst.
the inherent wealth of all of this 
is beyond my ability to grapple into grasp.
I can only identify with soft urgings that compel.
I have no certitude to concretized my stance 
or my efforts to reach the whatever’s of beyond.
what is divine will not answer to my callings.
it appears I am playing a drum that has no skin.
it would be crazy of me 
to ask thunder to clear my throat,
for rain to cry my tears in the absolute.
my willfulness is drawing with melting crayons 
on storylines I make up 
as if to script this pretend for reality’s sake.
I don’t believe in the existence of gravity
and yet that part of me that doubts
seem to also claim it to be so.
I can go no further
and yet the babbling search is made clear to me 
that I am taken along.
for I can’t seem to ask a world of answers
exactly for what was my question asked.
time is the only dyslectic response I hear.
listening to my soul repeat in stutters, 
knowing I am its only keeper.
I seem to wander in large circles 
that exponentially repeat themselves within me.
where apparently I have left breadcrumbs 
from previous go-arounds 
that I come upon to nourish me for now.
I can go no further 
that doesn’t also take me there.
it is made clear to me
that the mind of the self,
is and will be,
the last to know . . .

Thursday, June 13, 2019

letting go of holding on 6/13/19

the only grip there is 
is the complete free-fall 
of letting go.
for the sense of overall might 
is minuscule
in discovering 
that I am only the content 
of my keptness,
a curator of that capture
in servitude of self-ness
a lighthouse 
on a dry seabed 
of muted reflections,
a 360 degree view 
of a bird-less sky,
a concubine of ink 
kept in a page-less book,
numbering the day after day 
of senselessness, 
from cover to cover.
the integrity of being
doesn’t have a handle
but assuredly has a blade.
swift is the blade edge
and not the escort of intent.
the conduit lives
while the container is in comatose.
nothing is ever featured
if one is in a fluid state.
every blink is a whiplash to my seeing
until I stopped looking
and live within the inner gaze.
there, free-fall is up-lifting
I only have falling
if I come from separation.
I am more of emptiness 
between my cells of substance.
I am more of spirit in the sky
then substance here on earth.
letting go of holding on
is to release memory from its tasks
mindfullness from its certitude
and me-myself-and-I from its conviction . . .

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

hostage of the groupthink 6/12/19

the groupthink of the common mind
I am a consignment to living it.
is there thought without predicated influence?
can’t understanding be of its own accord?
why is listening so referential?
I said what I said. 
you heard what you heard
yet what it means to you is so separate 
from what it means to me.
that we claim agreement is a hoax 
of our shared attention span.
even shared is in question.
all of composition plunders as a gloss.
timely polite in a give and take fashion 
but otherwise stimulus and response 
and the content defends for themselves.
I didn’t want language to be a flotation device 
to keep meaning alive.
maybe all of thought pronounced 
is murmurings above soul.
and soul is not reducible to mind-speak.
therefore happenstance is its own innocence.
and notice is a form of collateral damage 
that lives on as if it is reality based.
observation is so after-the-fact distant
that facts are only down-wind kites 
put in the sky of reverie.
I hold up a brush, 
full of emotional paint 
and let this canvass of now 
edge-wise maul me.
I call every painting by the same name
‘my projection’.
art only had one breath of life 
and it was used in the stroke of contact 
it accounted for.
now is the hereafter,  
milling of stills as cognitive-assemblage
held up as a mirror to be audience-viewed.
I wanted to be at causative 
and not be straddled 
with the posing of my impotent results.
every thing spoken 
still has the absentia of cursing in it.
language is working me
as a hostage to a retentive mind . . . 

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

the thief of me 6/11/19

I am a thief of my own solitude.
can’t be there in the first person,
attempt to eavesdrop instead.
try to overhear what is being said,
not so much for the words
but clearly for the feeling
and its place of origin within me.
can’t leave it alone
but can’t easily stay.
am a foreigner to myself 
in some strange way.
there is a place within 
that knows me better
but won’t reveal in my everyday life.
wants the sight of inklings 
and blind passion out of me.
I don’t have cause,
so bound by indifferent reasoning.
I wish to call out from within
but not enough of me willing
to let it unknowingly out.
to risk a hurl I can’t source.
let go as if I am my keptness
and released from sensibility 
and composure ordained by others.
to say what is so, 
from far within me 
but can’t be heard, 
even by me
until I have said it.
compelled then 
to defend and account.
not free to be. 
if that is what is the call,
then still want a deeper truth within me
to set me in motion,
to speak through me
and let out that say 
as if to open the floodgates
to where heart-feel is without restraint,
where the shortcomings of logic
do not stop or stall me 
from letting it all come forth
gutsy, without hesitancy 
or a need for other’s approval.
to be a wellspring upon myself.
to share where the fire within
needs no tending or further council.
to be a channel of human connection
as a given with expediency and warmth.
and so, I am a thief of my own solitude,
a bandit, a burglar, a charmer,
and a cheat.
I moonlight to my own dreams.
I would plunder my rational mind.
I would embezzle precious moments
to plead for their full time release.
I would steal from my own feelings,
feelings left buried deep inside as if captive
and bleed them all over into my being
to give me the clarity and strength
to risk what comes through me as me
rather then pose and project and render.
but for now, 
I am the spirit as a thief of me.
and my solitude is 
only a disconnect from my soul.
for I have to feed who hungers within.
even if I steal in good conscience,
to become from the origin of me . . .