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Friday, January 31, 2020

even indifference has a pecking order 1/31/20

paradox is always meaningfully 
smiling at understanding

truth has the shortest shelf life 
that belief has ever known

recognition is just a perpetual greeter

shimmering simplicity always gets my heart 
to escort a clear passage to my soul

I bother with details 
even though they forced themselves 
into my attention line

when I have projects to do, 
I have sheep dogs of concern
deal with the mess directly

when I go out into morning sunlight, 
I treat it as a date 
in which I'm exceptionally late 
but warmly received

there are times when framing it that way 
seems too drab 
to even bother with comparisons at all

when 'happenstance', 
I seem to get philosophical-on-the-brain, 
yet feeling wondrously blessed

'I'll be damned', 
is me, 
drawing a line in the sand with a stick 
that doesn't exist 
and on a beach 
I've never been to

given a courtesy call, 
makes me feel like I just came from an orphanage 
I've never been to 
but yet still I'm presenting discernible needs

a break in the clouds 
is like an anonymous smile 
in the midst 
of a disinterested crowd passing overhead

we all get happy 
when a wandering 'pathetic' 
is so triumphantly lost 
yet sharing with us
in the beauty 
of their circumstance

if sunlight broadly present 
was not accompanied by 
the secret service escort of shadows 
I'd be in a slow burn of panic

rooftops in suburbs 
hardly ever have anything to say 
compared to billboards 
that at least make the effort 
to say something

wise-cracks hardly ever have the seepage worth guzzling

you went, 'where for the holidays '(?) 
somewhere stuck in your body, 
experiencing a baffling array of time passing?

give me liberty or give me death, 
in the end, how are they different?

when the ghost of the past appears, 
refrain from photos, direct conversation, 
sidebar remarks, or remorse 

you thought you had a good idea, 
is when you let your critical mind in 
on the internal conversation 
you were already having

the end of an outstanding career 
can become a bust, 
in the commemorative hall 
of past's recognition

we truly are the main event 
listlessly wandering about 
cluelessly looking 
for the main event

stuck in traffic 
is when timing meets its match

'can't we all be friends' 
makes assumptions 
that we have spent our entire lives 
attempting to disband and deny
in a collective and cooperative manner

the day you got out from under, 
is the first day you discovered fresh air to breathe 
and a sky that was inviting

don't hold me to the truth, 
one of us has to breathe first 
and that changes everything about us

I asked to be excused, 
as a form of politeness 
triumphing over blatant disregard 

you keep looking at me 
as if I am posterized meaningful to you

what can't be helped 
is the view of a mountain 
from a molehill perspective

and disease and cure traveling in the same circles 
occasionally taking selfies 
with those near by

Thursday, January 30, 2020

dispositional weaponry (haiku) 1/30/20

a battle royal
can't fight negativity
with positivism 

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

the conundrum of achievement in less time 1/29/20

the conundrum of achievement in less time,
who makes one an audience to oneself in that light?
first to ascribe achievement that status of worth
and then to steal the wealth of presence as involvement 
into a strategy of assignment, 
where time becomes the proclaimer, the anointer of value,
producing the wardrobe of false claims as wearables.
when less-time implies a pejorative sense of involvement, 
when achievement is in the eyes of others' view
but not a personal worth treasured from within,
where audience approval is a means of life passage.
but in no way engenders a self experience of evolution,
just more of life passage in the traffic of existence.
a skill, measured by speed, completely ignores inner worth.
the context offers compensation 
for the faint of self as worth.
acquiring skill-sets that have no passion of inner joy
while in execution as their ultimate intention,
feature a mantra of negative outcomes.
yes, there is notoriety
as if fame is more than a burden of distraction
and an invasion of being by bystander directives.
personal delight to the audience of others
only plays for limited periods of time in their lives
as attention given moves on to others things
while the person of interest is left with their takeaway. 
and what was the internal cost of impressing others
to the self's version of private self-dialogue and being?
tell me where the initial source of self love comes from.
tell me how resourceful one can be with that in mind.
no act, in the presence of others, goes on
without a deeper undertow undisclosed in the carriage.
achievement better not be stealing from there 
to make the appearance of worth.
achievement should be a byproduct
of the expression of wealth from within.
achievement is never a result 
but more so an initiation of expression as talent.
talent that finds for itself a medium 
to provide for others in a common light
as if a permission presented for all to share
from where they are rich from within,
and never an act done vainly in time
for an audience of experiential approval. 
such is the conundrum 
of achievement in less time . . .

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

playing (haiku) 1/28/20

playing is all zeal
everything problematic 
a perspective off

Monday, January 27, 2020

home is where? 1/27/20

I keep a front lawn of beliefs 
and a back yard of cynicisms. 
I have a three story house 
with a basement full of the past.
the first floor is all business
while the second floor has emotional appeals
and the third floor is living, in the highest sense.
no, not sight, feel, taste, touch or smell
but more so of the realm of spirit.
I get distant views as if wings in flight.
conversations drift up from below as melodious tones
with buoyancy to them, 
filling the now.
I am grandly hugged by space from great distances.
yes, there is the neighborhood surround.
the survey, there of, 
gives me comfort and hope.
there is timely bustle
and occasions of remembrance do occur.
the whole of this, 
gets dressed up as a person, myself.
and I wander about the rest of the town
as if my real-estate is not a conscious consideration. 
after all, home is where the heart is . . .

Sunday, January 26, 2020

cutting edge (haiku) 1/26/20

I am down with life
in living the worth of it
as cutting edge calls

Saturday, January 25, 2020

the burnout of time-off 1/25/20

the burnout of time-off,
was that time spent aware and watching time-on (?),
with apprehensions and remembrances,
avoiding thought patterns 
that are needed to be extinguished immediately,
before they crept into being full blown.
of course, behavior has its tricks.
the cuing into amped up could come at any time
but then it would be in response to burn out,
not the burn-out feeling
but the recovery time spent avoiding it.
burnout is not an original source place of intention.
it is driven by the internal past in reaction.
at some point there is waisting away.
there are, were, wounds, of course,
within the mindset of avoidance and recovery.
where was this going to take one?
there was no original thought in that way to start.
and now of its own making,
it's the burnout of time off.
the itch and the amp want to have a life again.
not a crazy life 
but something breathable 
with full frontal life again.
got tired of depression's toes
sticking out from under the closed drapes,
fatigue from false nervousness over nothing.
at some point, when playing tag,
if nobody is ever going to tag you,
it's not fun any more.
invisibility has an itch to it,
but there is no satisfactory scratch
when inactivity has no arms of intention.
maybe there was a mania to being on
but this is listlessness as full bore,
as if chasing ghosts of memories.
and with a nervous system looking for action,
let me wear robust again.
I need booming and hearty.
vigorous could be just around the corner.
yes, maybe I get that it is not the busyness
but the source-point behind all of that.
find me the vigor switch
and let me turn that back on.
I need low-key throb and tremble
in my daily life again.
enthuse needs to be a daily input  
and reverence for the unexpected to resume.
burners on, churn me back into simmer . . .

Friday, January 24, 2020

Back in the day (haiku) 1/24/20

so, “back in the day…..”
memory gets proclaimed 
as stage entrance speech

Thursday, January 23, 2020

oneliners in passing 1/23/20

familiarity is a rape of a curious mind
freedom is just a perception's seduction

trust is an alibi from a bystander's beliefs expressed

joining is giving appearances to what already internally exists

old friends are endeared memories with faces put to them

brand recognition is what short-attention spans do

logic is an inborn trait to have robots eventually act out

privilege on stage is the result of curtesy-fear in the surround

timeless skills are not learned but innately granted

work is an impending gravity-based awareness environment

and context is the wallpaper to a rational mind

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

how about now (haiku) 1/22/20

facing the future
now is not in front of you
now is your, living

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

now is a pillbox 1/21/20

for us, now is a pillbox.
defended from inquiry,
unapproachable by obvious means.
its secret compartment is unaccessible.
we have no explanation to get to its means.
it seems to be hidden in plain sight.
can't get to it or get around it.
we are prisoners of its taunting presence
but not really availed by its know-how.
it exists for us as the eternal carrot
and we are the ever-horse in tow.
all of our methods just keep us in line.
the more we are all horse,
the more carrot is ever the attractive glow.
it's more than just a nut to crack
but beyond our tool-skills to do.
now is a land beyond experience's grasp
but we want weekend passes provided.
it's the great invisible mountain in our days
but also readily in plain overshadowing view.
now provides weather as climate,
mass as relatable,
next moments in passing.
and yet, now….
inscrutably enigmatic,
incomprehensibly undefined,
a towering blatantness in disguise.
I am damned to ignore 
but duped to pursue.
why is now such an open door policy
that denies entry so thoroughly 
and apparently complete.
now hurts me by absence. 
I am a forever-wound in yearning to.
now is the god of my dreams,
the ever-presence, 
just outside my sensory range to partake.
the eternal wisdom with nothing to say,
the stimulus to my every response.
I am a life of inquiry
without a language that works,
without a mind of integrative as embrace,
and a heart that crosses over that line
but now won't tell me how . . .

Monday, January 20, 2020

self-loathing (haiku) 1/20/20

self-loathing's wardrobe 
is critical mind's closet
with nothing to wear

Sunday, January 19, 2020

liquidity is deity 1/19/20

so I have come to identify myself 
as if I am stream-bed land adjacent.
I am ownership of self that way.
I am land amongst lots of other land, 
hillsides and landscape plots all around.
for everywhere I look,
it's people as owning their land.
it's a gross way of looking at it all,
in that physicality identifies me
and I sort of go along with that program.
it keeps my mind preoccupied
and my dailies fill appropriately so.
but quite secretly,
with no apparent support or shared knowledge,
I deeply identify with the stream 
that travels through this land of myself.
that water-flow is me.
I know it does not appear to have the staying power 
that lands represents.
but there is a constancy to me, 
but not like land.
sure, with land I have seasons
and tending activities come and go.
but this flow has wonder
and a free spirit of movement to it.
there are highs and lows
and stories for both,
but mostly I connect 
with the energy of the liquid movement.
maybe even the viscosity itself speaks for me.
I seriously think of this water as lifetimes
in the making and the passing.
maybe some of this, as water,
has passed here more than once before.
everything about the water is appealing.
sure land has its constancy,
for a lifetime of living upon
but the water has mystery 
and an energy to its movement 
that speaks to my soul.
definitely I pretend the ownership of land and caretake
but the water is my vibrational source.
much needed
as my spirit goes out with it in its passing.
I am expanded with every dip, sip and gaze.
all of my emotional comprehension 
aligns with water, 
yet not so much with land.
land is such a sedentary mindset of existence.
maybe it is from mountain to the sea, 
truly in its migration.
but we, land and I, 
don't talk to each other that way.
land is stoic and tolerant,
passive to the point of obedient,
while water will have none of that,
even by containment,
for there are always evaporative means.
my emotional existence is more in that vain.
water is so much more the collective of us,
the common mind empathetic in passing,
the emotional swelling into downpours, 
and as if gravity giving praise.
my spirit moves like that.
I am drops among many.
there is always movement,
even by undertow.
I am stream to embrace the river-ness
and the destiny of river to the sea,
as if all sea succumbs 
to the ocean of a oneness.
only there, to dwell into the transcendence, 
the evaporative, the spirit of oneness divine,
to the rebirth in sky-bound wonder
yet forthcoming into deliverance 
and there upon a journey anew 
but of the oneness as diversity expressed.
I am of that longing.
it so calls me in deeper ways,
more than land could ever.
my bones are truly made of liquified soul.
surely I wear the rational boots of mind
as I walk the land.
but I am of emotional wings
that long for the evaporative means, 
to leave mass behind.
only to return, 
but less of its solidness 
and more its mysterious blessed fluidity.
I would gladly give up mindfulness
for this fluid facility of being.
my thirst is a prayer.
land-ownership of my being has no appeal
except to honor those who have that as their crave.
if I have to substantiate my existence,
I am ever in motion.
I have tears of speech.
my blood flow is concessionary.
I am an ocean of soul,
traveling to you and through you,
in many disguises,
most likely as the presence of we . . .

Saturday, January 18, 2020

myopias (haiku) 1/18/20

one's myopias
are false perspectives in frame 
as experience

Friday, January 17, 2020

procrastination 1/17/20

procrastination does not exist
the bigger timely deals are: 
frame of reference,
what drives a person 
or where drivenness comes from,
the overbearance of this time-perspectives,
the styles for solicitation of other’s approval,
the over-simplification of first-hand task perspective,
the muted carriage of the aware-self within,
from where within is this commentary 
that anything gets done
and what is the source-point 
of one's personal brow-beating.
procrastination is just a summary remark,
made by a self-bystander indulgence
in their self-evaluation 
without any further inward passage possible.
is it as if to live to achieve? 
to prove one’s worth is ever the mantra
that is one’s eventual suicide note,
written in the longhand 
of living it to death . . . 

Thursday, January 16, 2020

tells (haiku) 1/16/20

the diet of tells 
lives interpretation's worth
as if it were real

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

the gun-response 1/15/20

how did the gun-response become real?
where in the whirling psyche of being
does the impulse of gun usage 
become rationally real?
what self dialogue has gone on and on
that answers to one's emotional inner rage
where acting out has crossed human respect boundaries,
where the scale of valuing another is minimal,
where the pain and isolation felt 
demands outer world reality response,
where the sense of the story
takes on character qualities
as if thriller movies are real
and this one is just one more in actual time?
when does the math of victimhood 
exist in factor-ten of raised response
and how does one's personal yet private pain
translates into this factor ten equivalency delivered
as if a death tag is the eventual answer required.
for all the common elements that a society provides,
why are most of them taken to emotional heart
that then bare witness to tragedy made evident,
the isolation of self-dialogues that lead to shootings,
the weight of paybacks seen as first-person acceptable. 
that we have to first know of another's pain 
by tragedy's account and the lateral damage concurring. 
where in the psyche of being does gun usage reside
as if this is a form of mortal tag
that lines are crossed 
that demand death-dealing response?
how distorted a perspective to feel so absolutely alone
where these acts are also a poorly written suicide notes delivered in the first person 
with actually consequences in play?
where in the cohesion of culture did we get this so wrong,
where the rules of reaction go overboard in response,
where the sense of self is so in denial played upon,
so much personal instability as if not to be a self to recover,
where a life of victimhood has its own heroes in play?
are we of a culture 
that proceeds with this undertow profoundly happening?
are we of a species that can't help itself in this need?
we make fear the king of the religious mountain at heart
and then deny it ever actually exists
except by recall and tragic account.
so what is a gun a metaphor for?
what is behind the say that guns speaks?
when did we make that noun of an item 
a devastating verb?
when there is gun-play involved,
how has our emotional terrain 
always had this as a viable option?
there must be a free-fall of pain for this usage to occur.
human emotions run such a vaster terrain 
then rational mind is prepared to encounter.
surely no one is claiming insanity for gun usage
yet no one has come up with a viable solution to the cause.
a culture of isolation can be just like that,
unable to express, claim, respond, and mend
as individuals or even as a group in need.
a gun is a great cross to bear or to bare.
both versions can meet in such devastating ways,
in just one person's private hell delivered.
a gun is a secret religious symbol for all in fear.
mortal is the baptism.
and rest in peace or die in hell,
the prayer used 
for moving on . . .

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

awareness (haiku) 1/14/20

awareness is greed
information overload
as indulgence served

Monday, January 13, 2020

the language of disc-flight 1/13/20

we all speak the language of flight,
as emotions in our hearts. 
and vision in our minds,
as the whimsy of leaves in their free-fall,
the dedicated passage of cloud-herds grazing,
super fast jets stream-sounding their signature.
even the hand-scripted flight of a disc
is a personal message sent out by every launch,
where by the carving of air 
is its message and its deliverance.
so much to learn from the articulations themselves.
they tell the story of air occupancy in carriage,
earnestness released by the hand,
to let space carved, speak for me
as the invisible choir of buoyancy pervades.
this flight takes me aboard in deliverance.
this is what I have to say to you,
by spacial elocution,
by our back and forth transmittals. 
we converse in language of declared sacred space.
sure, every catch is punctuation added to affirm 
but each release teases my soul in confirmation.
we speak in a language that uses the breath of earth
to pronounce and confirm,
to make oneself sight-heard,
lest we forget the mystery of flight itself.
for we are captivated,
to then speak this other language.
and to know of each other in deeper ways
from what is said in flight 
and acknowledged by catch.
we now share of a greater whole
with the planet’s dynamics in service to our needs.
for the disc is the tongue in the mouth of flight
and, I say to you, 
what can’t be said 
in any other way . . .

Sunday, January 12, 2020

musings of the introspective kind 1/12/20

‘consistency’ is forever contradicted 
by exposing the rigidity 
of its limited point of view

‘order’ is where you think you are 
but chaos is where you are at 
and they tend to mysteriously arrive 
unannounced at the same time

‘experience’ is the bias 
of the time-space predicament 
sensorially presented as if now

‘nothing’ transcends 
what impermanence presents 
and yet we cling to the free fall 
of the objectified

‘change’ always travels 
with the luggage of what it was 
asking comparative truth 
for directions and lodging

all ‘questions’ 
have hidden rigid boundaries 
of assumptions to inadvertently discover

the myth of ‘certainty’ 
is always staring me down
as a dark mirror’s reflection
right here 
but is an absent sort of way

‘frequencies’ are that 
which quivers and quibbles 
at the same time
as it glitters and glimmers
and I am at the mercy
of their existence within me

I am just a nuance away 
from a ‘nostril spread of breath-ascension’
it’s a long smooth pull into a tranquil lake
rising up within me 

the feeling state of ‘understanding’
has embodiment with currents and flows
close-knit ambiances
and an embrace that defies 
any bystander’s comprehension

Saturday, January 11, 2020

can’t be where we have want 1/11/20

we can’t be where we have want to be
by having the justice of questions and answers.
it can’t be the lead-in of knowing as the driver.
feel has had to come to language on its own,
emotions, always pervasive 
without the words to justify.
common mind is declared more by shared presence.
true motivation comes with soul.
the heart of recognition always has spirit and respect.
they, heart by emotions and mind
both of being, declare in each person as one.
there is then a greater sense than a whole.
oneness sees of itself in everyone.
blessed is the nature of movement and address.
there is nothing external about what has to come.
selflessness embraces the all of the surround as one.
oneness is channeled through everyone's ongoing.
it is not of the mind to be regarded as the present.
everyone is the living-feel generatively
as many chords across all the octaves brought to light.
there is not residence in this coming
but only presence in the being.
for this, share is not a term of usage,
for there is no declaration 
to express separateness as fundamental.
the mystery of diversion is resolved.
everyone is seen through everyone else.
oneness is the unrealized birthstone until now.
time only has a reverence for this outpour as the flow.
there is no cure for the past and its limitations.
we can’t be where we want to be
by time references as if past, present and future.
that riddle has ceased to be relevant in this now,
for there is no audience in anyone to the present.
there is no measure to love as if objectified.
comparative truth has atrophied by the lack of need.
even need is not a current frame of mind.
channeling a higher sense of being has occupancy.
there is no position taken other than fulfillment expressed.
we can’t be by a where-definition existence.
we can’t want as if lack has any occupancy.
and the future has no forwarding 
driven from the longings of the past
as defined by appraisal and confirmation.
there is no self of isolation that remains.
the great concept of oneness lives in aliveness.
that concept, of it-self, has served its purpose
and is no more. 
there is no more swim but ocean of itself.
there is no more flight by sky of itself.
everyone is of one breath grandly taken,
one heartbeat beyond distinction.
love has no face to face as if meeting. 
where you tingle and writhe, others are also there.
for there has no solo sigh nor single tear of joy.
no one is ever the alone-story any more.
the universe is not out there
but fully exists
through the oneness of you leaving you . . .