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Friday, September 30, 2022

the path of drawnness

the path of drawnness from within one's being,

surfaces subtilely throughout each day.

to sense it and seek it out

is the work of a penetrative mind, 

as a personal creative endeavor.

the skill for this kind of focus 

as the goal, is for that witnessing 

to become immersed in the isness 

and to transcend the conditioned state of audience.

the essence of this drawnness 

comes from a deeper place

then mental equivalency has audience to.

drawnness is a sense of this 

in which like is seeking light.

everything with a boundary-frame

or as a conclusion is in and of a lessor state.

drawnness has the integrity and skill to pursue.

drawnness is alway moving towards formulas 

that express towards the quantum or the essence.

the path of drawnness is dynamically converting 

all of one's methods expansively.

drawnness is an upsweep sense

beyond the containment of even cellular identity.

the mind of drawnness creates 

beyond the reach or expression of statable laws.

the work of drawnness takes nurturance 

out of its expression of circumstance, 

by penetrative insight to the essence. 

imagine an exercise in which a wave is coming at you.

now you have the option 

to free-thought interpret that wave.

that wave can be everything, 

from a sudden tsunami bearing down,

to a kennel full of six week old puppies, 

charging deliciously at you sprawled on the floor

or to a feeling of cool ocean air approaching, 

while lying in a dry dessert of reception awaiting

or a spiritual enterprise, 

where the wave feels like is coming from within you,

more than it appears to be coming at you.

all of these are readily available for your perception

as a creative enterprise. 

the goal is to take each experience 

for its eventual internal richness, 

rather than for its mental equivalent sensory affect. 

being mindful, as a human, gives us options 

of perceiving for our self-potential. 

we can be feeling light on a wing 

in an airborne circumstance 

or being the drop-dead lifelong wait of a doorstop, 

in either case, while the world transits by.

vast is a creative insight we have of sourcing ourself

in deeper ways than ordering up steadfast conclusions.

think of the coloring books with no lines,

eventually without the edging of page-ness,

then without the handling of crayons,

then without physical representation,

then without the intent of evidential production.

it's just that you are free to go

farther inward and deeper than

self-consciousness has been conditionally instructed . . .

Thursday, September 29, 2022

free will

free will is a form of species-misogyny,

in that it rewards those who reinforce the concept

and punishes those who deny its relative existence.

it makes the brain-work self-inclusionary 

of its own making.

it's a pretend that lives in its own invention.

we can't really ask if we have free will

because we have no direct answer,

except to act out,

as if that is, in and of itself, 

proof in its own making,

without the conceptual assumptions made, 

ever to be in question.

it's clearly a species mirror phenomenon.

we could have just as easily asked,

who is the fairest

or who is the superlative of anything requested.

but then again,

we went with free will.

how ponderous of us to ask.

all I get from the free-will phenomenon

is that it represents a release from a past, 

an end of a restraint.

and therefore the oppression is gone

and free will can be claimed as a counter-state.

but lack of obsession, as overbearing, to me

does not call to mind a state of free will,

given the nature of experience.

I don't get that free will is on the menu.

one might as well sneeze fully and loudly

and call that an example of free will . . . 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

be, as un-contextual

I go into the ethers of emotional residuals

that weep in mindless tidings 

of soulful embrace.

all of my past 

that lead to this moment,

is a composure of assurance and heed.

I am this out-of-body, 

beyond what experience offers.

my source-point is selfless outpouring 

that the fabric of being feels through. 

no more, that 'I' as a claim, should matter.

every vibratory ripple 

is the embracing of the up and down,

as the intensity within the overlord of ease,

as the blend of up and down gravities.

no moment is now too soon in its greetings.

I vacantly wander in the blessedness of timing,

wearing the mask of human mass as representational,

kept in the coven of my near-angels

that are not of this, my lifetime's needs.

I pressure, wax seal, every last moment,

never to be read, going forward, again.

I have no further usage for a dictionary's read.

meaning was just this very breath

and then gone.

nothing now ever comes to mind,

that is either referenced as new or old.

now passes as incomparable,

as all of experience is chiseled away

and falls on the floor as passing debris.

what I singularly take from the now,

dismisses the ever-framing of that now.

'be' is not a definitive frame of action.

'be' is without audience,

in essence.

for the drunkenness of language 

has lost itself in its usage . . .

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

bothering (haiku)

bothering with details

petting the know for comfort

boredom's staring back

Monday, September 26, 2022

beyond the experience predicament

experience is a form of luggage.

for where we think we want to go 

is more deeply where we are within.

we have to take off the excess 

of how we go, 

to get there,

which is not the accumulation of experiences,

but the undressing of the method of experience.

by some means, 

we have to acquire the abilities

of attention and attending, 

without having the content of that process 

weigh heavily and register as experience.

this is where we want to arrive 

by a method of not going 

and not getting there.

it's a way of vibrational participation 

that is outside the normal realm of experiencing

and initially somewhat outside our sensory range of intake.

it eliminates the precision with which 

we claim and work with time measures or constraints.

it has a presence of intimacy 

that is more intimate 

than the general range of objectified experience.

it is way more generative in its presence 

than it is observant in its claims.

one's sense of self in this process

is not a substantive description, 

but more so, a state of experimental emptiness, 

which is discovered not to be a void.

one of the myths of experience  

is that consciousness appears to be relational,

when what starts to happen is that,

there is the start of a feeling of a surrender 

of the mechanics of experience 

and there is the invitation 

of a creative enterprise of the spontaneity 

that is a constant of existence, 

yet not subjectively pictorially defined.

there is less interest in the phenomenon of passage 

and much more attentiveness 

in the creation of the presence 

of a frameless now.

and that now is substantially, fundamentally, 

monumentally less of experience

and more of an isness.

in that respect, the use of the senses 

are not in the standard constancy of time 

but can then run ahead 

of what would be considered 

the normalized experiential narrative 

and produce information in reception 

that doesn't already apparently exist 

by the means we now use 

in our experiential metaphor of awakeness.

for awareness of being

is eventually in this regard,

in the dissolution of time

as a usage method.

one becomes a conduit 

of the broadcast of being 

and not involved 

in the receiver aspect of experience.

therefore understanding's method is not filled 

with retention  

but is more so, a process of confluence.

the further one becomes the presence of this process,

the less useful and impact and ineffectual 

is the usage of language, 

as a version of comprehension into understanding.

therefore being has less of the use of experience

and the consciousness of experience, 

as a foreword thinking apprehensive technique 

and more so, has the presence of experience 

as a creative subtle spontaneous enterprise.

one becomes an active participant 

in the internal ever unfolding un-expectable enterprise.

there is less of accountability 

of perspective in a timely manner. 

this is where realization is only a passing fancy

and one's attention is generally not drawn towards it.

even the consumption weight of one's attention 

is filled, more with the creative enterprise of being

and way less of any sense of self account.

so most of the skillsets we use or assume 

into the integrity of experience 

become atrophied, 

because we are aligning within an energetic system 

that doesn't use time as a fundamental principle,

and experience is done in a totally fluid holographic way, 

far beyond linear perception.

understanding of this will not give you access 

or the ease of instructions. 

the method that comes to mind 

is to become fully aware of technique 

and than become the surrender 

in and through and beyond, 

what technique offers as its experience of feedback. 

then the nature of the surrender 

is not a withdraw 

but more so a dimensional expansion 

in which you become the quantum, 

but you relinquish your capacity to realize it.

therefore you leave the baggage of mindfulness 

and travel on, 

beyond what normalize sensory awareness offers,

for now.

one is still within the integrities of the physical plane, 

but is clearly not dependent upon it, 

for one's essential representation of their isness.

and reality is then ever the tip of physical mass, 

as the metaphor that is melting.

and that melt is into the sea of quantum,

where quantum is vaporized into a massless state 

of energetic integrity consuming the all . . .

Sunday, September 25, 2022

what is . . .

what is, 

eventually becomes circumstantial,

as a vehicle for what will be.

attention-span time 

is the tentative striptease for that.

and we are purposed as perpetual audience, 

from experience perspective.

every tree-topic that our mind has spoken, 

has many seeds dispersed. 

progeny of that kind, 

when thought-provoked, 

is timeless in the effortings

of verbal offsprings and intentions.

what carpet we collectively weave with belief,

we truthfully walk upon until threadbare.

if fear wasn't in the air,

it wouldn't be our worst contagious virus.

we are a pandemic of apprehension, 

spreading it as isolation breeds it

and congregating from it

is the slow-dance of panic disguised.

all peoples have difficulty doubting fear.

it has such a fall back status of significance.

for some, it is in a form of emotional tinnitus.

ever ongoing, with just these feelings' needs 

for any of these to be identified.

sure we have names for the sounds,

like frequency squeals, inadvertent pings,

rambling buzzes, intimate inner hums, 

sounds claimed as wind harmonics,

and a general class of noise enigmatics.

all of which can only be heard 

most intimately, by the one affected.

all of passage is subjected to narrative.

we all could have multiple authors

speaking on our mind's behalf, simultaneously.

it's a mind-flurry ongoing.

some have figured out how to deaden it,

while others regard it as background noise.

for humans, sound has such strange rules governing,

like all children scream unceasingly in playgrounds.

social distance for sound does not apply there.

you'd think that whoever invented motor

would have thought about sound discriminately.

no, it appears usage justifies any loudness it makes.

I can appreciate the sound of breaking the sound barrier.

but neighborhood motors are an unceasing madness.

eventually I told myself

that all motors are reincarnated monks chanting

their way back to a spiritual life beyond mechanical.

experience is like the production of saliva in the mouth.

somehow it comes along 

when food is the frame of reference.

thought is like that also for me.

sensory input produces experience,

thus the brain is properly salivated ongoingly.

impressions made are all decals 

on the luggage of experience.

I have layers of memories as emblematic.

yikes, the journey of my life as a travel log!

can we get beyond all of this?

the lifetimes, the experiential addiction, 

the claim of purposefulness as relief,

the mind as a nose-ring of need.

somehow I have deduced

that the heart-brain is most relevant.

and yet, we don't have a prominence for this.

human life is shady without it.

and a flashlight of intended awareness

is sketchiness at best.

I'd give up audience perspective, 

thought provoked, efforting,

fear mongering, any emotional tinnitus

and any excess of saliva, 

if we were more heart-brain proposed.

but we don't seem to have a language base for that.

somehow it has to be carried

by the tone of our voices,

disguised in referencing or stating.

as if something in a traditional use of language

but inferring a higher accord.

it's linear thinking

but done with nuance implications,

towards a higher emotional rapport.

we seem to have created a world

of living on thin ice,

when we could be swimming in,

and end this season of fear 

from chilling us to the bone . . .

Saturday, September 24, 2022


I am the urges of thunder

before it wisecracks.

I am the contagion of lightening

before it winks.

I am the gypsies of cloud

on vagrant thermal journeys. 

I am the rooftops of cosmetics

to the face of every city applied.

I am everything that you see through

as none of your business.

I am generally everything that grows

that genuinely smiles back in green.

I invade your senses

and the blather of recognition.

I breath you

but not out of fear.

what you have as think

keeps the juices flowing.

I am the compositional capacity of thought

with an endless supply of movies to view.

your experience is calling you

to order from the menu.

I wish I was made of emotion.

but I am not.

that is your gift to offer.

if you do,

we're fifty-fifty, even-steven, 

across this living equation . . .

Friday, September 23, 2022

when words get off work

when words get off work

and a meaningful day is done,

when the rational wardrobe is set aside

and the inner movie streaming

has the flotilla of irrationals

bobbing and sighted

and the lexicon of meaningful life

is set free from social ordination and logic.

be then,

where feelings have more nudity statements made,

where one is off script. 

ad lib is on assignment. 

impromptu has all the free time needed.

the lips relax from posing in readiness.

the wish list includes all means of intimacies.

headiness is now just one of many.

there is now full body audience appeal.

basking may not have any evidentials worth noting.

just the experience of the cohesive

rather than the perspective of the self 

as the appropriate, 

can be collectively assembled.

your self-talk understands what I mean.

intimate self observation should be

a national holiday.

but then, who would and how might (?)

that be celebrated in the collective?

when do we have that kind of honesty

and that kind of intimacy

commonly shared?

it's usually by circumstantial disaster,  

for us to admit to this state of being, 

in common?

there is no precedent for that.

sure, there is the shares of privacy

but public reveal? 

so talk to me about this,

when words get off work for the day . . .