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Thursday, February 28, 2019

understanding’s drift 2/28/19

understanding is the tip 
of the human cognitive iceberg 
as ever forward think 
is becoming the melt-down.
deeply sun-baked daily, 
as by information overload.
fathoms of fluidity 
make buoyant the self of float
such is the journey 
of basking-in-experience
towards the eventual returning
to the ocean of oneness 
as in the all 
of the immediate embrace 
of the vibrational surround.
mind-full is the surrender
to the liquidity of the heart
that knows 
that the state of sacred 
is only ever
an acquiesce away . . .

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

prolonged ecstasy 2/27/19

prolonged ecstasy 
brings an end to experience 
as audience beckoned or provoked.
prolonged ecstasy 
leaves the time dimension 
yet without forwarding expectations 
or the trance 
of impending fallback memories.
experience, in this light,
is without recognition’s frame
as if an unencumbered vastness 
of joyless joy.
what had the lockdown name ‘prolonged ecstasy’
comes into existence 
as fountaining presence,
without understanding’s firmness
or comparative truth’s deductive fix.
isness exudes nuanced and unnoticed.
the mind is not the carrier 
or an impetus 
for being any more.
there is an ocean of constant movement
as of the subtle interactiveness of everywhere, 
through and within every thing 
that was deliciously describable.
now, only some of it appears 
to humanly happen  
as if ‘representing’ a you . . .

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

I want for 2/26/19

I want for . . .
language to impart
all of what the deep-seatedness of intent discloses,
for self-occupancy to be filled 
with the residues from sound,
for where no current thought leaves 
anything to the past,
where there is the now-embodiment
without the restraint of time,
where I can fully relax
about the whereabouts of all substance
and the fronting that form takes as occupancy,
where thing, any thing 
always has a voice
that, in its constancy, is heard,
where absurd 
is not unconventional in nature,
where nothing also passes threw as sacred
and is not just passed by,
where language was the tools of the past
in the efforts of defining,
but in the now, as speech, 
is as the sound of unity, unconfined,
where nothing has forgiven the void
of the assumption of emptiness,
where no sounds are left to wander off
in their utterances,
and that I cannot save anything heard
by understanding,
and that no one can come at me
as if I am separate from them . . .

Monday, February 25, 2019

experience is foreign 2/25/19

the texture of experience is so foreign 
as a feeling of itself
even though the particulars are 
when in my presence, soothing
but the sensing screens often get cluttered 
the hum of next coming 
is always in the background
I seem to be regularly victimized 
as unsuspecting audience 
the feel of being a bystander 
is too impersonal to me
many times the retentive mind account 
is too demanding
the need for logistics and understanding 
weighs upon me
the reality-frame of it 
is sometimes a burden to carry
often times there are outbreaks of opinions 
and side-bark remarks coming to exchange
yes, I seem to succumb 
to the in-my-face subject matter
and my enormity gives way 
to the frame at hand
the time travel like this 
is burdensome
although I do like to surrender 
to the downpour of rain upon me
and the tongue-lashings 
that come my way on a breezy day
but otherwise experience is
food for thought, crumbs of disclaimers, 
and subsequent clean-ups of the mind
when I would rather have 
the basking of a new moon night sky
and be overhearing of its silence 
as its faraway 
in somewhat muted dialogue . . .

Sunday, February 24, 2019

honestly now? 2/24/19

honesty is only the bandwidth of attention span
then the murmuring picks up from within.
the chaos chorus is humming, 
looking for reality lyrics to pronounce, 
but gets by with lip-sink to oneself.
cynicism is the choir director
when the lead internal soloists 
has fear administered laryngitis
yet still heard internally as loud as necessary
to give the exterior projection a false shame.
honesty use to have the decency of innocence.
but the duplicity of life affords the paradoxical truth
to take on a complexity of human nature in each of us.
as for now, honesty surfaces like a koi fish
that assumes there maybe food for thought
at the surface of the moment pending.
an honesty can appear there as an open mouth
ready for words to appear in a surface response.
so, say what? 
(whatever comes to one’s innocent mind) . . .
for then.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

paradox for profit 2/23/19

when paradox is functionally used for attention-grab
duality of the mind is eating itself for profit by others
when observation becomes curiosity-tourism
the mind does the traveling
but the body sees no action as movement in return
just the holiday of controversy by headlines
we created a value terrain
where there is profit that comes from both loss or gain
depending upon how it is pitched to the public eye
morality becomes the pitchman barking forth
eventually ‘who cares’ has lost its above ground decency
sure, we still care,
based on bloodlines and cashflow
but otherwise, we are all reduced to sympathies
as if that is a bleacher seat 
at a ‘thank-god, that isn’t us,’ showing.
as we continue to explore the syntactical nature
of how we do being conscious for fun
but mostly for the shady-side 
of the ignorance of others for profit . . .

Friday, February 22, 2019

human nature 2/22/19

all human relationships are quizzically rhetorical in nature.
expectations, as if they exist,
are grounds for the reveal.
really, ‘I thought that you thought that I thought’,
gets discovered ongoing.
as my M.O. gets reported by you to me,
as yours gets reported to you by me,
of course, ever so slowly, over time.
surely, there was the initial act outs, shared and otherwise,
but then, there came the premeditated kind of act-outs,
given the feedback from the expectations revealed
to the other, going forward.
and so, who I am to you is born into 
being a character to you
and likewise for me of you.
discoveries that I make about myself
are thereby fully assisted by you, kindly so.
yes I can say that!
while I assume that is also true for you, 
in your light.
no one said before hand that this would be so
but really, it is one of the side-benefits to me.
not that I don’t appreciate spontaneity and forthrightness
but also familiarity is a form 
of supreme associative comfort.
eventually, for us as separate but together
less lines spoken out of need 
and more read into, as we travel on
that says it all of itself 
in this way,
yet quite rhetorical 
as revelations softly approaching 
to each of us, 
as human nature . . .

Thursday, February 21, 2019

oneness explained 2/21/19

all people want for next words to come
to dress up the laments and the disclosures,
to have human touch 
without the need to reach,
to be confirmed ongoing 
without the sense of a self 
as the immediacy of an assumed disclaimer.
can the river of humanness be felt
even if it is socially constructed
as an ongoing bucket brigade?
the nighttime was intended
to be a comforting blanket
for the all of us 
in measures of warmth and snuggle.
what happen in the night sky
that got us all to doubt and bicker?
is there a place where no love is lost
that is not held hostage by reminisce? 
where the past, 
as if there is or was a past,
is not just the composition of backlash 
as upsurge returning?
where do we exist 
as if unified, 
covered in the expanse of complete?
that is where my sense of embrace starts,
where we are the land
of undying spirit,
ever in the refresh, 
as breath is the hand in my hand 
guiding the all . . .

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

ways to start a caring 2/20/19

caring is the ushering of heartfelt-ness,
to a place of common wealth
from a campfire, exuding warmth,
to make common,
a mutual light from deep within
as spirit to spirit would ignite.
a tinder nest of resourceful awareness
can cause this flame to occur.
sure, rocks of personality can do this,
sticks from different sorts of folks can also.
the spinning up of a conversation
over the notch of meeting 
can provide for that spark.
caring, we are all kindling 
yet not everyone is flint to steel
or a magnifying presence
to produce smoke into flame.
and sure the commonness of conversation 
can be a source of conducive friction, 
enough to be a start-up as a flame.
caring, can be light to the world,
any time of the night or day . . .

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

remarks (haiku) 2/19/19

perfect compliments
die in the saying of it
but live in the being

Monday, February 18, 2019

the self-imposed capture 2/18/19

the current of the dilemmas
as the momentum of the obvious,
the private opinions 
of those who mutter to themselves,
the anxieties hung up
in the cathedral ceiling of the spiritual self,
the conclusions held in strict confidence
that burden the day,
the topics that hide the truth 
from being present and presence,
the views of the world 
as if it is a constant,
featuring the nuance psychology involved in
the beleaguerings from the hence-forths,
as if the downloads, then subsequent aftermaths,
maybe also the upgrades, the send-aways, 
and the con-sequences,
as well as the do-pauses, versus the in-do-times,
the way-backs versus the out-skirts
the live-it-alives or the just plain hot-airs.
everything that is perceived as out there
is obviously the happening in here.
yet, just made all inwardly observational 
to represent what is, in this moment.
sure, just a fabric of labels
that all open inner dialogue doors.
stories and projections that pour into frame,
all sanity-approved,
as mundane a mind-frame 
as could go on 
in this muttering-to-oneself journey.
yet entertaining a false sense of stimulation
as thick as the day is long.
one can be amused 
by the self as a poignant observation also
but still, be caught 
in the self-imposed capture . . .

Sunday, February 17, 2019

questioning the questioner 2/17/19

the eventual personal need 
to question the questioner 
inside oneself
who of me authors 
these first line of questions?
what are the premises 
that foster these questions?
who of me originated 
these questions to start with?
what assumptions existed
that this me used to work with?
where did the formulation 
of those assumptions come from?
can those somewhat original assumptions
be first person personally examined?
what if, in the deepest sense of personal truth
those assumptions really don’t apply
and maybe to me a discovery
that they never really did?
so how did that happen
that I am lead into a projection of myself
that falsely represents and directs me
into the future of my life?
and am I now assessing by historical merit,
proof of worth, 
logic based on happenstance,
lack of deep self-clarity,
reactive motivational need 
to overcome current self-predicament,
deeper callings from within
that I have successfully avoided 
but keep haunting me
into some sort of action and follow through,
or just the time in my life
when I need to reconsider my circumstances?
maybe when I get to the bottom of all of this
there aren’t really original questions
as much as there is a calling.
besides the mumble-jumble of justifiable existence
I have a sense of drawnness.
if I was the predicament of my circumstances
totally consuming and distracting,
then what calls me out?
where would my illogical drawnness take me?
when would I realize the strength of my being
to actually dedicate my time and energy
to comprehend and contemplate 
how would that be
and what would it look like in action?
then to question the revelations themselves
more deeply.
not from a proof standpoint
but from a sense of self
as disclosure of drawnness revealed.
almost a deeper sense of self 
that existed within
but was in comprise 
by reality as circumstance and storyline.
the discovery of untapped internal resources
of being, of calling, of creation.
the work of the questioner’s questioner.
carving at character to get to creature
to get to self as source . . .

Saturday, February 16, 2019

know of yourself 2/16/19

if you truly love yourself
you have to let go 
of proving your worth.
self-censoring by social context
has to surrender
to letting it all 
unconditionally come through.
as long as experience is your payoff for life
you are only an audience to your own existence.
you hurt yourself with depictions
but you heal yourself with presence.

Friday, February 15, 2019

eventfulness 2/15/19

eventfulness is a primary experiential provider 
to self-consciousness as its substantives
but it is also a major disservice 
to the other-wise consciousness of self
as a confluence in the confetti-mind 
by being detailed distraction-filled.
an event is a prop-fest of elements
animated into a story unfolding.
you are your now audience 
to the intake of what is happening around you.
eventfulness is the addiction of stimulation
as one’s primary attention.
it is in high contrast to the simplicity of being.
act-out is at a premium for display.
there is a parade of ongoingness before you.
spectatorship is highly expected.
self-consciousness is tagged for re-stimulation 
over and over again.
the seduction seems to be culturally ordained.
but eventful goes back to intake.
the style of self that perceives 
and the core of self that is aware.
eventful is a circus version of attendance.
what is always wanted out of every experience 
is the spiritual enterprise of being alive.
in communion with the inner flow
that finds expression in the world around.
the want is for eventful to be unimpressive
but inviting and involving.
to be an extension of one’s feeling nature expressed.
where self dialogue is not lost or abandoned
or buried in the overwhelm of the surround.
eventful should be as original as in-breath
and as consuming as oneness beyond shared.
if I had free tickets to the eventfulness of now
would you want to come? . . .

Thursday, February 14, 2019

chemistry, 1 on 1 2/14/19

feeding off the pheromones of you
there is an instant blush-imprint
of color recognition from your hair.
I can spot you store-wide 
amidst the topography of people and goods.
distance physically from you is only time 
but not evidence of our closeness.
you are a swizzle to my chemistry, 
wireless speakers inside my head.
reality is too many carpeted rooms of you.
I am in need of a walk in the forest of you.
a reality check for ideals and drawnness to occur.
I need faceless jigsaw puzzles 
to discipline myself away from colorific, 
just shape-seeking from refined focus.
teach me that without saying a word.
I have futures of gratitude yet unpaid.
being-persons feels like a checkerboard existence.
I don’t want move-upon-move as registered
as if we are always dancing
and the music will come
from the instruments by how we interface 
as just tuning-forks
all dressed-up as humanoids of distraction.
but we wear each other beyond the know,
is all that matters 
yet without substance, definites, 
the escort of logic and sensible storylines to follow.
some call it chemistry
as in feeding off the pheromones of you . . .

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

here for the caring 2/13/19

we are emotionally ordained for confluence
but we are mentally educated and entrained 
towards contrasts and comparisons.
unity versus identity
empathy versus concern 
nuance-comprehension versus principled-rhetoric 
where psychic feel versus all-inclusive observation 
where innocence’s exposure versus steadfast account 
where the impulse-override of spirit versus strategies executed
it is that we all have enterprise,
some for the livingness 
while others for the rewards,
some for the creativity
while others for the story-ability,
some for the channeling
while others for the execution.
so heal me with visions
or hurt me with details.
I am in your presence by understanding
but I am of your heart by the tone of your voice.
oneness has no exceptions
just the various methods of entry. 
so you would think 
that I am saying all of this to you
but you would feel 
that you are only subtly over-hearing yourself.
we are all here 
to hear for this transformation,
and thus, we develop caring 
as a middle ground entity.
for want to take the elements of the collective
and work towards the presence of the coalesce.
to take the bundling of kindness 
and move towards the embrace of emersion.
to get from the concern of think
to the feel of whole heartedness.
to get from the mind-field of identification
to the sovereignty of a oneness of trust.
from acknowledgment of love
to connective intimacy of being,
from successfully sailing upon the oceans of the world
to the constant feel of the subtle currents of the planet,
from the fluid participation in the circadian 
to the shared human vitality of life-force,
from collective topical concerns
to the psychic feel of the species,
from a great sense of timing
to the intuitive of the moment,
from the human collective
to the spirit of enterprise,
and from shared acknowledgment 
into personal revelation.
caring is carriage
from the here and now
to the eternal as ever lasting . . .

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

from the beyond of existence 2/12/19

the existential privilege of being 
is a greater encompassment 
than the sense of self-consciousness, 
enraptured in proving its existence.
a conscious being is as an oversoul 
for the collective of hearts
in the nearby surround of beings
that abound.
to be as a conduit 
for the spiritual enterprise of others
is a gift of spirit as presence.
we all have that as a possibility
but few lend themselves 
to such a service.
for there is a need 
for clarity of surrender
to higher cause 
and then higher purpose
then the calling 
that reality generally demands.
to see into the depths of oneself
for this to occur
is a blessing for all
and a path less traveled by most.
one as a lantern or a lighthouse 
stands in a clarity 
that serves in the rewards of giving
as singularly just cause for being
from beyond the existential predicament
of existence itself . . .

Monday, February 11, 2019

how you know 2/11/19

today, how you know 
is more important 
than what you know.
maybe you assume 
the innocence of facts
as easy observational.
but observation has become an agenda.
attention is a currency of worth.
mind-fill is designated for profit.
it isn’t who you are any more.
it is now about how you graze
in the faceted sense of wants and needs.
there is leverage to be had
by those in search of monetary profits.
and since reality has become the act-out,
everyone is in need of props.
eat props, wear props, and do props
or be seen-props, head the list.
and the key to all of these props
is the self-story-able think props.
do we all succumb 
to advertisement as guidance?
acting out is a positional stance.
maybe even a pronouncement of self as worth.
have we all given-in to contracting 
for the alliance of self with others?
is this a form 
of machiavellian psychological waterboarding
done within the thinking processes 
we assume that are available?
are we leveraged but not attuned?
how think works is under attack.
what you think is sacrificial offerings
to get how you think captured.
how does one talk sense into oneself
when they are feeling like a lost soul
on a destined ship sailing to where (?).
when one has become addicted to constant
as a philosophy for living,
as a way of life
and as a medium for thinking to occur,
change then introduced seems unnatural.
change is cause for apprehension
and self doubt.
at the point chaos is myopically personal.
one can resort to clamming-up.
fear has its postures and projections to occupy.
there is a conveyer-belt of secrecy and agendas 
on the move but not declared as such.
confirmation-on gets more interest in clamor.
when does face-to-face reside
that actually answers to the feel of life?
if all content becomes a means of distraction,
then when does context get revealed as leveraging?
when do I get to explore how I think
beyond what I think?
can I have a self-witness within 
that watches and observes how I think?
can my think come back and be in service to me?
I want my methods of think 
to foster courage, joy, caring and creativity,
and my life as an expression of such.
what the hell happened here?
(and I don’t want just pat-answers….)

Sunday, February 10, 2019

caring, the conundrum 2/10/19

caring has become its own conundrum. 
being relational has it own consequences.
even before the topic at hand can be addressed,
it is as if we all need the same common enemy, 
the same common disaster fronting us communally.
so as to say, did you see what I saw?
did you hear what I heard?
did we register together in a common response?
if so, then that is grounds for the caring to begin.
think of it as a very public form and forum
for a collective intimacy to occur called caring.
we all love it when it happens.
but most of us have lost the starter kit
to make it genuinely happen.
catastrophic or calamity are instantaneously start-ups,
fiasco and mishaps, not so much.
woe and flop, more of a ‘say what?’
caring done en-masse with a common mind
is what we could all live for.
community with animated purpose,
a livingness installed into each and every day
but without the disaster to start it
that would be excellent to live there.
caring as an outrageous means of presence.
the sun would rise in my eyes every day,
just looking out at the world before me.
how come that is not the current case?
I could have the heart for that.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

zen of emotion 2/9/19

the zen of emotion
has no wings.
not leveraged by wind.
has it
that emotion is everywhere, 
in flight.
a never landing omnipresence.
always alight, ubiquitously. 
not the bother 
with the dovetail of details.
but always the effect
from the inhale of breath,
was before the mind takes hold,
even before the universe is perceived
as seeded with particulars,
and yet, dimensionally confluent 
beyond the reach of mindfulness . . .

Friday, February 8, 2019

harmonious 2/8/19

hating me 
is the mirror of me 
your unresolved 
and possibly unexplored 
emotional existence.
I am displaying 
the billboard of you 
that you reject 
to first-person
intimately address.
I am somehow singing the song
you don’t want to hear.
I am acting out a theme
that is a point of contention
within you.
I hear you are giving me
a scramble of tumultuous lyrics
that I seem to be singing inharmoniously.
yet we are amazingly dynamic together
for the evolution of humankind 
alive on the planet right now.
damn, how paradoxical 
and yet humanly rewarding can this get?
hating me is not the opposite of love.
it just means I am way off key 
but we are still dynamically harmonizing.
we are definitely in the songbook together.
but seriously, what page are you on? . . .