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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

the underdog 1/31/18

the underdog always wins
by not getting the prize
and therefore not settling for the reward
and eventually realizing
there is no reward
outside of this moment’s presence
the hustle pits this moment
against other moments as if benefits gained
so the sacrifice of this moment’s attention
played for the benefit of another
eventually gets discovered as bogus
no moment outplays another moment
even the dress up of a moment as prestigious
is a false notion of bracketed time
the indifference of time will reveal
presence of self, dressed up
in the costumes of time’s persuasion
is the fault-finding for memory’s sake
experience lobbies for that constantly
the underdog has a future
blessed by the skill of demystification
even the framing of underdog
eventually looses its appeal and characterization
the plot of vying for winning disappears
the notion of prize is deciphered
there are no prizes of worth to burden over
and reward is just an illusion as if promotion
one moment’s presence is not subject to being 
impressionably taken over by storm
presence is from the inside coming on
not from the outside coming in
advantage, underdog in realization . . .

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