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Friday, February 28, 2020

self . . . love 2/28/20

self love is not appraisal 
but a generative in nature.
self love is not a noun stance.
it is the subtly of an action verb 
from within its own origin.
it is an unpronounceable evocative
which brings on a dimension of awareness.
it may present as a beehive of auric warmth,
an ability to view beyond 
what horizons present,
or as an intimacy, 
that seems to have had no beginning.
it wears life 
with an inner fervor,
occupies a palate 
that registers for many colors of feel,
and acquiesces to a deep well 
from which to draw the self of nurturance. 
it comes from a greater whole than existence,
and feeds on the lightness of being
that provides nurturance all around.
it is a conduit existence.
ever the flow
but never claiming as source.
it is a channeling of being
in the broadcast of a deeper light.
it starts out as if being on the river.
then comes to realize itself
as in the river
and eventually gains a residence as the river.
all three states then coincide.
where self then becomes the aperture
of a fluid presence ever present.
nurturance as that presence with others.
self as this love
is not isolative 
but is ever the emotion-course way of existence.
as the self anointed with the presence of love . . . 

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