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Thursday, February 6, 2020

gloves out of soup 2/6/20

I made form fitting gloves out of soup.
had to wait for them to dry, 
otherwise everything was too slippery.
they wear out really quickly
by the use of touch.
their smell usually overwhelms any other.
had to wait to clean the pan,
otherwise the whole effect is lost in the doing.
it turns out color is a bigger factor for wear appeal
rather than taste.
although taste, after they have dried 
has a certain hands-on appeal,
like a wild creature licking their paws
in a cleaning process.
humans don't get to do that much.
it reminds me of eating ice cream with no utensils,
just face first, chill and bite.
you know, behavior, out of the ordinary
as sensations that become surprising.
so the soup was just a liquid without other fixings.
I was going for the glove look first and foremost.
it was better to let the soup cool some.
it was clingier and therefore thicker in application.
the movement after dry was slightly surprising.
no so much cracks and otherwise deformities.
but contact with anything sort of ruined the effect.
maybe I will only do this just this one time.
hey, it was the thought 
and the curiosity that counted.
of course I did it on my own.
no dares, no audience prompting,
just crazy curious, 
in a simple sort of way . . .

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