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Friday, April 12, 2019

lip-service as a dis-ease 4/12/19

the spread of the lip-service as a dis-ease 
affecting the comfort zone of other humans.
it is disguised as complimentarianism 
or sometimes as false approving appraisal 
or the turn of an imperative or directive cliche 
it harbors a false sense of agreement 
or assigned shared perspective
it is the presence in the moment 
that has no depth 
and no sincerity of carriage.
it is a defense for appearance 
but carries a pseudo sense of warmth
it is an appease of expectation 
by presenting common sense of worth
it can appear as neighborly
or delivered from a service point of view
it can be a verbal requirement for workers
to present to customers as if friendly
the words may go unchallenged
but the tone is a dead giveaway 
it is a dispassionate way of presenting a sense of ease
the words spoken are at least passible
but the intent and the delivery by tone
belie the humdrum and monotony of the phrasing
when enough is said as such
dis-ease has the stir of prominence
the connectivity is a false front
the heart is closeted
the everyday features evidence of dreary
tedious is the eventual surmise
a deep sigh comes from out of the blue
lip-service becomes the commonplace
and dis-ease is then
a sense of feeling alone 
even in a crowd . . .

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