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Saturday, June 8, 2019

tail does wag dog 6/8/19

every word spoken or written 
has a tail-wagging the dog promise.
the scrutiny of meaning
has a think-tank of analytical potential.
capitalism and psychology 101
bound together, have found a means 
to create this reverse phenomenon. 
what you have said 
from what you have thought
has a potential to create
purchase intervention.
for we can come to know your value terrain
with such clarity 
that we can become ‘spendipity’ into consumption.
we can have you on a fast-track
to impulse connectedness,
to desire-plain immediacy.
we can eventually disenfranchise 
your entire existence
into short terms neediness, 
where every next thought can be 
about purchase potential at hand.
we can create a false sense of occupancy
which defies any reasoning beyond consumption.
there can be a tizzy in your day
made possible by personal indulgence,
by the extension of false needs
and the necessity of impulse response.
nothing less than consumption into construed.
side-bar listlessness, 
although becoming present and nagging,
can be bought off by new purchases
and the expounding of their virtues 
to become your present life.
as your life becomes more deeply symptomatic
some unnamed but definitely present enigma,
purchase power can become a remedy.
eventually one can buy off time-spent
by the use of curiosity, fantasy, self-indulgence,
and all forms of mind-occupancy
in the matrix of self-consciousness.
even though the classical physics would say:
dog wags tail, 
as a sign of attention into excitement,
we can eventually come to say
tail wags dog,
as a success 
of capitalism’s use of psychology 101
to reframe and redirect
how habit and values 
can be successfully manipulated
into a presumption of purchase solutions
to end one’s unceasing boredom 
within their self-conscious life.
tail wagging dog 
becomes good for business . . .

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