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Sunday, June 9, 2019

experience is generally propaganda 6/9/19

experience, on the intake,
is generally propaganda,
impressionisticly off of true scale,
pictorial as brought into words.
creating a linearity 
out of a sensory hologram
on to a conveyer belt of recognition skills
that quip their way to the task at hand.
‘now’ is inundated with audience perspective.
all is attempting to settle into a logical story
as a somewhat flashlight lit view proceeding,
having the flat impact of bystander status.
the embodiment is already blood drawn 
before actually presented as occurring. 
the animation itself has a flip-book quality  
by observation.
sure, experience is on the menu, 
while looking intriguingly for what is not.
yet anything sensational 
is viewed as phenomenological,
viewed as hyper-realistic 
in as once in a lifetime value.
out of ordinary is a headliner for account.
high-experience usually only has memory as resource,
lacking the reentry into embodiment once again.
the contagion of experience is its first person bias.
eventfulness, as a framing, denies an authenticity.
staging lends itself to a proof of worth results.
experience leaves a trail of affectation-driven results.
pre-thought is usually the nose-ring of expectations.
yet experience without personage can be mystical.
when what is externally happening falls through
into an inner world richness.
the self is lit up outside of normal intake.
what is ignited within gives experience a movement
that normal reality searches for 
but is usually denied.
we all live for those moments of interior expansion.
those high points of personally augmented permission
where by the self is not defined by the externals
but comes to blossom from inward clarity
that is expansive in a spirit awareness way
and can gives oneself a depth of being
that re-anchors oneself beyond the external version
and gives one a sense of lightness of being from within
that becomes a self-resource for future self-dialogue.
we all want personal experience to be that light
but normalized reality does not offer that straight-up.
and so we make do 
with what does come as experience,
and look for that awakening 
in every moment’s call.
so that experience is not propaganda
but truth telling 
as living it alive from within . . .

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