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Thursday, March 16, 2023

what's that sound?

behind all of that that you do,

yes, there is a you,

that watches what you do.

and fully participates with what you do

but is not the part of you that is the doer.

they are both there, one as a presence,

the other, as taken up by the action.

one watches, and more closely observes,

not tied to results or accomplishment.

not even seeking action

as one's form of preferred interest.

one doesn't have effort as their main means.

they both have a feel

but one is not tied to events or accounts.

it is impervious to decisions or causes.

not that they don't sometimes mutually align,

but you, as one of them, have an ever last, 

that is without a storyline of need or fulfillment.

it will listen to the self as narrative presenting,

but not necessarily take to heart as the full account.

there is that self of blessedness

that does not feature in a world of presentation.

it has no interest in logic or defined by outcome.

it has a feel for one's existence

in a whole other means of being.

that you have gender and circumstance

is non-essential to this centeredness.

that you are alive,

gives it a sense of mediumship. 

one of you works within vibrational considerations.

when it becomes most active,

is when others of its frequency range

are in presence and sounding their being

in the same light.

otherwise, life appears as activity and such.

but when beaming happens,

ground-figure adds other dimensions into play.

activation is its fulfillment

and the rest of oneself makes up story to live it alive.

harmonics, when on automatically, 

actually generate beyond a meaningful life.

it's not exactly what we seem to live for,

but it is what we want to live blessedly through.

how strange, this all is,

on so many levels ongoing.

and we claim a simplicity of purpose

as if mentality was in charge

and common sense was a fair exchange.

we are the music that is always on,

even if the deepest melodies only get presented

by muted mutual hummings, going on, 

quietly within 

each one's knowing of soul . . . 

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