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Wednesday, March 15, 2023

the shrines of worth

the shrines of worth,

and our minds that honor them,

and how 'relative' applies to the maze of it.

what is so sacred about futurizing,

that allows us the skills to find sacred

that which we enshrine as worthy

and effort on behalf of, in earnest?

possessions from the future

then become possessions of mind or mass,

that we then have to further negotiate existence with.

memory and ownership become burdensome.

to be in the now requires a press pass

and that only gets one, 

to case or surmise seasonings of the moment,

and overwhelm its presence 

with preconception's views.

who has the clarity to just bring of themselves,

freshly so, 

without conclusions readied for usage?

worth is such a keepsake syndrome. 

it keeps the past and future obliterating the now,

filling it with contexts, 

time drawn away from the present.

worth is all about expensive nouns in verb frames.

it's asking a mirror within to answer back 

with favor of worth at this moment,

without pasts to reference or futures to expect.

what does a self do to immerse in its presence, 

as if strong candle light 

through otherwise dark passage?

what would that, as sacred shimmer, be like?

possibly the reveal of the presence of one's being?

one's being, without a contextual wardrobe of carriage, 

wearing a before-a-during-and-an-after?

driven to worth is an eventual mishap

and yet drawn to worth is an unexpected miracle.

it is as if worth is an invisible appendage

that we all have and readily use. 

yet experience the curse 

of making it time honored 

rather than moment to moment . . .

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