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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

the life-course of distinctions

I use to have experience as a novelty,

my senses waiting for day-life presenting.

new was ever the nature of meaningful.

habits became a wardrobe of awareness.

venturing was the adventure, on its own.

the story told itself, ever unfolding.

there were objects, space, and time.

other people seemed to be the escort for it all.

learning was mind-occupancy fulfilling.

many others were there, also along the way.

nothing was vague, 

once there was that peek of interest.

there was this celebration of time passing.

teens-years seemed like the best of everything,

just order from the menu.

whatever you of interest really want,

it was either yes, you can,

or no, you really cannot.

boundaries and permissions became a surveillance-means,

as a sense of style for how to look and see.

there were accomplices known as friends.

we'd keen-up on all kinds of deeds.

formal education was too much of the same thing,

by topics, methods, and eventual accounts.

spontaneity became a speciality to live for.

and there were venues of people, places, 

and even dreams that seem to be that way and say.

frames of reference became second nature.

perspective had qualities of stories told.

day-life and dreams were still of separate worlds,

that became accustomed to gender roles and age-related.

self as thematic and every day was accountable.

decades became a mirror looking back.

people became both a wealth and a treasure,

as landmarks of intimacies and reflections of worth.

memories started to tell tall self-stories.

how the world was referential became a curve,

as straightforwardness lost its veil of innocence.

now was not anymore made of surface.

everything sensory was now of flavor and taste.

there were agendas, accounts presenting

secret hidden treasures, and false destinies presenting.

'why on earth' became a daily paradox of interest.

there were heres and nows, 

also there were theres and thens.

to know of, was a means of time passing.

dream-states and day-life met more often then before.

value had lost its firm-grip status.

yes, there was a sense of conviction,

but the words, as if instructions, were hardly ever read.

what was the stirring tool of a sense of self,

now has become the instrument as a means of taste.

the batter is a daily life cooking experiment,

as a little of this and some of that and ever the sampling.

conclusions still knock at the door of awareness.

but no so quickly do I answer 

or even ask who is there.

what was so objectified 

is now floating in a medium

of what appears to be but also,

what it is taken to be and mean.

I am now my own self-audience in that regard.

all those sharp edges of experiences from years ago,

now have so many layers of awareness and distinction. 

they are all more fluid 

as one state of observation's flavor.

mood has developed eyes of its own.

emotion gave up on being just audience decades ago.

day life and dream-states share so much more together,

as one can complete the start of a phrase from the other.

words have long abandoned attempting to tell the story.

now, one has to feel for the presence,

have worn the wardrobe of where and when

and maybe originally had come from,

in order to glean the essence more than can be told.

for the life-course of distinctions is not a story told,

but an art-form of deliverance in ever the saver. 

it is delicate steel dressed in diamond settings,

worn on the deep inside of every human being.

few get to go into another being, 

say, where they have personally never been before.

but it's all there, 

full of wide-eyed pastures, 

as their experience played them.

yet for another to cross those lands,

is a dimension that few have mastered.

we all have had glances of the now and then,

from here and there in passing.

but the worth of the impress depends upon

how the spirit of being was taken 

on this, their life-journey.

and as to where in the life-course of distinctions 

they became the worthiness, 

of soulful blend . . .

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