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Thursday, November 18, 2021

verb to the noun


there is always the verb to the noun.

whatever noun, try verbing it,

for the action of an object is more aligning.

we talk like still photographers, in action,

as if everything is still for our identification,

but everything is in motion,

some so slow we can't render it 

as movement.

but verbing everything 

is such animation to the mind,

as if everything has a presence

and by verbing whatever it is,

there is a recognition of its action 

as function.

every time I do this,

there is a respect for it, 

by what it does.

even though I am generally unaware

or make passive assumptions,

about its presence in my life.

nature itself is easily always in motion.

the gardeners are more aware than I.

street sweepers have their own 

animated world.

window cleaners, crossing guards,

the weathering of books,

ink on pages fading,

sky, skying 

mood, mooding,

whatever is actionable

and I have step back appreciation,

beyond my generally stoic perception 

of it all.

so the deader the noun to me,

the more life it has when I verb it.

sometimes, it is stunning, 

embarrassing to have not noticed,

its undisclosed dynamic in action.

we still believe, for our practical purposes,

that much of life is stage props,

that move only when humanly manipulated.

even concrete, in its grittiness, lives on,

aging as it goes.

for us, motion is love.

and the rest of the world 

are abundances of human props, 

to be viewed, 

as holding their composure,

as if a human game 

of captain may I 

is in place . . . 

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