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Thursday, November 11, 2021

the mind regimen

learning's been a death trap

even though not thoughtfully evident 

by information gained

but more so by these methods overused

retentive mind enterprise is oversold

experience is glutted with memorabilia 

thought is muscle bound 

for appearance sake 

beingness is a survivor in these settings

every word that is spoken 

is moving towards a fashion statement

my intelligence is a projection enterprise

feels like I'm reading a script outloud

over feelings as monotony's muted outcry

task-rowing supposedly towards maturity

but all I am getting is what floats

I wanted a horizon line out there

of personal worth as drawnness

but symbolic is all I billboard see

I shuffle along in the muddledom

education as overrated overwhelm

input into feedback

memorized chatter recited back

if I butt into the mind game offered

I am decades into decline

somehow listless  

between the input to the outpour

some are mind-ignited around me

but I need a feel for thought's worth

cleanliness of thought 

abandons the feel for me

I want a dancing heart

not a lip-service in uniform

always looking for the imaginative

the curvature, the leap of the unexpected

the embrace of the unknown 

familiarizing me

education gives me mind occupancy

but I can be the stupor of knowing

unmoved to live life richly

I am made of candle wax processed

but I wanted wick without restraint

burn without self-conscious patience

light what is considered the way

I wanted learning to be the art of letting go

to the mind regimen, 

to travel light

ignite each moment as passing

be the warmth of self existence

where learning is the burn

and not the tools 

to eventually start the fire . . .

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