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Sunday, May 23, 2021

oh, if we could be present tense


the relentlessness of the present tense

is so imminently not the now.

profound, as close can get,

without truly presenting the now.

very backstory ladened, 

for we have no skill set

for embracing the now

that is not heavily burdened

with audience historical perspective.

this moment can be novel

but only in a referential way.

we are the immediacy of the now

for our take-aways are all anecdotal. 

experience is always birthing the past,

as for the mothering of the future,

as the present is already alive 

when we get there.

the cutting edge of being 

is not the forest 

secretly growing from within.

it is the lumber yard of sensory select,

for us to build our home of recognition,

for where we currently come to live.

we are profoundly prepared

for racing forward 

as if our front windshield 

is a rear view mirror

and our rear view mirror 

is an occasional glance at the future.

our future is governed by a bucket list

of ordained objectives 

for the future to embrace,

and for us to think

we got any closer to the now

by doing this.

for many, the future presents

as a wallpaper of tedium,

no matter the room-size,

the layout of the walkabout

or the adventure of have-tos for the day.

yes, we are of the now

but not avidly in the now.

we are way over-scripted

and way under-realized.

we lack the sensory apparatus and skills

to be a consciousness of the now.

we intake feedback loops all of the time.

we are not current with anything, 

except by motion, programed or otherwise.

our methods of mindfulness keep us at bay.

we are time-delay aware.

we are always the punchline 

to a recent now.

our secret code for all of this is,

that we agree to agree.

therefore we are all in the now.

so what's the problem?

and so what's up?

what is happening?

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