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Tuesday, March 16, 2021

we already are


we have the puzzle parts 

of bodies to work with.

we have leaded pencils 

for spillage from our mouths.

over the electronic airwaves.

we have menus of people 

to choose from as friends.

we have scripts 

of appropriate projective say-lines.

we have abundance 

as next moments' operatives. 

we have themes for storylines 

for next chapters coming,

but we only have 

as have is entertainment's goal.

how did we audience ourselves 

out of essential existence?

I bleed for intimacy of the real kind,

but use bandaids of denial 

for when real is cutting.

I attempt to breath 

what others breath,

but don't really get the energetics 

of connection from it.

I exhibit similar behaviors as others, 

relax and sojourn as if a participant 

in a species of delight,

but really mimic as flattery 

does not lighten my soul.

we all speak of liberty 

as if right down the road,

but I want connection 

as the bonding of beings.

I want the great light 

that the collective produces,

the maze of hear-say gets boring 

to chase after.

I know of myself, 

as not a wick-less candle of being.

the flotilla of harmony 

is afraid of drowning at sea.

I am willing to pass as spillage 

if it gets me to the light.

just promise me 

that you promised yourself,

that this lifetime of layover 

is soon to take flight.

I have a gleam in my eye 

that outweighs the gravity of this moment.

and sparks will fly,

when spirits rubbing together 

are given to ignite.

I'm not asking for sensibility 

to reign on my parade.

I want out of wanting.

I place myself in the eye 

of this reality storm.

chaos begets calmness 

on the grandness of scale.

I want to live that aliveness,

more than knowing can ask for.

where does 

that unreasonableness come from?

I am on a journey forward to there.

if you are aware more than I,

please take me under wing,

and fly with me there,

where we make more sense 

do amazing things,

beyond expectation's grasp,

in the uprising of spirit as cause.

for we can't come to embrace, 

who we intimately already of being,

are . . .

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