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Monday, March 8, 2021

the nature of change


change only exists 

in a bait and switch world.

as long as linear thinking 

is the buying customer,

substitutional is as a way of comprehension.

it plays upon the lack of deep vision 

for the bigger picture.

change seems like an experiential benefit

based of the framing style 

experience professes,

as if we are all still cameras 

photographing memories

building an endless scrapbook 

of our life as a story.

change requires a frameshift, 

one for the other.

the assumption of replacement is expected

rather than expansion of self visa to include.

change assumes there was ever a constancy in place,

but in real life, all things are 

in varied speeds of motion.

it is in service to our perspective 

that we hold a constancy

as if the surround is in service 

to our versionary existence.

we made familiarity, 

a frozen sense of existence, our need.

of course, we have novelty 

of movement but in restraint.

expectation is then our service guide 

to the natural

and change is an accountable version 

by our standards.

for us, as humans, 

we made up change to accommodate, us.

the imprinting of observation 

gives us freeze frame account.

even motion is frozen 

in framed patterns of repetition.

change accepts the philosophy 

of replacement

as the functionality of whatever is, 

only of interest to us

in service to our storyline 

and limited awareness needs.

change suggest an assumption 

of ownership knowledge

that what we name it, is what it really is.

we are the referential guardians 

of our sensibility

about everything that is in 

and around our living.

therefore change is an accepted version 

of account

but it is a false front and diminishment 

of self in process.

how we hold up in expectation's report 

is our mind-state

that deeply does not have a essential basis 

of existence.

it's just our self-consciousness 

in process and review.

therefore change is a pseudo revelation 

to occur.

transform, transcend 

and immerse are occurring

but on a whole other level 

than change can handle.

we still want to be the journeyman 

of the diary.

we want the eyes 

of self-served observation as audience

and the legitimacy of our logic over all, 

in our presence.

we deem what is relevant 

and otherwise ignore

the continuity of life as flow 

has too much complexity

for us to ponder 

beyond the grip of our comprehension.

even change can appear 

as a uphill battle to absorb.

there is some fixation to our existence 

that can accept change 

as if substitutional in nature.

what is that that we do that way?

yet we wish to live for the ever unfolding

but equip ourselves with skills of denial.

we have notice of change 

as eventful and significant.

change is as potentially vain 

as the use of mirror time.

for that what we get is 

out vanity accepted as real

and change as a measure 

of how much life is a challenge.

for in reality, 

change is change changing, 

unendingly . . .

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