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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

to have the feelings


I wanted to have the feelings.

feelings so strong, 

that I have no more definitional needs, 

that words can come to represent.

the feel before self-presence 

recaptures me again,

to be beyond the guardianship 

of recognition skills.

before I am handicapped 

by sensing reclaiming me.

that this feel takes me so deep, so vast, 

beyond my need for birth 

or awareness of my separateness of being.

that feeling, where no boundaries present,

where I have no need for storyline,

where I would loose the comma state 

of being audience to anything,

where I exist before my recognition of trust,

where there is emersion 

beyond the need for discernment,

where I am steadied without sensory's fill,

to a place at the pointlessness of time,

beyond the admission 

of conscious surrender 

where background and foreground 

eternally embrace.

just eyes to eyes, 

in that soul to speak.

where subtle was always calling me,

to that ocean is toasting 

to epochs of existence.

where thought lays down 

without content to bother

and quantum is without compromise.

where feel is summational presence 

without self.

the feeling, being, as oneness . . .

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