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Sunday, February 28, 2021

female orgasm without contextual restraints


it's one thing to experience orgasm

but quite another 

to be orgasmic from within.

that journey, from experience to being,

is a form of melt-into a deeper awareness

than observational experience is skilled at.

as long as it is happening to you,

you are on the outside feeling in.

there is a self maintenance 

separate from that feeling.

it is as a sensory intake 

rather than a vibratory broadcast.

it has timelines of evidential circumstance

that can appear 

as behavior towards stimulation

and yes, that can appear as a knock 

at the welcome door.

but more deeply, there is a residence 

beyond the continuous knock 

at the front door.

a place within where the tone of the knock

takes on its own life of resonant existence,

where the vibratory has an unrealized life,

maybe appearing as so subtle

as to be in reality-terms, 

ignored, dismissed or duly noted

in a self-spectatorship way.

that inner place, 

beyond physical circumstance,

is more of the essence of oneself

behind all of the evidentials 

and the self account.

to awake to this source-place 

is a complete shift of self orientation.

it is to have a depth of being emerge 

as a presence

as to realize that one is always in that place,

even though reality is a gloss 

in avoidance of it,

that that presence, once realized,

is not sexual in nature

but is only one possibility of its presentation.

it doesn't need behavior act-outs 

to be evident.

it is a field broadcast of being,

more subtle and more profound 

at the same time.

we don't have the culture for that to be,

but for some, once discovered, 

it is that it is.

vibrational then is foreground 

but not outwardly disclosed

and reality is backdrop 

and constantly on display.

female orgasm is not 

a wondrous kite in the sky,

it is the sky praising the kite 

by a constant flow,

as in undulations, 

syncopations of subtle sensations radiating 

from a deep inward sourcing.

not so much local in a physical way

but more so presence blooming 

through the field of you,

maybe a sense of full aura, 

in a pulsating blossom.

not to be the fascination 

of that as happening

but to be the groundedness 

in being the source of it,

where awareness of it is fluctuating 

but the constancy of it 

as broadcast is now evident.

not sexual in orientation any more,

even though the culture only responds 

to it as such.

it is revealed to be more basic 

than breathing,

more fundamental 

than body occupancy awareness.

heartbeat and orgasm dance 

in unrevealed constancy,

where mindful conscious prayer 

is only lip-service

to this overwhelm 

of subtle steadfastness in being.

female orgasm 

without contextual restraints . . .

(reread ……… behold……… be)

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