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Friday, April 24, 2020

the beyond of quantum entanglement 4/24/20

for expansive focus to be poised
it has to exist in an immersive state.
it is not so much getting results
as having profound interactions.
it is lucid beyond comparative truth.
it is beyond the bounds of paradox,
being the backstage for all belief claims.
it is more far-reaching than 
existential angst as feeling's over-ride.
it is more comprehensively complex than
prefrontal cortex as our experiential occupancy.
it cannot be categorized as a non-ordinary state
because there is no deliverance 
to an otherwise experiential witness environment.
witnessing the witnesser is ever complete from within.
there is a possibility of quantum lucid connectedness
beyond the use of what animated language could provide,
a kind of conscious coherence 
beyond self conscious luminous reductionism,
as a journey that does not dignify a sense of return
and transforms sensory out of an audience perspective
into intrinsic elemental energetic dynamism,
demystifying the time-space continuum as strategy
yet bathing in the sweet-spot of quantum awareness,
becoming inspiration that has no audience 
but only vibrational high frequency membership
to live consciously beyond boundary-ness 
as collective conscious human mass-mentality . . .

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