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Monday, October 28, 2019

enormity’s generosity 10/28/19

cramping enormity into logical binds
looking for illuminating words, 
that are yet still dragging their feet
with meaningfuls untied.
aesthetics living on the saliva of the brain
before the chew of understanding tastefully provides.
putting the kites of content in the sky of context 
as if the vast blue is a ring bearer for that ceremony.
waiting for the winds of suitable comprehension
to ceremoniously give stillborn thoughts
the wings to inwardly fly 
towards amelioration’s view.
when all words fundamentally abjectify
simply by any definitional sense implied.
old soul wisdom doesn’t reach for mental clarity.
its residence easily encompasses vast and deep,
where words taken up with meaning can’t really go.
it isn’t what they say so much 
as where from within
it comes to be said 
or even just viewed as a presence.
the wisdom encompasses the surround of the topic.
the feel doesn’t back away from the implied meaning.
it’s everything you would want
from a campfire of meaning
but without all the cerebral necessarily in tow.
there is no pride to this type of understanding.
the mind relinquishes its status 
for the generosity of the feel ignited.
enormity at a sensory level is like this
but brought on by emotional establishment’s deeds.
I want a mind-fill that is an extension of this.
I am not looking for a context of contrasts
no cutting edges of issues holding outline form
but more so a land of confluence mindfully registered.
I am not looking for a change of heart
but more of an expansion to include. 
enormity as the generosity of oneness 
vastly expressed . . .

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