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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

as if in essence delivered 10/23/19

for humans, mass is idealized
but it is the biggest pretend of all.
if location is dependent upon placement 
and placement is a sense of fixed position
then our view of everything is quite illusory.
the art of human behavior 
is a form of slow-motion act-outs 
compared to the actual occurrence 
of vibratory as mass.
objectivity only reflects the prejudice 
of us as the viewers.
the world, as we know it,
is a biblical version of ourselves 
as observation’s caste.
as long as we have time 
as part of the observation equation,
nothing exists that we can generate 
as evident as such.
as long as we pride ourselves
as audience with interest,
we are distant and imprisoned 
by the concepts we keep generative.
connectivity is non-negotiable. 
it is the universe’s prayer 
by the same way, degree 
and one pointedness of time.
where by the invocation of itself,
is spot-on and therefore timeless.
but on us, by our methods, 
we have a concept of details as our following.
yet all of matter reveals the conundrum 
mirroring this basis of bias of our human understanding.
to us, information is real 
and we are steadfast timely with it
as if conceived and captured within it.
we have invented a distance 
from the energetic truth
and now we have to resolve 
that distance we intellectually maintain.
and yet wanting to do so 
by still being here, the way we are,
but only more advanced,
yet in much the same mindful way.
maybe this is a perverse experiment:
imagine life after death as authentic, 
and how to prepare for it 
while still grounded 
in the supposed here and now.
in the way we are proposed 
as that, living in the here and now.
yet we don’t have a science behind the mind,
but only of it,
which impedes the essential process, profoundly.
as soon as we name or label 
or actually cogitate into thought,
we are proceeding 
into the displacement of being.
communication is already an island 
removed from being.
conveyance offers alignment 
but not guaranteed reception
in a thought driven world.
we live in the conundrum 
and yet propose its worth.
so how do we question questioning
and then go about with its worth?
the way our minds currently work
every question is only rhetorical 
as if in essence obliquely delivered . . .

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