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Friday, October 25, 2019

can we question the universe 10/25/19

it isn’t the universe that is in question.
it is the nature of human observation of it
that is the quandary.
how we view it
and what is our retake from viewing?
even the nature of the dynamics of viewing
and how that translates into words
and subsequent meaning is a grand conundrum, 
unto ourselves from our methods of receivership 
and what we conceptualize from what we take.
we suffer from depiction observation.
we falsify what is taken by our linear thinking.
we expect that our way of thinking 
allows the universe to subscribe 
to our way of knowing about it.
how we do the think we do
as translated into the thoughts we derive,
completely misses the essential point of being
as it scribes to a version of knowing as satisfactory.
knowing is the oddity in this equation, 
not the universe of itself.
we have quantum as bricks, layered by thought derivatives. 
we have not become the experiment 
of fully immersing as out there
but respectfully wait for the universe 
to come around to our way of thinking about it
and provide for us a practical form of understanding.
there is a perversity to our wonderment,
a false sense of scale and dynamics involved,
in which we labor to understand
as if understanding is the great beyond 
coming our way.
we are like a mountain onto a grander landscape,
wanting the sky to come our way 
as if we are the confessional of need 
for the universe to reveal its secrets to us.
we created mindfulness, almost pridefully so,
as if anything revealed, 
withstands our stage of observation.
we have an audience-syndrome version of existence,
yet so much happens through us, 
but we are not conscious of 
from with it.
we dismiss our isness for the grossness of experience. 
cognition is a pomposity, as a false relevance posturing.
the mindful retention of principles is in no way
the same as the sense of empathy 
and nuance-caring that we can feel.
fear as a fulcrum proposed and propagated as necessary
then diminishes our conscious awareness of anything 
more profound then the made up structures 
and their presumed consequences.
we can hardly address essence 
when power, ownership, and control,
govern our think styles 
and labor our perception of being.
we are syntactically dismissive of deeper truths
because we want them to be evidential to us 
for the way we are.
our questing the universe is more about reflecting to us
how we falsely address, 
by what we want to know
without actually immersing ourselves in any way 
except by the think we already use 
having a false confidence and expectations 
for results to appear to us
when it is us who are strangers unto ourselves, 
about all of this.
we assume ourselves to be the constant fixation
of our ever further questioning.
but our method of questions and answers 
is always in our mindset ways.
there is nothing static in the universe 
and yet we want hold that pose 
for answers to come to us for our memory’s sake
as if understanding bring us any closer 
to our own divinity in all of this. 
how strange to ask in a mirror-like method
and expect the method of answers from that
to resolutely complete us in evolutionary ways.
when we only ‘mind’ our own business
and yet we feel so ‘self’ involved
at such a greater scale 
than we are grandly not in touch with 
in operative ways of evolutionary advancement.
our curiosity is filled with excess baggage 
when answers only come to occupy 
a status of mindful positions
and evolution remains for us
as just a point of interest . . .

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