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Monday, December 31, 2018

self-love has no why but is 12/31/18

self-love is not noticeable for having any worth
if you go to measure or account for self-love 
then you have stepped out of the essence of that love
and replaced it with an account demonstrating self-love
or that which shows evidence of self love
and therefore the obvious results of self-love
rather than the exudence of self-love 
or the radiance presence of self-love
which exists as a broadcast 
but not a projection
it has a cast 
but not a directedness
there is no scheme to self-love
as if a mental directive can cause or procure
self-love does not have a defining appearance
as if smiles or pleasantries, calmness 
or dignified composure
self-love can have an unbeknownst innocence 
as if one is not knowledgable about their first-person self-love 
in a self sense way
self-love has a fluidity to it
even though experiential distractions can abound
it is not a life long work of construction
self-love finds a means of surrender 
to a deeper sense of self as truth opening
any account is only an attempt at seduction or capture
control is not a means of self-love in the operative
conveyance can have a presence of self-love expressed
communication maybe only a forest for the trees of self-love
not that it can’t be there 
but may be disguised behind the stature of meaning imposed
emotional can be a messenger of self-love 
but it is not at the essence
self-love is a vibrational presence 
and possibly a subsequent broadcast
but not by mentally directed intentional means
yes, there can be compassion and empathy expressed
but they are not of the essence either
but may be in part perceived 
as an element of the intentional broadcast 
with emotional overtones in play
self-love is not a commodity that the mind can venture with
can’t trade it, bargain, contract or create an agreement with it
it is not a commodity but more of an ongoing outpour
a mindful creation of self-love as a concept 
can be topically interesting 
as if subject to or for debate
but mind has very little control there of
gaming self-love is as a costly enslavement process
as if to give up being to gain a sense of self-control
our culture features that process as having a worth
a sense of self-worth
but that places oneself in the conundrum 
of always proving one’s worth
rather than existing as a richness of being from the inside out
I am not saying that self-love is exclusive to one’s being
there are those whose self-love is greater than their being
there are those who have a collective soul capacity
as part of their conscious existence
and for them, self-love is expansive and inclusive.
their being is part of a greater collective 
yet not defined by body count or identity
self-love is not a product of a conclusion-driven sense of being
self-love carries an ‘isness’ to it that flows without restraint
it does not have to be evident by behavior or mood
we all have it but possibly present in a denial style
as we are held captive to a mind-style version of being
we all can see the uninhabited self-love in babies
more by their presence than their behavior
some have survived the onslaught of indoctrination and culture
and still possess that self-love straight-forwardly
everyone is self-love
until they believe themselves not . . .

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