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Friday, December 3, 2010

A mother’s transition

A mother’s transition

and all the offspring are present.

Mom is being the self of spirit

administering to her kin.

The offspring will carry you on

in their winged life performances.

They will be a modest extension

of your intentional deeds.

Let forgivingness be the broadcast

in your current flight song.

While you share your passage,

they drink from your essence.

Let your pain humble them

into deeper self-recognitions.

Guide them

by sharing your transition.

Your emotive majestic

electrifies them

sharing your new insights.

You yourself are becoming

the wise child of your new light.

Leave petals from where you are

as the rich source coming forth.

Your fragrance of being

shall always be in their possession.

Be no more kept by courtesy

and any fears of indebtedness

or labors of burden.

You are not a millstone

but an ever churning surprise!

They all thirst for

where you now have nectar.

They are all doing busy

just as a way of being

by your side to drink.

But they are all on

a more expanded wavelength

because of your broadcast now.

So soon for you to be skyward.

Continue to sip from each of them
and share with your inner sight.

Take with you

what never can be held

as separate.

Leave behind

what keeps them all

from your oneness.

You have become the prism

for their reflective perception.

See their spirits now

and tell them of your delights.

You are the wings

to administer to their sadness.

You are the lift needed

to clear this as circumstance.

You are the heart of their hearts.

As the twilight slowly glimmers

lead by simply breathing on.

Leave nothing behind

but complete resolution.

Know of your bond

across these realm timelines.

A sweet esthetic peace

be the hand that leads you.

Let your inner eyes rest

upon all these glorious sights.

Allow them to take from you

not as memory

but as presence being.

Be now as their inner guide

by the way they come to love

through your mentoring now

and not for whom

you were to them as then,

for you have blessed them all

by who you really are

as now revealed

and blessing . . .

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