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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

the feel of reality's passing

emotion is all the flow of art,

while the mind is all the self as an artist.

experience is a prerogative of conscious style

and each human dallies between these two parlances. 

one of feeling being, the other of knowing,

one of presence, the other of presentation,

one invoked by impulse calling, 

the other in protective response to fear,

one seeking evidential certainty, 

and the other demanding a groundedness of certitude.

each day, in each moment,

this balance is sought 

as the signature of self identified ongoing,

defining every human's conscious awareness.

some are from the search 

of that which is their manifest,

while others are from the assuredness 

of their confirmation of beliefs.

no one is neither

or is anyone equally both.

all humans exist in a consciousness 

that is vulnerable to, 

either mental as override 

or emotional as indulgence. 

Our versionary sense of self, 

in our linear fashion of thought,

does not allow for both simultaneously.

in general,

mind oversees and interprets emotion as encore.

for some, that is implicitly so,

while for others,

mind is in override

and unpleasantly so,

given that culture features mental equivalency

as a necessary prominence

and emotionality in necessary subservience. 

there are those for whom

this dominance is impactful

and profoundly a cause for frustration. 

since thought has thousands of words for feel

and language ordains think over 

the ambience of feels' presence.

there is ever the internal battle ongoing,

where the feel of sensory perception

is ever accosted by mindful interpretation's grasp.

for a feel-person, 

that is clipped wings,

a flurry of run-on sentences as capture exposed,

a limited palate of color by thoughtful selection,

framing as a form of closure,

pillage of essence for itemization,

audience without the pursuit of isness,

confluence giving way to construction,

and agency rather than emersion. 

this is, the loss of the art of being

for the sake of the narrative pronounced.

we have cultures based on thought provoked.

we have species entitlement

based on retentive human mind narratives.

we have science as overwhelmingly a prominence

and art as a tagalong of cognitive interest.

we have topic as the meal conversationally served

and tone as the serving staff in an aiding pronouncement. 

there is this sidedness to the human consciousness predicament,

apparently not directly addressable.

for the linear use of the mind

is ever associated with a falseness of claim.

while thought has generated,

feel is generative.

thought will never conquer 

while feel is ever the the essence approaching.

the linear mind can not fathom

what the holographic presence of feel offers.

thus we have the ongoing,

of depiction versus immersion,

of conceptual versus outright ambience,

of presence versus the interpretive there of,

of spirit of being versus sense of the self.

how the ambiguous becomes 

the constant stampede of the cryptic,

how know is ever the audience

and never bathing beyond

the cognitive of isness,

where emotion is soul language

yet unspoken by the accountings of the mind.

we are of a mindfulness

as savages ferociously hunting down sensitivity, 

in mindful attempts to conquer essence,

to slay all of the mysteries of mass, form, space and time,

yet hardly ever to be of that which is,

what we mindfully chase.

sadly, there is no real mindful story, ever,

just story attempting to approach 

the feel of reality's passing . . .

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