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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

as close as far away can be

I am as close as 

still far away can be.

I am of an intimacy

that will never take form.

this has an occupancy 

of a gemstone presence,

yet never to be

of the other person worn.

I could come to exist

as an inward prayer silently spoken,

which functions more readily

as a fragrance of the mind,

as a kindling used

for a conscious awareness arising.

but it never will appear

as the tongue-flames of spoken words.

yet may wander through lifetimes

as of a kindred of soul.

having a perfect pitch,

that is out of normal audio range.

played on an instrument

made of intention and time.

has the background melody 

of longing and endearment,

while the lyrics are about

the coalesce of two souls. 

it dances best before or after 

these humans have taken form.

it is of an essence

that emotions can deeply embrace,

but shared minds can only observe.

it's metaphorically where,

wings meets wind 

for the grace of flight,

where water meets flow

for the sacredness of gravity's calling,

where seeds meet earth

for the kiss of the waiting sky,

where sight is honored

by the reception in return,

where thought settles into the wardrobe

of recognition's use of wearage,

where one note mutually sung

ever seeks perfect pitch,

where the embarrassment of standout details

seek the camouflage of deep view alignment.

to be that which stands up

in the pride of time passing

and knows of its wisdom

as presence ongoing.

somewhere in the disguise 

of shape and form

a presence enters the mind, 

as sacredly held yet, 

as close as 

still far away can be . . .

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