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Friday, November 11, 2022

the syringe and its usage

television is our first visual usage of the syringe. 

and since we are majority visual,

addiction became a commercial enterprise.

truth came in a tinted medium, altered.

hearsay became the bible of the moment.

what not to and where not to, 

because the news.

bystander mentality became a mainstay existence.

we all wanted to be featured for approval's sake.

in classrooms, it was grades.

on television, it is was to be seen.

now selfies are becoming podcasts.

views are a form of capitalistic friendship.

I'm thinking global as cashflow potential.

we are all highly trained.

everyone wants their moment

of being seen as the man on the moon.

look-see is the classroom of the future for now.

my screen skills are a way of seeing life.

my idea of interactive is binge watching with others.

I could hire someone to video-live my life

and send me daily copies for me to watch.

at least in a mindset way, that would work.

I have needs that are getting harder to identify.

I am a shorter attention span faster than I am growing.

I have less of a capacity to question answers.

I have passive activity as a primary interest.

I'd rather change channels than think differently.

I somehow lost the meanings 

for stubborn, tenacious, authentic and emotional I.Q.

no matter, I can look them up if needed.

I don't think I actually meet people any more.

I just greet and peruse them.

the more popular game these days, 

more popular than tag or marco polo,

is likemindedness because it's played all the time.

I sense the goal of experience is entertainment,

and experience has a variety of channels to choose from.

the more pixels you are the more real you get.

conversations are getting to be more like short videos.

looking out windows has lost its fascination

if I don't have a remote capacity in my mind.

if I loose interest, I space out in boredom.

my life story will be an inadvertent documentary,

some compilation of everything ever shot of me.

of course, without the editing or narrative voice over.

but then, by then,

who's left to be watching,

when everybody is onscreen active as their life? . . .

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