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Monday, November 7, 2022

do you read me

sentences shouldn't appease 

but rigor the reader's mind.

reading shouldn't be 

the advance of audience spectatorship.

understanding has short lived benefits.

the read should invite in-depth cognition.

read should evoke more than retention's claim.

read should open the creative wonderment of inquiry.

reading posing as passivity 

is a kill of time.

the read should be more like 

the hunt for and of the mind.

meaning is just footprints 

in the tracking down.

side deductions always mentioned 

in staying the course.

I wouldn't write to tell 

but to expose along the way.

eventually I would expect 

off the page to be the worth,

where the churn becomes self creative of mind-fullness. 

maybe read is from childhood, 

read to, into dreamland.

I didn't want read to be 

a stumbling block to imagining. 

I would listen to inner dialogue 

rather than being read to.

self-inquiry is more potent 

than listening-to could offer.

read should be a trampoline 

rather than jumping rope.

a mind airborne is more expansive 

than one well grounded.

yes, I'm not one good 

for fully reading the instructions.

if I read, I am looking for left turns 

or leaps off the page.

in a read, logical does not attract me 

but quizzical does.

sometimes I get more clout 

out of a run-on sentence.

if I ever fully read a book, 

I should get an eagle-scout badge.

if reading a book is a train ride from A to B, 

I got off before B.

I have a distrust for words 

that have crowd appeal,

at least definitions are ever migrating 

in the minds of users.

meaning is like taking a shower 

yet we only agree to clean,

as if meaning could bypass the mind 

and go directly to feel.

I am not good at standing in the mind line 

when feel is play.

for reading is a lot like money 

spent on leisure's ploy.

I'd rather think into thoughts 

as mind's rightful occupancy.

for me, reading is a starter kit 

than mind-play takes over.

maybe the issue is my mind runs faster 

than read can take me.

I'm sorry, 

what was that that you were reading to me? . . .

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