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Friday, October 14, 2022

the sacredness of imprisonment

the sacredness of imprisonment

is within every conscious thought. 

yet thought has elements of surveillance within it.

every conclusion made

has containment-potential ongoing.

freedom within perception is thus ever fleeting.

every new thought is initially a breath of fresh air.

yet every understanding has labor camp memories.

every thought identified is asking,

what are you in for?

yet, well thought out, can also be a self as snitch.

eventually detention can be discovered 

as a frame of mind.

does cause-worthy ever not seek to defend the truth?

or is positionality as such, 

just a prison wardrobe?

and doing time is daily habits 

under unceasing surveillance,

where feelings come to live in captured air space,

where any flight taken,

even in this confinement 

is still a secret journey to the heart(?).

escape is not a method but embrace is.

the deepest inner truths defy this containment.

they live beyond the reach of a moral warden.

they have a pure-state existence,

without the addiction of representation, pending.

once within that clarity, to be there, 

there is no need for time to be compelling

and imprisonment is just a time and space predicament,

with circumstance as the penance done as awareness.

yet there are no time restrains to one's spirit

and no space imprisons one's soul.

for one lives beyond the narrative of living life long.

for now, one can share breath with the intimate sky.

one can see all hard surfaces as movie screens

and all of light is the broadcasting projector.

for one is open to watching this movie 

as one makes it.

realizing that they are in a lifetime of a character

and a deep witness to the script and scenes one is in. 

and occasionally, to feel for the length of the reel 

and for the end of the character one plays.

for oneself, as a consciousness,

is an actor, with a roll, on a stage.

it's an imprisonment movie 

with a heartfelt theme,

pitting mindfulness against mindlessness.

ever the crusade of earnestness abounds.

the sacredness of imprisonment

is within every conscious thought.

for we each are our own theater 

with our own self, as audience, 

where the discovery of being on screen, on stage,

may eventually steal our capacity 

to witness as audience of relevance

and put isness back into our presentation 

as the richness of our life . . .

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