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Saturday, October 22, 2022

beyond what meaning offers

what if the it of it

is beyond what meaning offers?

coloration of a canvass of mind 

without brush-usage,

the stream passing by, 

as tongue-tied but still speaking,

the wind offering breathy hearsay 

yet still essentially true,

a what-do-you-make-of-it 

from a tree with no limbs,

dessert dunes

that never pose in a completed stance,

feelings that fly up and curse 

at language for stealing,

the series of half-lives of conclusions 

that occur, 

even before their pronouncement 

that is days away from being made,

for wanting to be

where summary wanders off

without a meaningful life,

why hurt had a full-blown identity crisis,

even before it's summary had a name.

why feelings are liquid and evaporative

while the words of it turn to stone, 

to dirt, into gains of wandering sand.

so, if I am helping you with words,

I am distracting you 

from where you need to go.

if my tears are coming out of your eyes

than without knowing,

you understand . . .

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