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Friday, July 1, 2022

weather, you know me

I was born into the atmosphere 

out of two weatherings, as people.

it was in the mountainous time of their lives.

it was winter and storming.

and I came in as blankets of snow.

my weathering was white, stillness, and cold.

all I knew of myself then laid before me.

I came to know shovels face to face.

and when springtime arrived,

I was apparently then melt and a fury.

everywhere forward for me 

was towards invisible action.

I became the logic of circumstance, 

fluid and pooling.

and in the process,

rubber boots standing there, staring down.

I became innocently identified 

with motion and mud.

yet everyday forward,

not knowing my evaporative means.

I got both deeply grounded 

and eventually disappearingly aware,

to ultimately then 

become weather of my own.

I had values in the sky

and grand circumstance as prevailing.

there were then time 

when I was sunny days

in cloudless skies 

and others with my emotions brewing.

I had wind as my back 

and landscapes as my sensing.

I was as much of the thermals

as everyone around me and then some.

wind and rain and rays came 

to represent my responsible actions.

I had thermals of deep emotional disposition

and a temperament range from hot to cool.

I would play every day, 

with the earth presenting.

my parents were both larger weather patterns,

having major effect on me.

initially, I seemed to be very localized

on a daily basis.

and what, in the beginning, 

I perceived as mountains,

were now actually, just foothills of my occupancy.

my mentality was ever interfacing,

as environmental was my circumstance.

my emotions became ever evaporative forming clouds.

I could now cry as spring rain

and see myself reflected from the mirroring of earth.

eventually my sense of being became

a larger occupancy of space.

motivation became my wind operative.

storming became some of my issue-bound to say.

growing up, I became less landlocked 

and more the reverie of land passing by.

I became the sophistication of thermals,

the motivation of widespread

and a presence of daily passage on the move.

yet never to become a celebrity storm,

as nothing noted on a first name basis.

just the ongoing of me in a seasonal vain.

I have the breath of life,

and the vanity of living.

and now I make my own,

as I travel on.

and if per chance we come to embrace,

I am meaning no harm,

learning as I go,

spent on the ever-ness of journey.

you may come to know me only as affect,

as we each work with water in different ways.

you, as body and blood

me, as wind, humidity, 

and soul appearing clouds.

we both have the honor in passing.

you, having wonder in your day,

while I have the weathering expression

of my emotional creed . . .

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