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Sunday, May 1, 2022


imagine being born as if a block of ice,

a large undetermined chunk of apparently unknown.

and that life, as the living of it,

is both ripe now,

for the crack as a chiseling 

and the weathering as a thaw.

and reality was majorly focused on the chiseling,

as to giving it a liquid life line.

the focus for realization is on, 

to become a personage melt and meaning,

the quicker the better,

the faster the strong.

self-discovery is the work 

of self-conscious skilling.

the techniques learned are based on,

the initial energetics of the person 

within that solid, presenting at birth,

the conditioning from the weathering of parents, 

relative to alignment and connectedness,

obviously the cultural ongoing and overwhelm,

the battle between the drivenness and the drawnness, 

and the techniques of the rational mind are in play.

all the while, skill-sets applied,

knack explored and liquidity acquired,

some straight-up melt and some chiseled, 

all seen as ongoing in the process.

in the foreseeable, of definition and carriage

there is a sense of declaration 

and identity ever-changing moving forwarded.

some recognition achieved 

and properly displayed as definites presumed.

for age is this melting process.

yet there is a sense of being, 

that somewhere within the ice that remains,

supposedly the spirit in capture yet present.

and the mystery of life 

is presumed to be declared.

this preoccupation, as a reality format, 

is ever ongoing,

yet the essential secret of life is unaddressed.

for it was not in the ice of its formation,

not in this, its chiseled characterization,

not even in the subsequent recognition assigned

or in the declaration of what, by active pursuit,

it ever comes to be.

but always and quite secretly,

it is in the essence of the being

and that which wholeheartedly is,

both present within and ever forward advancing.

it was in the evaporative mystery of spirit,

both present, evaporatively leaving and absent, 

to the apparency of any reality cause.

yet never the true focus 

but always the evocative means,

as spirit on the rise.

no matter the evidence for apparent display,

the leave-taking by chisel or by melt.

all efforts, eventually towards the same cause,

ascendency without restraint or regret.

the heart-breath of water,

put into a solidness of display,

only to eventually,

by one means or another, ascend,

to be formless but present

as spirit on the rise.

no need for tools or other apparent skills,

no mass of identity as ledger and account,

far outside the skill base of the rational mind,

not even wistfully making angels in the snow,

as a playful childlike reminder.

for an existence, 

beyond the sensory range,

as if, the essence of us.

way beyond the water-downed versions, 

we are as presented.

as the mystery of the self,

answers to the calling. 

for everyone is the essential one of us.

once materiality is blatantly here 

and then we are eventually

mysteriously but miraculously, 

as if evaporatously, 

gone . . .

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