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Friday, May 6, 2022

query gets a facelift

sanity is my sidekick,

when free-fall is my groundedness.

utterance is used in my echo-location,

when time is my audience perspective.

self-consciousness is my service animal,

as if breath is my floatational device.

sensory is information overheard,

when night and day are lip service sent my way.

comatose, as meaningful prayer, is for humans, 

as the ever-last of their functional design.

'why' is, as a remembrance of birth,

when 'how' is as a texture of surface, as if skin.

caring is for me, a sense for atmosphere

and love is as coming to a means.

to understand is an attempt at embrace.

dignity has a feel for its density.

destiny is my nose dive done with grace.

to bother is an offer at a second helping,

while a toast is means of looking up.

share is just a mirror's reflection

and death is believed to be a bottoms up.

what's queer to me is reading from the menu.

expectation is just another inner gear.

universal is making all right turns.

just the think of absolute is lips relaxed,

while ponder is space divined. 

limits is what linear assumes

along with stillness, as a constant lie.

crave is the future approaching from the rear,

and memories are all made up of dander.

understood is a shadow cast,

where all murmurs have strum potential.

crying is entry into an alternate dimension,

while belief is just the labeling, 

present in one's clothes.

wandering is exactly how thought works

and judgment is stopping in it for a pose.

freedom is everything unknown,

while flight is what creative means provide.

the end is where all low points go to drink,

when details are the cursory means of inquiry.

blather is the time between what thoughts provoke.

existence has a sense of prompted-ness.

and we, are all action figures,

as if destination is the call.

spare parts are just my secondhand thoughts.

liberty is our innate ability to fly.

logic is a form of us holding hands

yet, if there is a you 

then we are not fully aligned.

help is another dimension's intersecting.

breach is the birth of the unexpected.

clouds often identify as my passing thoughts.

behavior amplifies my internal act-outs

and sad has sharp, 

as what dullness does in use.

if you go ahead,

you make my day.

I am eventually all that follows.

for I have vacancy as luster

and uninterestings as mere potentials, 

that need to be probed 

into what further gets refined . . .

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