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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

off-line thinker


off-line thinker,

that is somewhat a part of me.

I never ride a train of thought,

not really topic bound,

couldn't carry a conversation 

from here to there,

as ever, on the search.

presented with oddities, 

during the course of mindfuls.

have doorways 

where there are no buildings 

apparently present.

sees flights take off from places underground.

yes, I personally possess 

a keyring of contradiction keys.

doesn't really take turns 

with other mind-mates.

plans to recapture my mindful runaways.

see perversion as a method 

of thoughtful insight.

sense my means to be helpful 

as much as in the way.

would beg, borrow or steal 

from the rest of my mind

but on a lending basis only.

could have been a photographer of oddities, 

but travels internally instead.

makes up solutions for problems 

that haven't asked for help.

but to all others,

off-liner thinkers seem to be

the kind of a person

that would give blood to put out a fire,

fashion doorstops 

to permanently keep doors open,

see people dancing in the flames of a fire,

drive a conversation 

in all kinds of odd directions

and basically do upkeep on the edges

and reweave the fringe of thoughtful things. 

off-line thinking, 

ever the distant scout,

never the wagon-train . . .

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