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Sunday, December 26, 2021

awake before I wake up

generally, I am awake 

before I am up.

no, I mean I am awake, 

before I wake up.

I lucid dream as me

and carry on, 

once I am awake.

it's like a conversation

that has moved to another room,

another setting,

but the topic continues in the same vain. 

who I was then,

as to who I am for now,

has overlaps of carriage,

even though the background presence 

has wildly shifted

and the physical animation 

has come into play.

I carry the thoughts forwards,

as if an endearing intimate conversation

that continues to unceasingly unfold.

they are them 

and I am me,

for whatever that context has to offer.

they of me speak

and I of me listens 

and makes response.

the I of me 

will move towards a conclusion's worth,

as if I am the scribe of memory taken.

they, I don't really know, 

what they have as takeaways. 

there is an ambiance of connection.

we all seem familiar with each other,

somewhere in the neighborhood of night.

I've always said,

I'd gladly give up on sleep

and lead a double life,

but didn't think of it in this way.

sort of like sleep is happening

and then there is this overlay 

of awake-ness happening,

where I am me 

and we carry on.

there is nothing foreign 

from my perspective.

sure, there are odd environments 

in the backdrop,

but the ambiance and the conversations 

are forthright.

it is all familiar to belief.

it's like an invisible room 

in a regular house,

a dimension of living 

without upkeep necessity.

they from there, hardly ever enter 

into my day-life residence 

as real as substance.

but we do have conversations that linger.

I have recall, 

as if I was still there.

topically, whatever is said 

has impact on my day.

it colors the how 

and sometimes the what.

in general, there is this feel,

like I am just the first day back

from a travel journey.

and familiar is new again, 

sort of richly new.

not that that ever comes to be said,

while in the day of itself.

but I can feel the difference.

familiar has a warmth to it,

as if in a re-embrace 

after being parted.

travel, as if out into the big world,

is not so impressive to me anymore.

at least, in this case, no luggage, 

travel time seems to be blurred.

none of the tedium registers as occurring,

just the continuance 

of a richness smoldering.

like the smell of familiar, 

without further identification needed. 

I do know the difference 

between being awake 

and lucidly awake.

and am comfortable 

through the transitions. 

now, like the conversation of then, 

still linger into the now.

there is ever the carriage and import

without any dismay.

it does not exist as a distant memory

or has any dream carriage to it.

we, the two of us, 

awake me and still asleep,

have made a transition that is fluid.

my person feels expanded 

without complaint.

this wakefulness is somewhat expansive, sure.

but it feels normalized by now.

I just have longer days of experience

and nights that offer soft eyes

and an in-depth wisdom, 

to the rest of the day . . .

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