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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

the source of ethic


a sense of ethic is self-positional.

law is rendered, 

as a mindset existence.

the spirit of the law 

was to transcend that,

to feel for the grounding 

beyond display,

that which can be memorized, 

does not apply.

knowing and being 

have different start-ups.

we seem enhanced by knowing,

that either disguises 

or overwhelms our being.

feel is subsequently placed 

in a cognitive home.

the logic of the mind 

appears to be well dressed,

while feel is always nude, 

inside those clothes. 

surely, we have 

a basic species ethic alive

but not intended to be integrative 

with global concerns.

we, as a species, 

have a self-intimacy 

that denies that.

our sense of ethic is 

in the vain of self as concern.

we invented fear as a means 

of observation's interpretation.

it is a mind sense of that, 

that is definitional in the first sense.

we make understanding, 

a sense of rightness used.

we have a comfort-zone criteria 

as practical use.

we make life 

as an audience-director involvement.

experience becomes the movie, 

taken to heart.

this is how separatism is 

a conner stone 

of our wellness condoned.

ethic is observational cause-worthiness.

it's application should have been 

from the spirit forthcoming into play,

not ordained by bystander 

or consensual approval.

we all hurt by false premises, 

as machiavellian proposed,

as if a moral code 

is implied or imposed.

there is nothing fluid 

in the life of judgment.

and ethic is not a show of hands, 

that are judgment authored.

it is as if we all agreed 

to do a broadway show 

about 'wrong'

and tried to separate the actors 

from the audience.

and any paying customer is 

not in a position of creating value 

as a privileged perspective.

the ethic of be 

cannot be regulated 

by the ethic of know.

know should come from 

be's accessibility's domain.

so where did we loose 

the expanse of focus needed?

what is when 

the self got to be pre-occupational?

the heart-brain has an ethic.

it's where we are one 

ethic to start with.

then moving within 

and where upon . . .

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