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Friday, September 17, 2021


epiphany should be 

every breath-in on the brain.

awe is tingling in sensory surprise.

the mind should be discovery as embrace.

how come we invented conclusions, 

that flat out lie?

they do not speak of the whole. 

they speak of the relatives 

in a sooth of denial.

we wanted to be 

the energy expression of expectancy,

ever the outpour of imbibe and immerse.

the deep run of tradition 

lies in ever-connectedness.

the mind, in conclusions, 

is passé unto itself,

as a kind of smug insularity, 

talking to itself.

where is mind-rapture, 

as a constant enterprise?

experience should be expounding, zestfully. 

how did we get to 

a warehouse of conclusions as memory?

we don't want information, 

as much as, 

we want stimulation's embrace.

we want expectation's demise, 

as spontaneity's birth.

we want the levity of being triumphant,

over the safe-keeping 

of blankets of boredom.

we don't even want, want,

as much as we be the isness of living, 

embodied and personified. 

I hurt, within details and their lingerings,

but I heal, holding whole embracing me,

beyond what constantly has to offer.

there is no know that saves me,

no conclusion will destine me, 

for safe passage.

now is all confetti in passing,

either as a puzzle not yet completed

or as celebration, 

as gravity works the downward sweep.

and I stream the passing 

as joyously supreme.

if this is a cutting edge to existence,

then it is a blade of embrace,

in which no parts ever become divided 

and the illusion 

of living inside 

of a mindset existence,

becomes demystified . . .

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