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Monday, June 28, 2021

witnessing one's thoughts

to witness one's thoughts,

not for the thoughts themselves

but the feel-source

that generates them.

to witness that feel,

to stream up into that feel

and sense where that takes one.

for the energetic connection

beyond rational arrangement.

to embrace the illogical

in specific spectacular fashion

and know of oneself

beyond the self-sense 

of narrative limitations.

to be beyond the storyline,

to make the connections

to other places,

other lifetimes of dynamic account

that so subtly bleeds through vibrationally

into this life, 

at this time.

and to have a widescreen composure,

as to embrace, 

as if to come to embody, 

a greater sense of being,

more than of this lifetime of composition.

that one of being

that carries on from way before.

out of current character

but more of essence brought forward.

we are all of these facets,

all of these energetic truths, 

either buried or disguised

but destined deep in our soul nature

to be vortexes of advancement,

when the authentic situations

readily reappear, 

as if out of place or character

but not in vain.

for grandness of evolution

brings and draws from all sorts of eddies 

otherwise unidentified as such.

be that which is both mystical and myopic,

enthralled and paralyzed,

compelled beyond restraint,

able to leap out of one's rational skin

and yet land with emotional composure.

be willing to give up the sight of it.

to be at the heart of it ,

while self seen lands its own evolution.

life is that experiment,

from self as audience,

to on-stage to back stage,

to beyond performance as projection,

to source room of current self,

to being before self as presented,

to the essence of witness as self applied,

to scopes and premises

that only contain the spiritual enterprise

of being beyond time and frame limitations.

even before you came to be

that you even then were.

all starts with the simple lit match

in the wherewithal dominion 

of witnessing one's thoughts,

just for the feel-source 

within them . . .

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