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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

the denial strategy of homelessness

for every step we seem to take,

we are a little more of homelessness.

anomie is the creep within us.

the more that judgements are on the call,

the more that conclusions direct our day,

the more that mind dominance demands,

we are then 

that much more removed, 

from the emotional choir 

ever in a collective song.

for how does homelessness have to appear 

for us to be in receivership of ourselves?

what is the inner dialogue for that?

are we to just provide 

for the more obviously abandoned in others

until technique comes home to roost?

giving is the ultimate gift in getting,

once one has come to soul-provide.

once care reaches deep enough within,

there is a vitality of being on the rise.

we are all helped, 

when help is on its way out of us.

it's a secretive self-process.

hard to state the rules of function,

but caring for others 

spawns this self-process.

just as misery loves company,

so does caring receive of itself in like kind.

you want homelessness?

we live it every day,

away from connectedness, all of the time.

we are preferential 

to the point of isolation's muse.

after all is said in the claim of home,

the lack of connectedness 

constitutes home-less-ness.

for being driven, as into individual success,

represents methods 

that incur home-less-ness.

for being species superior,

we derive a home version 

called the human race,

where race becomes the verb 

producing home-less-ness.

it's a wonder 

that all the depressives don't unite

and become one unified whole 

of being again.

for all that commonness 

it does not cause embrace.

for homelessness is deeply an inner state, 

a denial of self in expansive ways.

it is where oneness is not perceived,

where alone is vast to its own expanse. 

and the essential premise 

opposite to homelessness

seems not to even exist . . .

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