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Thursday, October 1, 2020

the god of you

god is an honorable concept, 

forged out of the separatism of,

there is god 

and then there is you.

as long as you maintain this separatist view,

then there is a god, 

separate from you 

and ever watching.

god then becomes, 

a moral code in your mind,

a dialogue ever available 

to inwardly converse.

a god that can be close 

or very far away.

a god that appreciates charitable and humble.

a god that has wrath

for those you see 

as despicable and contemptible.

a god that is aware 

that those of disgrace and shame,

reflect the worst aspects 

of the traits of yours,

as the damned end of the spectrum 

of deeds and actions.

a god that mentors and abides,

as we are forever 

under the watchful eyes of a god.

if we ever get to the god,

it will be in our image and likeness,

as if a story told to us as children

and then lived into the truth 

when we die.

it is a powerful relationship in the act-out,

but it still keeps one separate from god,

to be in the appreciation 

and self-witness of the deeds of god.

so what if god is within?

and there are no conversations 

for proving your worth? 

there is only you 

as the expression of god from within. 

how separate can you be 

if you are god?

most of our methods of being

are then falsely entertained.

we are not separate from anything.

we are the whole throughout our selves.

we bless by every conscious means.

we may not look holy

but energetically we connect with the all.

what god of you is not that ongoing?

no more the unworthy, 

with needs to be ruled.

you are deep down, 

the god of your all.

there is nothing that you are separate from.

you are free to see the connectedness

and to atrophy from the world of differences.

for what fluid living comes from celebration?

everything you experience, 

you bless

beyond understanding's implication of a moral code.

breath is sung 

and senses are the choir.

the god of you 

is beyond your conceptual . . .

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